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Cancel That!

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  • Cancel That!

    I have a dcb 4 yo who is a big problem on a daily basis. I decided to finally term him last week when he decided to act a fool at the park and decided he wasn't going to come back with the group and yelled at me at the top of his lungs in front of other parents at the park. I was being nice and gave his mom 2 weeks (I have a nice waiting list so I am not worried about replacing him). He has been even worse since I termed him. I know mom does not have my back and likes to play the victim since she had a divorce and doesn't know what to do (I have literally told her that she has to figure it out and have given her a book and advice). I really want to tell her cancel that and term him immediately because I truly cannot take anymore disrespect from this child. He yells at me, he slammed the door in my face, he throws toys or knocks down chairs when he is mad and tells me no all the time. I have sent him home for early pickup many times and I no longer want to watch him. His mom paid for the week on Monday but I want to term him and be done today not in 1 1/2 weeks. I have 2 questions 1 Is is unprofessional to term him now instead of waiting until the end of July and 2. Do I owe her a refund since I would be terming today? (My contract says no refunds for any reason). I am willing to refund her just to get this child away from me but I feel it is her fault I am forced to do this. Thoughts :confused:

  • #2
    You know what, just for the sake of your own sanity, make an exception this once and term today and refund her whatever funds that apply. I realized a long time ago, it's not worth my mental health to subject myself to a situation that is affecting my mood and the child care as a whole. NOT ALL MONEY IS GOOD MONEY!


    • #3
      Wow. I would do an immediate term and I would give back the one week fee so I could truly be DONE with this family.

      Cancel your subscription because you don't need her issues, and all that.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Play Care View Post
        Wow. I would do an immediate term and I would give back the one week fee so I could truly be DONE with this family.

        Cancel your subscription because you don't need her issues, and all that.
        I would do this as well, especially since you know you have replacements.


        • #5
          Originally posted by TXhomedaycare View Post
          I have a dcb 4 yo who is a big problem on a daily basis. I decided to finally term him last week when he decided to act a fool at the park and decided he wasn't going to come back with the group and yelled at me at the top of his lungs in front of other parents at the park. I was being nice and gave his mom 2 weeks (I have a nice waiting list so I am not worried about replacing him). He has been even worse since I termed him. I know mom does not have my back and likes to play the victim since she had a divorce and doesn't know what to do (I have literally told her that she has to figure it out and have given her a book and advice). I really want to tell her cancel that and term him immediately because I truly cannot take anymore disrespect from this child. He yells at me, he slammed the door in my face, he throws toys or knocks down chairs when he is mad and tells me no all the time. I have sent him home for early pickup many times and I no longer want to watch him. His mom paid for the week on Monday but I want to term him and be done today not in 1 1/2 weeks. I have 2 questions 1 Is is unprofessional to term him now instead of waiting until the end of July and 2. Do I owe her a refund since I would be terming today? (My contract says no refunds for any reason). I am willing to refund her just to get this child away from me but I feel it is her fault I am forced to do this. Thoughts :confused:
          It would be unprofessional to NOT term him immediately.

          He is a risk to the other kids' safety and well being.

          I wouldn't mention the refund unless she does.
          If she does, I guess either stick to your contract and refuse to refund or refund and be done.

          Sometimes it's not about the money or the principle. Sometimes they just need to GO.


          • #6
            I don't think it's unprofessional to term. I think you've done your best to honor your termination policy but he's become too tough to deal with. If it were me, I would give her a partial refund based on the two days of the week left that she won't be able to use and just be done with the situation.


            • #7
              Originally posted by thrivingchildcarecom View Post
              You know what, just for the sake of your own sanity, make an exception this once and term today and refund her whatever funds that apply. I realized a long time ago, it's not worth my mental health to subject myself to a situation that is affecting my mood and the child care as a whole. NOT ALL MONEY IS GOOD MONEY!
              YES!!!! So sorry to read that. Soon it will be over.


              • #8
                I love how everyone has your back in here! But I would at least give 2days notice, because how will she go to work tomorrow? She would find a place or someone over the weekend for next week.

                We had a terrible kid and I understand your pain and frustration, but would it be possible for you to use that money and have someone help you for few hours until he goes? Or you can explain to the mom the difficult you faced at the park and ask her to pick him up early until Friday (or drop him off early depending on the time you go to the park).

                I know it would be a tough 2 days, but the response from the mom and other parents will maybe be tougher (imagine if she tells other and they think you are unreliable? and if you explain that the child is too difficult as the reason behind the term they might question why you kept him so long but couldn't handle two more days).


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                  I love how everyone has your back in here! But I would at least give 2days notice, because how will she go to work tomorrow? She would find a place or someone over the weekend for next week.

                  We had a terrible kid and I understand your pain and frustration, but would it be possible for you to use that money and have someone help you for few hours until he goes? Or you can explain to the mom the difficult you faced at the park and ask her to pick him up early until Friday (or drop him off early depending on the time you go to the park).

