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  • Help

    I have a mom that is being abused by her husband
    the kids are fine
    what would you do?
    she is scared

  • #2
    No kid is fine when they are subjected to an abusive environment. You need to call CPS and report it ASAP. Hopefully they will help he mother too.


    • #3
      It depends on what the mother wants to do. If you report him to the police and she is afraid of him and not ready to do anything about it, she may say it's not true and say whatever she needs to say to keep him from being charged for fear. Whether he gets arrested or not, he will probably get angry and take it out on her the first chance he gets.

      If she's ready to do something about it, she's going to need a friend to help her through it. How involved do you want to get? Go with her to the police station, preferably when the kids aren't home if possible, and have her tell her story. They will know best how to handle it, and if she's ready to stand her ground and put an end to the abuse, the police should be arresting him and even if he is released later, he should be prohibited from going near her.

      If she's not ready to do something about it, it'll most likely be for fear of what will happen if she does. Tell her it may be tough, but it will be just as tough, or even tougher, to wait for another year or 2, and in the meantime, the abuse will not stop, and could get even worse.

      If she doesn't want to go that far, the police, she could confront him about it and see if he's willing to get help, but ONLY if she thinks there's some chance that he does want help. Otherwise, confronting him will just make it worse.

      If she wants to talk to someone who can help her with choices after getting some information, search for abuse help and her city, state or country. There are good help lines out there that can assist her with putting an end to it as safely as possible.
      Children are little angels, even when they are little devils.
      They are also our future.


      • #4
        Give her info for abuse hotlines and local agencies. Those people can guide her through it.


        • #5
          Did the mom confide in you, or do you see bruises ? I'm wondering what makes you say she is being abused.


          • #6
            Originally posted by daycare View Post
            No kid is fine when they are subjected to an abusive environment. You need to call CPS and report it ASAP. Hopefully they will help he mother too.
            I agree. If the kids are exposed to their mother's abuse, they need to get's a huge trauma to children that they don't deserve.


            • #7
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              • #8
                I have seen bruises, they missed a couple days of school with no explanation and today the kids are talking, so I will proceed with the referral
                thank you for the help

