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Daycare Dreams (Nightmares???)

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  • Daycare Dreams (Nightmares???)

    Does anyone else dream of daycare stuff...

    I do, EVERY night. It's usually something like I am doing stuff with my family, on vacation at the beach, or some other non daycare family activity and all of the sudden daycare parents show up to drop off their kids. Or sometimes they show up to pick up their kids and I am not even aware that I have their kids and am freaking out because I don't know where they are. I have these dreams (nightmares) EVERY night. Just curious if anyone else does...?

  • #2
    Sounds like you need a vacation!! LOL!!! ::::


    • #3
      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
      Sounds like you need a vacation!! LOL!!! ::::
      I know! I think I do. I haven't had a vacation since July, but even then, every night I had these dreams. For as long as I can remember every night. Am I going off the deep end??


      • #4
        This has happened to me before too. I think they're stress dreams. Before I started daycare, whenever I was worried about something (whether a transition in life or money troubles, etc) I would dream about working at the grocery store I used to work at when I was in high school :: It was me as an adult trying to remember how to run the register, and I couldn't remember!

        Now that I'm in daycare, whenever I'm worried about something I'll dream the exact same thing as you! I dream that I oversleep or that I'm about to go somewhere and the dcps are dropping off their kids unexpectedly.

        I know this is a silly question for a daycare provider, but are you under any stress (other than the norm or course )


        • #5
          I sometimes dream that people I don't know are dropping kids I do not know ! Lol.


          • #6
            Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
            I sometimes dream that people I don't know are dropping kids I do not know ! Lol.
            This is me. I have dreams of random people showing up at the door and insisting that I watch their children. I tell them I don't have room, and they refuse to take their children with them. They MUST stay here.


            • #7
              YES! The last two nights I have dreamt that a daycare kid has thrown up on me. Each time a different daycare kid. I totally need a vacation!


              • #8
                I wake up in the middle of the night, and think that I still have kids that the parents haven't picked up yet, and I've lost them
                I'm sure the 'losing" has some important meaning-I have dreams about losing people all the children, my parents, my dc kids- I have them often enough that now when I wake up panicked I stop and think "is this real?" before I wake up my hubby to help me look. He's not very happy when I wake him up to look for random lost people in the middle of the night!
                You probably are stressed...but don't have any words of wisdom for you!


                • #9
                  I have nightmares about kids I've termed for scary reasons. On occasion I wake up in a panic because I don't know where the daycare kids are sleeping ...


                  • #10
                    I've had dreams that all of a sudden I have all kinds of kids running around all over the place, and more coming in the door. All kids that I've never even seen before. Once in awhile a couple of dc kids are there too, but mostly it's ALLL new kids. And I'm losing them right and left through the back door or somewhere as other kids come in the front door.
                    I also have a lot of dreams that I lose certain dc kids and can't find them. Some of them (in my dream) get out and run away when I'm not looking.


                    • #11
                      I laughed when I saw this thread, because I dream about child care ALL of the time. I think it's just because it's on my mind all of the time and in such a concerning way! It's invaded my consciousness!


                      • #12
                        Gosh, I've had most of these dreams at one time or another! Someone once told me that it's one way your mind deals with the stress and incredible responsibility that being a daycare provider carries with it.

