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Drop-In Rates And Policies

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  • Drop-In Rates And Policies

    Curious as to what everyone's policies are on drop-in care. How much notice do you require? Do you charge a registration fee or anything in addition to the drop-in rate? Curious as how to word and determine policies on this as a client has requested it.

  • #2
    Don't have any kids right now that do drop in but have in the past.
    I have parents sign paperwork such as my contract. I have a place we're I fill out hours and days there I write drop in care as needed. I charge $5 more dollars per day for drop in care then my regular day fee. I don't require much notice (I've had them call same day) if there already filled out paperwork. I let a parent know that availability is first come first serve so if I'm full that day then they are out of luck. Or if I fill the space with a permeates kid (unless they have booked something already). Also I would take payment at drop off, except with one client who would sometimes not have cash in am but who came often and would pay at pick up.


    • #3
      Forgot to add I would not charge if they canceled either unless I turned another parent away. I made sure to add this to my contract. I always loved it cause it was extra money I would not have if they did not need cate that day.


      • #4
        Originally posted by trix23 View Post
        Curious as to what everyone's policies are on drop-in care. How much notice do you require? Do you charge a registration fee or anything in addition to the drop-in rate? Curious as how to word and determine policies on this as a client has requested it.
        I have a separate drop-in contract & parents/guardian still have to fill out registration paperwork (preferably in advance... I never do drop in care without meeting family first unless it's a shelter mom - long story); my fee is hourly up to 6hrs, limit of 10; After 10 hrs of care I go to an even higher hourly charge (even if it's only 15 minutes over). I request 24 hr notice (48 for Saturdays) but will consider short notice if I know/have dealt with the family already or it's a shelter mom - I deal with kids in crises, foster babies etc. I also only care for infants & younger toddlers (up to 18 months); I have a 12 hr cancellation notice & it's for reschedule only up to 30 days, you cancel with out proper notice, you paid for the time booked - no refund; I will bill you for time reserved if you no call no show & haven't prepaid


        • #5
          DCG is now in drop-in care but hasn't come in 2 weeks

          Wondering what to say to the parents about it- I want to know if they are withdrawing or just haven't needed care. There's been a lot going on like job changes, schedule changes, etc but at the same time, I wouldn't be surprised if they quit coming because the mom doesn't like some of my policies (that they agreed to when signing up) like paying for days enrolled, even if DCG doesn't attend and my paid holiday pricing for if a parent needs care (1.5x normal rate for that day only). Said something like "you won't do care on that day for [drop-in rate] and it'll be [drop-in rate x 1.5]."



          • #6
            Originally posted by trix23 View Post
            Wondering what to say to the parents about it- I want to know if they are withdrawing or just haven't needed care. There's been a lot going on like job changes, schedule changes, etc but at the same time, I wouldn't be surprised if they quit coming because the mom doesn't like some of my policies (that they agreed to when signing up) like paying for days enrolled, even if DCG doesn't attend and my paid holiday pricing for if a parent needs care (1.5x normal rate for that day only). Said something like "you won't do care on that day for [drop-in rate] and it'll be [drop-in rate x 1.5]."

            For Regularly contracted families, I have it in my policies that if you no show, no call for 3 days running I terminate the contract & start hunting for a family to replace; I refuse to sit in Limbo because of someone else issues and it's not my job to parent them to see when they will be coming ( I got rid of a family for this garbage recently). If this family was mine... they wouldn't have any option but Drop-in care, PRE PAID no less


            • #7
              While I think it's great to drop in, I wouldn't r fund for days that they scheduled but didn't use. What about the money you spent to have the child there that day?

              When I first opened, I did drop in. I required payment on Friday with schedule in advance. If you didn't use those days you scheduled then It's thier loss. Unless you have TONS of people knocking on your door for drop in, it's unlikely you will find another family last minute to drop in and take over the other families cancelled day.

