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Arizona Ruling On Genital Contact

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  • Arizona Ruling On Genital Contact

    Well, this is . . . possibly alarming?

    Original ruling here

    Commentary from Slate here

    The Arizona Supreme Court issued a stunning and horrifying decision on Tuesday, interpreting a state law to criminalize any contact between an adult and a child’s genitals. According to the court, the law’s sweep encompasses wholly innocent conduct, such as changing a diaper or bathing a baby. As the stinging dissent notes, “parents and other caregivers” in the state are now considered to be “child molesters or sex abusers under Arizona law.” Those convicted under the statute may be imprisoned for five years.

    How did this happen? A combination of bad legislating and terrible judging. Start with the legislature, which passed laws forbidding any person from “intentionally or knowingly … touching … any part of the genitals, anus or female breast” of a child “under fifteen years of age.” Notice something odd about that? Although the laws call such contact “child molestation” or “sexual abuse,” the statutes themselves do not require the “touching” to be sexual in nature. (No other state’s law excludes this element of improper sexual intent.) Indeed, read literally, the statutes would seem to prohibit parents from changing their child’s diaper. And the measures forbid both “direct and indirect touching,” meaning parents cannot even bathe their child without becoming sexual abusers under the law.

  • #2
    This just makes no sense to me :confused:


    • #3
      wow. Just WOW.


      • #4
        Hmmm ... wouldn't it be child neglect if you didn't? :confused: What's the work around for that? Under this law, you go to jail no matter what you do.


        • #5
          Originally posted by spedmommy4 View Post
          Hmmm ... wouldn't it be child neglect if you didn't? :confused: What's the work around for that? Under this law, you go to jail no matter what you do.
          I guess you just affix the child over a barrel and let everything run into it. You can't hose them down, either; "indirect" contact is also off-limits.

          Wonder if it's one of those laws that the lawmakers claim will only ever be enforced when it's real BAD GUYS breaking it. Like when Virginia criminalized all "backdoor" sex but Ken Cuccinelli pinky-promised it wouldn't be used against straight married couples.

          Good grief.


          • #6
            Originally posted by spedmommy4 View Post
            Hmmm ... wouldn't it be child neglect if you didn't? :confused: What's the work around for that? Under this law, you go to jail no matter what you do.
            Maybe they don't want anyone having any more babies. ::
            Children are little angels, even when they are little devils.
            They are also our future.


            • #7
              This new "law" breaks the 14th Amendment

              Although prosecutors are stating that people just changing their kids diapers won't be held criminally liable, that's not how our justice system works. The law isn't supposed to be left open for interpretation AFTER it's passed.

              The Constitution, as part of the Due Process clause of the 14th Amendment, does not allow for the passage of laws that will be defined later - people must be aware what the law prohibits so that they can be held accountable when they choose to break it.

              Stern also notes that such a change completely reverses roles inside the courtroom, forcing the defendant to prove his innocence rather than the state to prove guilt, and effectively erasing the "innocent until proven guilty" principle upon which the American justice system was built.


              • #8
                So many laws they SHOULD be passing like longer sentencing laws for actual offenders but nope lets make laws that make people who change diapers sex offenders :confused:

