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How Do You Handle These Work At Home Problems?

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  • How Do You Handle These Work At Home Problems?

    1) Children and/ or Spouse
    I homeschool my 2 children (ages 12 and 13). My DH generally works nights, so he is home for the morning and part of the afternoon. I try to separate business and personal, but sometimes they'll have requests or be looking for something and ask. If I'm occupied with the daycare, I tend to snap at them lately because I want to help them, but I can't. I only keep 4 children, so if it's naptime, or they're all occupied with a craft or playing, then I can answer a question so I don't want to have a blanket "don't talk to me during business hours" rule. How do you handle this with your children or spouse?

    2) Solicitors, annoying neighbors, anyone knocking on your front door.
    My daycare room is right on the front of our house- huge windows that start near the floor and a sidewalk that runs directly in front of the windows from our driveway to the front door. I have shades that I keep open during business hours (only closed at naptime) because it keeps the room so bright and sunny and we all enjoy looking out and watching the birds, etc.. How do those of you who have a similar situation handle people at the door? I can't exactly ignore them since they can see me... Authorities or package delivery are welcome, of course

    Thank you in advance!

  • #2
    1. A manager told us about a friend who worked in a busy, noisy open office. Staff was provided with three foam shapes to keep on their desks. Green cone meant "I'm available." Yellow disc meant "I'm available by appointment." Red cube meant "I'm crunching right now. Come back another time." Maybe you could come up with something similar.

    2. I have a laminated sign that I stick to my metal front door with a magnet. It says:

    Do not ring bell
    Call or knock

    It works! Maybe you could come up with something similar: "Knox Day Care is open. Deliveries and inspectors welcome. All other visitors please come back after business hours."


    • #3
      "Absolutely no solicitation. If we don't have it, we don't need it" was the sign I used on my door. I still got deliveries but people selling stuff would be too intimidated to ring the bell!

      As for spouse questions how about a code word? "Not now" should suffice!


      • #4
        My classroom is also the front room of the house - we have an intercom. I don't answer the door unless I know who it is and/or am expecting someone. Otherwise I answer through the intercom. Maybe you could get something like that?


        • #5
          When my spouse is home during business he KNOWS to stay out of my space. We had that discussion after the first time because he thought I was just available for whatever he needed so I set some rules.

          It sounds like we have a similar set up. I have a sign on my door that says "no soliciting. Home business in operation" If they choose to ignore the sign, I choose to ignore them. If they are persistent I might open the door and say no thanks, but I really try not to open the door for solicitors. It worries me.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Pestle View Post
            1. A manager told us about a friend who worked in a busy, noisy open office. Staff was provided with three foam shapes to keep on their desks. Green cone meant "I'm available." Yellow disc meant "I'm available by appointment." Red cube meant "I'm crunching right now. Come back another time." Maybe you could come up with something similar.

            2. I have a laminated sign that I stick to my metal front door with a magnet. It says:

            NAP TIME
            Do not ring bell
            Call or knock

            It works! Maybe you could come up with something similar: "Knox Day Care is open. Deliveries and inspectors welcome. All other visitors please come back after business hours."
            I second these ideas.


            • #7
              I answer the door with a
              "Hi I have ten children under four, what do you want? "
              "Can I help you?"
              They state what they want and I say "no thank you."
              "Email me."
              And have them write down my least used email that I use for drawings and promo junk at fairs and stuff.
              For my fam, I just say,
              Give me a little bit
              Help me with this
              You stay be the kids and I'll find it.
              I've done this 30 years and raised a husband, four kids, in laws and a dog doing it. Lol
              They all know the drill.
              Mine is a true family childcare the kids all know all my family. They call my parents and my in laws Mamaw and Papaw grandma and grandpa.
              They know my son and daughter in law.
              It just works for us.