              Take into consideration the money you will spend on insurance and food, as well as supplies and etc.

              I don't know how others do it, but this is how I used to. I didn't have good success with drop in, too many behavior issues from both parents and kids.

              Best of luck to you.


              • #8
                My drop-in kids pay at the beginning of the day and i require a 36 hour minimum notice. They were a contracted family but switched to drop-in care to save $ (assuming). They had grandma care for DCG up til this point for free and grandma is now working again and can't watch DCG anymore.


                • #9
                  I only have PT and FT kids pay for days they are scheduled but don't come. What are your drop-in policies, notice required, etc?


                  • #10
                    I charge a premium rate for drop in care (an additional $15) and need 24 hour notice. I do not tell parents I offer this care and they only know if they ask for it. I reserve the right to say no at any time. They pay me cash or etransfer before care begins, so the night before or that morning. I personally do not charge if they cancel because I use that as an incentive for them to not bring their child. Basically I do not like drop in care but will do it for some families.


                    • #11
                      I do drop in care for 1 family right now. They call when they need me at least 24 hrs in advance. I charge $60 for up to 9 hrs. I don't charge if they cancel as this hasn't happened yet. Dcg usually comes once a week, sometimes once everyb2 weeks. Follow same policies as others. They pay at drop off that day. They provide diapers and wipes, I provide food


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by lovemydaycare0912 View Post
                        I do drop in care for 1 family right now. They call when they need me at least 24 hrs in advance. I charge $60 for up to 9 hrs. I don't charge if they cancel as this hasn't happened yet. Dcg usually comes once a week, sometimes once everyb2 weeks. Follow same policies as others. They pay at drop off that day. They provide diapers and wipes, I provide food

                        If you don't mind me asking, what do you charge for a full time client to have drop-in rates so high?


                        • #13
                          What would you do if you had a PT client that wanted to switch to drop-in care? This happened to me and I wasn't sure how to handle it. DCG has been here once since the switch. They were my first customer (only open 3 months) and I allowed a 5:30am drop-off for them for a month while their schedule was crazy. DCM always was pushy about my unpleasant policies, so it may be good riddance, but I'm looking for insight.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by trix23 View Post
                            What would you do if you had a PT client that wanted to switch to drop-in care? This happened to me and I wasn't sure how to handle it. DCG has been here once since the switch. They were my first customer (only open 3 months) and I allowed a 5:30am drop-off for them for a month while their schedule was crazy. DCM always was pushy about my unpleasant policies, so it may be good riddance, but I'm looking for insight.
                            I would try to actively fill the spot and advertise! I'd tell DCM drop in doesn't guarantee a spot and because of that you may not always be able to take DCG.

                            Once the spot was filled I'd tell DCM (if she inquired) there is no space for the forseeable future and you will let her know if any unexpected circumstances arise and you can take DCG (even though I personally wouldn't ) and she will probably just fade out slowly and you won't hear from her anymore because she'll find other arrangements.

                            Worse case scenario she says she wants to go back to PT to guarantee a spot if you say you won't guarantee a drop in spot. I would then tell DCM you're pursuing FT care only at this time for that spot. If she says she wants FT (doubt she would) I'd only agree if she would be willing to follow my policies and procedures and I'd make it clear she must be willing to do so and it can't be how it was previously with her being pushy about stuff. I don't want anyone in and out of my home who won't respect me. I have already learned that the hard way and even though I tried to be nice and give a proper notice DCM was NOT pleasant after I termed her for constantly pushing my policies and just down right putting me in ridiculous positions. I ended up terming her immediately after I tried to give a proper polite notice and she acted out. Not fun at all!


                            • #15
                              I have a Drop-In program. It is 1st come, 1st serve so a spot may or may not be available. Payment is in cash (just in case I never see them again). One page contract. No extra fees and at least a 24-hour cancellation or fee is applied.

                              DM me if you would like to see the Drop-In contract I use.

