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  • Mumps

    Any providers ever deal with it? Any tips or advice? We've all been exposed at this point and I'm trying to not lose it.

  • #2
    Originally posted by BumbleBee View Post
    Any providers ever deal with it? Any tips or advice? We've all been exposed at this point and I'm trying to not lose it.
    Oh my!

    I have never dealt with it at all... I am sorry you are having to.


    We have a technical fact sheet about it that they give us.

    Maybe it will help...


    • #3
      Originally posted by BumbleBee View Post
      Any providers ever deal with it? Any tips or advice? We've all been exposed at this point and I'm trying to not lose it.
      I've never dealt with it as a provider, but did get Mumps when I was 8; most miserable time, couldn't swallow, drink OJ & lots of ear pain - my mom was running crazy because I had 4 younger siblings & I had to stay in bed for Thanksgiving that year


      • #4
        Thank you! Sorry for my panic. I have babies who aren't old enough to be vaccinated against it. It is not cknfirmed yet, waiting on test results but dr thinks it is mumps.


        • #5
          My memory of mumps is that you can contract it on one side, and then on the other. This happened to all of my siblings, but somehow I escaped it all.
          I would be on the alert for any child who is not up to snuff and exclude them, even before confirmation of the illness.


          • #6
            Originally posted by BumbleBee View Post
            Thank you! Sorry for my panic. I have babies who aren't old enough to be vaccinated against it. It is not cknfirmed yet, waiting on test results but dr thinks it is mumps.
            I get the babies not being Vaxed yet... only one of my 4 is old enough & I can't get Measles Vax myself due to contradictions... already had mumps so I'm safe there I think


            • #7
              I've never dealt with it in a childcare setting however I used to work at a children's hospital. A child with mumps sneezed directly in my face while I was buckling him into his seat (I was employed as car seat technician). Being adopted it took me some time to find my records and figure out whether I had been immunized (I had) but in the meantime employee health told me that once exposed there was nothing I could do but wait and see. I believe the incubation period is around 10 days, so I'd keep an eye out for symptoms during the next 2 weeks. Be extra vigilant about covering mouths with coughs and sneezes because it's transmittable through the air. Apparently there isn't much in the way of treatment other than comfort measures.


              • #8
                Yes, over the winter one of my 3yo daycare children contracted mumps. I called the health department, the nurse consultant and my registrar. The child was excluded from daycare and quarantined per doctors orders. No one else contracted it, even the daycare child I have who's unvaccinated. I also made all of my clients aware that we had been exposed. It was a horrible time for the child who got it and since then she's had other health problems that she never had before. The child had been gone in Christmas vacation for two weeks before contracting it and hadn't been in attendance so it was probable that we hadn't even been exposed but I took all precautions anyway.
                The only problem I dealt with was my registrar asking if I'd taken my name off the list the give to parents looking for daycare. She seemed to think I shouldn't interview or except new children for a few months...thankfully I didn't have any openings so it was a non-issue.


                • #9
                  All tests came back negative. Looks like mumps, acts like mumps, something contagious because child's mom now has it....but according to tests it's not mumps. Huh.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BumbleBee View Post
                    All tests came back negative. Looks like mumps, acts like mumps, something contagious because child's mom now has it....but according to tests it's not mumps. Huh.

                    Yeah I have that same thing... I already had mumps (like over 40 years ago) and DR originally suspected strep, but now... I have some new virus that hurts like he**. I can't afford to close again I've been closed 3 days already partially due to water main breaks in my community. I can tell you Aleve works wonders to get rid of the swelling, but don't dare try and drink anything citric .