                  I know it would be a tough 2 days, but the response from the mom and other parents will maybe be tougher (imagine if she tells other and they think you are unreliable? and if you explain that the child is too difficult as the reason behind the term they might question why you kept him so long but couldn't handle two more days).
                  I wouldn't want my child going to a daycare where another child was acting out in such a physical way. The safety of the group always trumps the convenience of an individual. Maybe an immediate term would be the wake up call this mom needs to work on his behavior?

                  And for the record I am not a term happy lady. But this child is sounding like a huge disruption to the program, which isn't fair to the other kiddos.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    I love how everyone has your back in here! But I would at least give 2days notice, because how will she go to work tomorrow? She would find a place or someone over the weekend for next week.

                    We had a terrible kid and I understand your pain and frustration, but would it be possible for you to use that money and have someone help you for few hours until he goes? Or you can explain to the mom the difficult you faced at the park and ask her to pick him up early until Friday (or drop him off early depending on the time you go to the park).

                    I know it would be a tough 2 days, but the response from the mom and other parents will maybe be tougher (imagine if she tells other and they think you are unreliable? and if you explain that the child is too difficult as the reason behind the term they might question why you kept him so long but couldn't handle two more days).
                    She has talked to mom about behavior, it hasn't changed. This isn't a daycare problem, it is a parenting problem. The provider (and even more so the other children) should not have to live with the chaos. Sometimes parents need a little push to address issues, and hopefully this is the push she needs. Her not addressing this is NOT fair to her own child.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                      I love how everyone has your back in here! But I would at least give 2days notice, because how will she go to work tomorrow? She would find a place or someone over the weekend for next week.

                      We had a terrible kid and I understand your pain and frustration, but would it be possible for you to use that money and have someone help you for few hours until he goes? Or you can explain to the mom the difficult you faced at the park and ask her to pick him up early until Friday (or drop him off early depending on the time you go to the park).

                      I know it would be a tough 2 days, but the response from the mom and other parents will maybe be tougher (imagine if she tells other and they think you are unreliable? and if you explain that the child is too difficult as the reason behind the term they might question why you kept him so long but couldn't handle two more days).

                      Good!! I hope parents with badly behaving children tell others they were termed from care. Helps me keep a good group of kids.


                      • #12
                        I understand all your comments but I believe that by giving her a two weeks notice, the provider gave her "word" in a sense that the mom can count on her.

                        I am sorry but it was no surprise to the provider that he was a difficult chid, and after the park incident she should have term with a shorter notice right away not with a 2weeks notice.

                        To me is not the mom's fault to count on her provider at this point when she was offered to. Is not like she showed up even when she was giving an immediately term notice and we do not know if the provider gave her a written notice that his behavior will result in a term if there is no improvements in the last few months.

                        Do you think it would be best for her son if she ends up losing her job because she doesn't show up tomorrow and friday? Yes it is bad parenting but you can't blame her for counting on someone who offered to.


                        • #13
                          What does your contract/policies state with regard to termination notice and refunds?

                          Mine says I can terminate effective immediately for any reason.

                          IMO a child who is throwing things and knocking down chairs is a potential danger to the other children so I'd terminate immediately. My policies say that I don't have to refund, but I would because it was my decision to terminate immediately.


                          • #14
                            I gave a 2 week notice for behavioral problems once and immediately regretted it. Not only did I have to deal with the child's behavior I also had to deal with the parents attitudes. I approached the parents about the attitude change and we were able to come to an understanding about being respectful to one another or our agreement was going to come to an immediate end. I probably won't be giving out another 2 week term for behavioral issues . If I were you I would term and refund the remaining balance. Especially if your worried about her bad mouthing you around town


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                              I understand all your comments but I believe that by giving her a two weeks notice, the provider gave her "word" in a sense that the mom can count on her.

                              I am sorry but it was no surprise to the provider that he was a difficult chid, and after the park incident she should have term with a shorter notice right away not with a 2weeks notice.

                              To me is not the mom's fault to count on her provider at this point when she was offered to. Is not like she showed up even when she was giving an immediately term notice and we do not know if the provider gave her a written notice that his behavior will result in a term if there is no improvements in the last few months.

                              Do you think it would be best for her son if she ends up losing her job because she doesn't show up tomorrow and friday? Yes it is bad parenting but you can't blame her for counting on someone who offered to.
                              It is NOT my concern whether the parent loses their job or not. It's my concern to protect the other kids from having to endure/witness bad behavior from a 4 yr old that should know better.

                              Also the provider told the mom she'd had enough and still during the term period you'd think she (DCM) would have had enough thought to tell her child to behave or else....

                              It's not the other kids' fault this kid behaves badly
                              It's not the providers fault the child's behavior has gotten worse not better as it should have
                              It's not the other parent's fault that this parent has a badly behaving child and as a client that wasn't termed, I'd be livid if I found out the provider continued to allow the child to remain in care and exhibit the bad behavior so that my child could pick up on it.

                              I'm sorry but if it's anyone's fault that this child is so badly behaved, I am going to venture to say it's because of how he is parented so again, it's NOT the provider's responsibility or concern if the parent loses their job.

                              I'm sure there is a family friend or neighbor that can watch "Mr Sunshine" while mom searches for other care.

