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  • Advertising

    Has anyone utilized for advertising?

  • #2
    Originally posted by lthomas06586 View Post
    Has anyone utilized for advertising?
    Here are several other threads about


    • #3
      YES! we were getting 15+ referrals online daily and then over 10/15 calls daily..... that's where all of our waitlist parents have come from


      • #4
        Yes about a year ago and I received a few referrals but in my part of Texas the market is so flooded there are too many daycares to compete with on that site and between the nannies and other options I didn't like it. I think it depends on the area you live in but most parents on the hat site seemed the ha to be looking for nanny care at daycare price or wanting nanny care at a daycare center/home. I stop paying for that service and have my website and Facebook page and those keep me full and with a small waiting list.


        • #5
          Been on there for way too long, even payed for a membership, and never ever got any business from it. Too many dead ads because parent's can't respond and too many childcare provider hands in the pot (i.e more providers looking for work then parents needing them).

          I've had better luck and got the most inquires from FB & advertising within it's communities.


          • #6
            Been on it since September and have received one sign up from it. I think i paid about 250 for 6 months or something like that. There are a few problems with their referral system though.
            1) You can't limit the distance to a small area which is crazy because I get referrals from parents in another state which is useless as most parents are looking locally. So that distorts their referral data.
            2) When a parent signs up and fills out the form it automatically sends the referrals out to all daycares in the vicinity and not really directly interested in your daycare so you have to call those people to see if they really are interested.

            I'll probably renew though because even if I got 1 sign up it is still worth it at the moment. You just have to be on top of it and decide if you want to call every referral contact that comes through even if its not a local.

