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Probation Letter - What Do You Think

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  • Probation Letter - What Do You Think

    Please help.....give me your toughts, Criticism, or input....
    thanks ladies and TGIF!!!

    Prior to your child’s admission to our day care, we entered into an agreement that you and your family would abide by all the policies and rules in the Parent Handbook.
    Over the course of the past several months, I have been very lenient with the rules with you. I have had to spend countless non-paid hours trying to help you get all of your records up to date, filing and emailing forms with the county heath office, along with many other things. This is much more than I have done for any other family here.
    I hope you understand that I always try my best to be understanding, flexible and compassionate to those that are in my care. However, I will no longer be able to offer this flexibility that I have offered in the past.
    Starting February 1, 2011, I will be placing you on a 14 day probationary period. I expect during this time for you to follow through with all of the Parent Handbook rules and policies. If for any reason during the 14 day period, you breach the contract or rules, I will be terminating your contract immediately without refund.
    I hope that we can see to work things out and that your children can continue their stay here. If you have any further questions, Please feel free to contact me.

  • #2
    My question is....what are they doing/not doing that you would like to have them stop/start doing?


    • #3
      Originally posted by missnikki View Post
      My question is....what are they doing/not doing that you would like to have them stop/start doing?
      OMG too much to mention.....
      showing up on days when not contracted, showing up super early. Never paying on time. Not updating records, the list goes on..
      I just felt that it was best not to point out all of the rules broken?? I was told not to give a reason when terming??
      One of the things that sent me over edge was that their lil guy was very very ill, they brought him to care and did not tell me. He had a seziure while here in my care and when the grandma came to pick him up she was soooo pissed off. She told me the baby just got out of the hospital two days prior..............ugh


      • #4
        Originally posted by lvt77 View Post
        OMG too much to mention.....
        showing up on days when not contracted, showing up super early. Never paying on time. Not updating records, the list goes on..
        I just felt that it was best not to point out all of the rules broken?? I was told not to give a reason when terming??
        One of the things that sent me over edge was that their lil guy was very very ill, they brought him to care and did not tell me. He had a seziure while here in my care and when the grandma came to pick him up she was soooo pissed off. She told me the baby just got out of the hospital two days prior..............ugh
        First off I can not believe they did that to you ad their child me personally I would of termed right then and there. I like your letter its forward and straight to the point. Good luck.


        • #5
          trust me if I werent such a softy I would have term a long time ago. Im a huge sucker for the kids and I love them, so I don't want them to miss out cuz they have silly parents....

          so you would not change anything?


          • #6
            I think the letter is great, I would maybe add just in conversation that you are tying to keep things business oriented and not too personal. Hard to do when we develop a personal relationship with the kids but necessary with the parents. That will hopefully help them understand your pov better.


            • #7
              you are so right.... I always say that to parents when I talk with them, but do you think that I should also write it in the letter??


              • #8
                Did you read the letter Abigail wrote for me yesterday? It's under Need Feedback or something like that. At the end of that thread she explained how you write something positive in the first paragraph, the actual issue in the second, and then swing it back to positive to stick the point (or something like that).

                You could start with how much you love having their kids in your care and then use your letter for the 2nd paragraph, up until the last sentence. Use that sentence as your 3rd paragraph and maybe add to it if it's too puny. Or, maybe Abigail will see this and write a letter for you too! ::


                • #9
                  I would get to the point, I like being straight foward. Some people need it point blank to get the hint.


                  • #10

                    I understand being soft, but your daycare is your business. By telling them you have done more for them than any other family you open yourself to discrminatory treatment from other families, don't let this bite you.

                    I would be vague and direct According to the policy manual you have signed upon enrollment you agreed to abide by the policies of our daycare. These policies have not been adhered to for sometime, we have attempted to work with you on these issues.

                    As of Feb 01, 2011 (or whatever) I will have no choice but to terminate care for non-compliance.

                    Should you be able to bring your account in compliance before that date I will offer a 30-day probationary period.

                    I hope this helps,

                    [email protected]

