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Website Input Please

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  • Website Input Please

  • #2
    I'm still new to all of this, but looked at it through the eyes of a parent. Love the colors, love that it is easy to navigate. I like that looks well done with transitions and slides, but is simple enough to not be overwhelming, it is laid out well.

    Here are some quick editing suggestions though:

    "Just because you are not seeing anything in the way of papers does not mean that we have not been busy all day." This is the last sentence in the "about us" page. I feel like I've missed something. I think it would read just as well if you omitted this sentence.

    The 5th picture on the home page is sideways and a little blurry. The rest are so clear and look well thought out, and this one just doesn't quite fit (it is also an area that was already pictured).

    Also on the homepage, at the bottom, the "About Us" and "Family Centered Programming" paragraphs. I would rearrange and split them like this: (I also underlined two typos)

    Title: About Us or Our Programs is Family Centered
    I provide age appropriate activities for all ages and this includes individualized lesson plans for each child in care.
    We believe that learning should be both fun and safe. Encouragement and love, we feel, go hand and hand with education. Your children should feel free to explore and learn wtihin the enviroment.

    Title: Something About Food
    I participate in the Federal Food Program. All meals meet the guidelines for balanced and nutritious meals. Our philosophy is a healthy living starts with a healthy diet. Everything we cook is made fresh, it is the same food my children eat every day. I enjoy cooking and try many different recipes and heavy cooking is natural to me. We have a hundred different varieties of meals to choose from. Call today to schedule your interview.

    The timing on some of the Testimonial slides was being weird for me. Several of them would skip ahead before I had a chance to read them. Also the white letters on the testimonial by Brittany are hard to read, I had to highlight them to see them well.

    Hope this is helpful.


    • #3
      Originally posted by lthomas06586 View Post
      There are other typos too... like on the first page under Meet our Staff; it should read we're excited YOU'RE here, not your. I also noticed that an I is actually i when you are reading the paragraph about staff.


      • #4
        thank you i fixed the typos


        • #5
          I like it! The only thing I would do is pick either "I" or "we" throughout the whole site. I'm assuming with different rooms you have other people working for you, so I'd go with "we" throughout. And photos/bio of all staff plus which room they work in. It's nice to be able to put a face to who will be working with your kiddo


          • #6
            It looks good, but there are some typos under the "Our Staff" section as well. The words "i" and "contuning."


            • #7
              I would suggest that you remove the dates off of the pictures on the slideshow on the home page, unless you plan to update your photos often. It's an unneeded distraction.

              Under your About Us section on the homepage you have two typos. The typos are both within your second sentence. The words 'within' and 'environment' are both misspelled. I would suggest condensing the two sentences "Encouragement and love, we feel, go hand in hand with education. Your children should feel free to explore and learn within the environment" as it is quite confusing. I would suggest condensing it to something along the lines of "I lovingly encourage children to explore their learning environment." I would use the word I as opposed to we since it seems you are the only provider. Is this correct? If so, please make sure all of your website is either I or we, depending on if you are the only provider or if you have more than one. I would also suggest you changing it from Meet Our Staff to Meet Miss (whatever the kids call you) to make it more personal. This helped me as then parents (well those who read the website) knew it was just me as the provider, but it also helped them know what to call me. Mine was "Meet Miss C" and in that section I had what you have, my bio of sorts.
              I would remove the part that says "it is the same food my children eat every day." You don't have to explain yourself and it doesn't help. (One of the keys to looking at and reviewing something is ask yourself if it helps or hinders? If it's not helping, it is hindering as it is more that the parents have to read, and some of them only have a small attention span.) I would assume that you meant to say "healthy cooking is natural to me." If so, the word heavy would need to be changed. I would also reword the sentence "We have a hundred different varieties of meals to choose from" to I serve a large variety of meals. You don't want it to sound like your parents/children are getting to choose the meals that are being offered.
              Your sentence "I provide age appropriate activities for all ages and this includes individualized lesson plans for each child in child care" can be broke up to read "I provide age appropriate activities for all children enrolled. Each child has an individualized (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly) lesson plan." (Be prepared to show them to the parents upon request if you post this.)
              Under Meet Our Staff, the sentence is actually two sentences. "I'm excited you're here. Get to know me." <<Here you have two different forms...are you an "I" or are you a "we?"
              Under your About Us section I would suggest that you start out with the Have being capitalized. I know it is part of the sentence of Kreative Kids... but it is also the beginning of a sentence. It also should not be Have. It should be Has to form a correct sentence. I would suggest a , in the sentence "unexpected, but" so brains will take their small pause. As far as training that has been provided to you (info on this page and the about us page) I might suggest you tell a small amount of what type of training you have completed, such as what classes. I also noticed that in your third sentence on your about me page there is a lower case i when there should be a capital I.

              I'm going to stop right here. I hope you don't think I'm being harsh on you. I really do love creating websites and love looking at others websites as they have created them. I hope that you take my notes as suggestions made out of love. I wish you well and it is a really bright website! You've done well!


              • #8
                Looks nice, the photo of the kitchen is orientated in landscape mode but was shot in portrait mode so it is rotated 90 degrees. I would simply omit that photo, or retake in landscape mode.

                Ooops sorry I just realized this was already addressed!

