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Does Anyone Else?

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  • Does Anyone Else?

    I just have to know. Does anyone else have dcparents that are teachers and still send their kids all summer long? I have parents that are both teachers and send their kid to me for 50+ hours a week even though neither of them work. Who does that?The mom is always in pyjamas and regularly makes comments about going back home to sleep in. they absolutely never pick up early not a single time this summer. They pick up at 5:30 always even though I've mentioned many times that they can pick him up anytime and that my other parents always pick up as soon as they're off work so if they wanted to get him early that would be fine. But nope it's exactly 5:30 every day

    They post pictures of their son all the time and it's always the pictures that I message them. I send all the parents pictures of their kids when they do fun things. So these parents post those pictures to their face books and yesterday someone commented about how they always do such creative and fun things with their kid and the dad wrote Thanks! So now I'm mad

    I really can't say anything and I know it isn't my right. I just wanted to vent and see if anyone else has parents that apparently have no interest in being with their kid. What do they do all day?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    I just have to know. Does anyone else have dcparents that are teachers and still send their kids all summer long? I have parents that are both teachers and send their kid to me for 50+ hours a week even though neither of them work. Who does that?The mom is always in pyjamas and regularly makes comments about going back home to sleep in. they absolutely never pick up early not a single time this summer. They pick up at 5:30 always even though I've mentioned many times that they can pick him up anytime and that my other parents always pick up as soon as they're off work so if they wanted to get him early that would be fine. But nope it's exactly 5:30 every day

    They post pictures of their son all the time and it's always the pictures that I message them. I send all the parents pictures of their kids when they do fun things. So these parents post those pictures to their face books and yesterday someone commented about how they always do such creative and fun things with their kid and the dad wrote Thanks! So now I'm mad

    I really can't say anything and I know it isn't my right. I just wanted to vent and see if anyone else has parents that apparently have no interest in being with their kid. What do they do all day?
    Almost every one of my kids attends year round and many of my parents have seasonal type jobs or work shift work allowing them a lot of time off or periods of not working at all.

    But I charge 52 weeks a year so I don't spend much time worrying about whether a parent is working or not working.

    As long as my kiddos are dropped off well rested, well fed, clean and in good spirits, I'm good.

    It's way to stressful to worry about what other people are doing. I'm busy enough as it is.


    • #3
      I often wonder how many parents out there don't actually want their kids, or just want them for their own personal gain in one way or another, but like others have posted many times, if you're paid to watch their child, who cares what they are doing.

      Now, the part about indirectly taking credit where credit is not due, that is so annoying. I've had that happen in each of the different businesses I had. Half the time, people find the truth later anyway. The other half, we either correct, or just leave it alone.

      If it were me, I'd intentionally try taking pictures that showed enough of the area around that it was obvious it was taken at a daycare.
      Children are little angels, even when they are little devils.
      They are also our future.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        I just have to know. Does anyone else have dcparents that are teachers and still send their kids all summer long? I have parents that are both teachers and send their kid to me for 50+ hours a week even though neither of them work. Who does that?The mom is always in pyjamas and regularly makes comments about going back home to sleep in. they absolutely never pick up early not a single time this summer. They pick up at 5:30 always even though I've mentioned many times that they can pick him up anytime and that my other parents always pick up as soon as they're off work so if they wanted to get him early that would be fine. But nope it's exactly 5:30 every day

        They post pictures of their son all the time and it's always the pictures that I message them. I send all the parents pictures of their kids when they do fun things. So these parents post those pictures to their face books and yesterday someone commented about how they always do such creative and fun things with their kid and the dad wrote Thanks! So now I'm mad

        I really can't say anything and I know it isn't my right. I just wanted to vent and see if anyone else has parents that apparently have no interest in being with their kid. What do they do all day?
        I've had to really work on worrying about this as well. I have a child who's mom has 1 or 2 days off every week and she alway leaves him until 5-5:30. I didn't even require that she have a full time spot. I get wanting some time to yourself but good grief. They are only little once they are are missing so much time with them, she even tried to bring him sick when she was off!! I sent him home of course.
        It was driving me crazy so I just stopped worrying about it and I've been much happier since. Lol!!
        I especially tried to tell myself to stop worrying because I know there was a little selfishness in my feelings since he is my latest one and it would be nice to be done early every once in a while. Not my place to judge, but trust me, I know it's hard not to!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
          I just have to know. Does anyone else have dcparents that are teachers and still send their kids all summer long? I have parents that are both teachers and send their kid to me for 50+ hours a week even though neither of them work. Who does that?The mom is always in pyjamas and regularly makes comments about going back home to sleep in. they absolutely never pick up early not a single time this summer. They pick up at 5:30 always even though I've mentioned many times that they can pick him up anytime and that my other parents always pick up as soon as they're off work so if they wanted to get him early that would be fine. But nope it's exactly 5:30 every day

          They post pictures of their son all the time and it's always the pictures that I message them. I send all the parents pictures of their kids when they do fun things. So these parents post those pictures to their face books and yesterday someone commented about how they always do such creative and fun things with their kid and the dad wrote Thanks! So now I'm mad

          I really can't say anything and I know it isn't my right. I just wanted to vent and see if anyone else has parents that apparently have no interest in being with their kid. What do they do all day?
          This happens here ALL OF THE TIME & I find it hard not be annoyed by it. I understand that theyre paying me for 52wks but I dont understand why the kids have to be here ALL day EVERY day. I too find myself wondering if they dont want to spend time with their own kids :confused:


          • #6
            I see it happen all the time. I don't mind because it's their loss. I just chalk it up to them being incredibly self centered. I have a dcf whose kids are here m-f 6:30-6:30. I can't tell you how many times they have couples only weekends and drop the kids with family so they can have "their" time. These are probably the same parents who are totally forgotten about when they are old-and then wonder why their kids don't spend time with them. Thank goodness my mom wasn't that way!


