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How To Deal With Child That Constantly Cries?!

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  • #16
    My crying spot is in the kitchen (open floor plan) on a squishy mat. Most quickly learn that they would rather have fun with the kids than cry in the kitchen.

    However, there was one little guy who was very persistent. I sent him home every day before naptime began because his screaming was causing serious anxiety for the other kids. He was here for 4.5-5 hours (depending on when he was dropped off) 2 days per week. After about 6 months he is now able to stay for naptime and only fusses at drop off. happyface


    • #17
      So I totally could have written this post. I had a 22 month old start last Monday who literally cries (actually never has tears so it's more of a whine/God awful sound) all day expect for a few rare moments. She naps well and when she's awake it starts all over again. To make matters worse is she has been home with mom the entire time and she got attached to watching TV. Also they are Indian and she doesn't understand hardly any English and barely feeds herself. I try to include her and she just sits and cries and stares and points at the gate to go home. It's been almost 2 full weeks and she isn't getting better. She just dumps toys off my shelf and then anders around. She WILL NOT sit unless I make her. She just wanders around all day. Outside she stands at the door whining wanting to go in. They've brought toys from home and food and have told me what she enjoys doing at home and nothing works. I've gotten maybe 1 half smile from her in 2 weeks and she won't let me hold her or sit on my lap, Do I term her or give it a few more weeks? It literally drives me bananas all day.


      • #18
        Originally posted by adnilwis View Post
        So I totally could have written this post. I had a 22 month old start last Monday who literally cries (actually never has tears so it's more of a whine/God awful sound) all day expect for a few rare moments. She naps well and when she's awake it starts all over again. To make matters worse is she has been home with mom the entire time and she got attached to watching TV. Also they are Indian and she doesn't understand hardly any English and barely feeds herself. I try to include her and she just sits and cries and stares and points at the gate to go home. It's been almost 2 full weeks and she isn't getting better. She just dumps toys off my shelf and then anders around. She WILL NOT sit unless I make her. She just wanders around all day. Outside she stands at the door whining wanting to go in. They've brought toys from home and food and have told me what she enjoys doing at home and nothing works. I've gotten maybe 1 half smile from her in 2 weeks and she won't let me hold her or sit on my lap, Do I term her or give it a few more weeks? It literally drives me bananas all day.
        Personally, I'd term. After 2+ decades in this field, I just can't listen to a screaming child all day long.

        I understand, don't like it but understand. The other kids don't. It causes them stress and anxiety too... something I never really thought about before until I termed an all day crier after months of trying. The behaviors and overall mood of the other kids immediately improved.

        For me, it's not about the's about sanity.


        • #19
          Originally posted by adnilwis View Post
          So I totally could have written this post. I had a 22 month old start last Monday who literally cries (actually never has tears so it's more of a whine/God awful sound) all day expect for a few rare moments. She naps well and when she's awake it starts all over again. To make matters worse is she has been home with mom the entire time and she got attached to watching TV. Also they are Indian and she doesn't understand hardly any English and barely feeds herself. I try to include her and she just sits and cries and stares and points at the gate to go home. It's been almost 2 full weeks and she isn't getting better. She just dumps toys off my shelf and then anders around. She WILL NOT sit unless I make her. She just wanders around all day. Outside she stands at the door whining wanting to go in. They've brought toys from home and food and have told me what she enjoys doing at home and nothing works. I've gotten maybe 1 half smile from her in 2 weeks and she won't let me hold her or sit on my lap, Do I term her or give it a few more weeks? It literally drives me bananas all day.
          I had this child too and within two weeks I had to term (coincidentally she was also Indian so perhaps just incompatible parenting styles?). We would be outside having fun and she would stand by the door wailing for literally 45 minutes. There was absolutely no reason to be crying that much! Some children just have attachement issues and it is very hard for them to trust the world around them. They have not learned to deal with stress and to self regulate emotions because their emotions are constantly being managed for them (through tv, coddling, ipad etc). There is literally nothing I can do for these children as a provider and it is certainly not worth the paycheck I am getting to say nothing of the stress it brings to the group.

