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Questions For A Director

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  • Questions For A Director

    I'm taking a class in which I have to interview directors from different centers. If anyone is willing to help me by answering these questions.

    Center Name:

    1. What are your procedures for enrolling a new child?

    2. How do you go about scheduling staff?

    3. What steps do you take to ensure all files are updated on time?

  • #2
    Welcome to the forum!


    • #3
      Answers beside questions.

      Originally posted by TMcCumber View Post
      I'm taking a class in which I have to interview directors from different centers. If anyone is willing to help me by answering these questions.

      Name: Lori Goebel
      Center Name: Sunrise Christian Childcare

      1. What are your procedures for enrolling a new child? Family must turn in enrollment form, emergency medical form, and physical from doctor at least 2 days before enrolling. The $90 registration fee is also due at that time.

      2. How do you go about scheduling staff? Staff scheduling is probaby the biggest headache of my job, especially right now as I have 1 person out for 5 weeks after surgery. Each preschool room has 1 full time teacher, and the infant and toddler rooms have a full time teacher and full time aide. Usually the teacher will work 7:30-3:30 and the aide either 8:30-5:30, or 9:00-6:00, etc. depending on how the kids arrive and leave. We have 2 opening teachers. One opens the chilcare and one opens the elementary before school program (We have a Christian School - K-12th grade) When the other teachers arrive at 7:30 they take their kids and open their room. THere are about 7-10 kids in the opening room at 7:30. Around 4:30 we start condensing down rooms so teachers can go home and have just 1-2 employees who have to stay until closing time. I have a couple employees who are in the college and work part time in the afternoon/evenings and then I have 2 subs that I can call on when I need them.

      3. What steps do you take to ensure all files are updated on time? THis is the hard. We try to go through the files every couple of months and let the parents know what they are missing. Our state isn't as strict about immunizations as long as the child is close to current it is ok.