            • #7
              I don't really care what parents do a long as I'm getting paid but I would be insulted that they are posting pictures on Facebook and taking the credit. I would comment each time something along the lines of: xxx had so much fun at daycare that day, thanks for sharing! If was happening all the time I might even gush a bit more...We are having such a great time with xxx this summer and making wonderful memories


              • #8
                Originally posted by NeedaVaca View Post
                I don't really care what parents do a long as I'm getting paid but I would be insulted that they are posting pictures on Facebook and taking the credit. I would comment each time something along the lines of: xxx had so much fun at daycare that day, thanks for sharing! If was happening all the time I might even gush a bit more...We are having such a great time with xxx this summer and making wonderful memories
                Love this! ::


                • #9
                  I charge for the spot whether the kids are here or not so I figure I can't be too surprised or get too upset when teacher parents bring their kids to me all summer.

                  I do know what you mean, though. I once had a parent who dug her car out of a 6' snow drift so she could drive her child to my house on a school snow day. I guess she needed some time to herself but I just had to shake my head!

                  Over time, though, I've just adopted the attitude of, "I don't care where they are or what they're doing as long as they pay and pick up on time."


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by e.j. View Post
                    I charge for the spot whether the kids are here or not so I figure I can't be too surprised or get too upset when teacher parents bring their kids to me all summer.

                    I do know what you mean, though. I once had a parent who dug her car out of a 6' snow drift so she could drive her child to my house on a school snow day. I guess she needed some time to herself but I just had to shake my head!

                    Over time, though, I've just adopted the attitude of, "I don't care where they are or what they're doing as long as they pay and pick up on time."
                    I had a mom do something very similar! I warned her my neighborhood hadn't been plowed and the roads weren't very good...She got stuck twice bringing him, she tells me as she dropped him off, I chuckled a bit after closing the door. Not 5 minutes later she was back at the door-no car? Got stuck again took DCB with her and walked back to her car and went home She was actually a great DCP and usually picked DCB up right after work etc, she must have really needed a me day unfortunately it didn't quite work out that way...


                    • #11
                      Am I jealous I don't get kid free time? Yes! Because of my job and family I don't get kid free time to go to appointments, clean, work out etc BUT if I did...I would use it! I would get my car serviced, deep clean, work out before picking up my kids... I would! And then I would be super attentive when with my children later.

                      We never know the whole story too. 1 of my families is picking up later now, because Dad is resting after chemo. I only know because dcd and dh are friends. Otherwise I wouldn't know they why of it. DCM picks up later too so she can run errands, talk to insurance etc without a 1 and 3yo. Could she do it with her kids in toe? Sure, you bet. But her children, and all the children are having fun and being loved on here with me. Theyre happy and safe.

                      And mommy and daddy always come back by 5pm, that's all I care about.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Controlled Chaos View Post
                        Am I jealous I don't get kid free time? Yes! Because of my job and family I don't get kid free time to go to appointments, clean, work out etc BUT if I did...I would use it! I would get my car serviced, deep clean, work out before picking up my kids... I would! And then I would be super attentive when with my children later.

                        We never know the whole story too. 1 of my families is picking up later now, because Dad is resting after chemo. I only know because dcd and dh are friends. Otherwise I wouldn't know they why of it. DCM picks up later too so she can run errands, talk to insurance etc without a 1 and 3yo. Could she do it with her kids in toe? Sure, you bet. But her children, and all the children are having fun and being loved on here with me. Theyre happy and safe.

                        And mommy and daddy always come back by 5pm, that's all I care about.

                        I actually DO get kid free time. I was off every Friday in July and August and a lot of those days my own kids were at camps. House cleaning, errands, training for my half in September, etc. (okay okay, I didn't use the time for as much training as I should have )
                        But in all honesty, by taking time for ME, I find I get less
                        p I s s y about clients.
                        And you can always tell them the next summer you will be CLOSED on Mondays or Friday's in the summer so you can spend some 1:1 time with your own family


                        • #13
                          If it really bothered me, I would change something.

                          I had a dcm that was not working and still brought her child to care. I agreed. Then she brought her sick twice and was leaving it right to the last minute to pick up. I 'restructured' after a month of that. I had wanted to term anyways for a few different reasons so it seemed like it was time to part ways.

                          Other than that, I really don't care as long as they follow the rules and pick up on time.


                          • #14
                            Yes, it is so frustrating. I think because it is my most challenging child and of course the one that is always here and always here the latest. I don't mind that dcm brings her on her day off because I get that she has one day every other week to run errands (get pedicures) whatever. What bothers me most is that all of my other kids are gone at 4:30 and mom will still come at 5:30. I would just appreciate that she took me into consideration and twice a month let me have an extra hour for myself and my family.


                            • #15
                              *troll mode*
                              I don't work (not since August 9, thank you). DD goes to daycare 8 - 4 Mo-Fri.

                              *troll mode over*

                              where is facepalm smiley?..

