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My Baby Is Moving To The Toddler Room!!

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  • My Baby Is Moving To The Toddler Room!!


    2 months ago I was sooooooo not ready for this, but now that it's happening I'm excited! It's bittersweet because he's been at his daycare center since 5 weeks old and has grown up with the girls in there, but at the new year he'll be moving!

    Anything I should to do try to get him ready? He's my perfect eater/sleeper, but I've been trying to get him to follow directions a little better and he doesn't seem to get it AT ALL. Maybe because he's so young? I dunno, I feel like he's a little delayed in that department.

  • #2
    Awwwww! Is he down to one nap? What's their schedule like?


    • #3
      In the infant room he is offered 2 naps but he usually won't go down for his second nap, most days he takes 1 two hour nap.

      This will be his new schedule, I think he will love it because it appears he will be eating all day..........

      8:15 snack
      8:45-9:15 outdoor play
      11:00 lunch
      11:45-1:45 nap
      2:00 snack
      3:00-3:30 outdoor play
      5:00 snack


      • #4
        He'll be a few days short of 15 months when he is moved.


        • #5
          One of the assistants in the room told me that the hardest part of the transition is from sleeping in a pack n play to sleeping on a mat or a cot or something during nap time.

          He sleeps in a crib at home and is actually rather awful at sleeping if we for some reason need him to sleep elsewhere. Maybe he'll transition fine, but I have no idea how I could try to prepare him for it. Honestly it sounds like a nightmare for the teachers, haha!


          • #6
            Originally posted by happymom View Post
            , I think he will love it because it appears he will be eating all day..........
            My husbands is the same schedule!! Lol


            • #7
              Originally posted by laundrymom View Post
              My husbands is the same schedule!! Lol

              Is it so bad, I feed the kid before we leave for daycare, too. He is constantly eating.

