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My Website Reviews?

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  • My Website Reviews?

    I have a different relationship with my daycare families than most do. Since I only take 3 families, it doesn't bother me too much if the parents are needy. So take a look at my site and give me your thoughts? Yes, I know the pets are a no-no, but if they have issues with the pets, then we aren't the right home for them.

  • #2
    Originally posted by BabyMonkeys View Post
    I have a different relationship with my daycare families than most do. Since I only take 3 families, it doesn't bother me too much if the parents are needy. So take a look at my site and give me your thoughts? Yes, I know the pets are a no-no, but if they have issues with the pets, then we aren't the right home for them.
    Oh my goodness! All those smiling happy babies on your gallery page are adorable!! lovethis

    I love the site! You've got a really neat thing going... I really like the part about your availabilty to parents all day long.
    When I was a first time mom that would have been the selling point... Id have signed on with you for sure.


    • #3
      Originally posted by BabyMonkeys View Post
      I have a different relationship with my daycare families than most do. Since I only take 3 families, it doesn't bother me too much if the parents are needy. So take a look at my site and give me your thoughts? Yes, I know the pets are a no-no, but if they have issues with the pets, then we aren't the right home for them.
      We could be cohorts in crime; I do nothing but babies/early toddlers to 18 months. How do you explain a child aging out because that is a big question by new parents even though all my policies are on my website . I actually do no pets because of my own allergies too.


      • #4
        Hi, I think your site looks really great! From a parent perspective my only things that stand out are some of the pics.

        A nervous parent might be a little concerned by the picture of the baby on the changing table with no hand holding him there and no restraint on him or anything. I totally get that it was fine at the moment and your belly was probably against the edge and that child probably can't even roll, but just a nervous parent perspective thinking 'oh she doesn't even realize you never leave a baby free on a changing table, what else could she be doing?' Please don't think I doubt your safety competence in any way.

        Next, the two cat pics: the cats seem to be on the baby play area mats. I, myself, have a cat. I don't care they are on the baby mats! But, I can see a parent thinking ugh, the kitty litter paws are walking where my baby's face lies and rolls and hands rub and go in the mouth and the baby teething toys, etc... Again, my cat gets all over everything- I know. Just trying to think what a parent sees- a first time, baby having parent, who has to go to work and leave their baby now ;(

        -- Which reminds me of your intro, which was very sweet, personal and caring. I think anyone seeing your site would see how much you care, not only about the children but also the parents, and that is very welcoming to any perspective family... great job


        • #5
          Originally posted by CalCare View Post
          Hi, I think your site looks really great! From a parent perspective my only things that stand out are some of the pics.

          A nervous parent might be a little concerned by the picture of the baby on the changing table with no hand holding him there and no restraint on him or anything. I totally get that it was fine at the moment and your belly was probably against the edge and that child probably can't even roll, but just a nervous parent perspective thinking 'oh she doesn't even realize you never leave a baby free on a changing table, what else could she be doing?' Please don't think I doubt your safety competence in any way.

          Next, the two cat pics: the cats seem to be on the baby play area mats. I, myself, have a cat. I don't care they are on the baby mats! But, I can see a parent thinking ugh, the kitty litter paws are walking where my baby's face lies and rolls and hands rub and go in the mouth and the baby teething toys, etc... Again, my cat gets all over everything- I know. Just trying to think what a parent sees- a first time, baby having parent, who has to go to work and leave their baby now ;(

          -- Which reminds me of your intro, which was very sweet, personal and caring. I think anyone seeing your site would see how much you care, not only about the children but also the parents, and that is very welcoming to any perspective family... great job

          Thank you so much! That is exactly the kind of reviews I was looking for


          • #6
            Super cute!

            -On your home page the sentence that states: A simple diaper change can introduce them to the words diaper, wet, dry, clean, cold, soft, bottom, tummy, feet, pants, and I'm sure dozens more.
            I would remove the words "I'm sure" and simply say "and many more."

            I love what you offer. I'm sure many parents will read your website and love it as well!


            • #7
              I think it looks great!

              I agree that anyone who isn't comfortable with pets around the children should find another program. My guess is that people who have pets will be fine with your pets, and people who don't have pets might see the photos CalCare mentioned and will either be OK with it or decide to keep looking.


              • #8
                I love your "I just strip 'em" solution to messy clothing. At that age, clothes are just to indulge the fashion sense of the parents.

                If I were considering your day care, I would ask you during the interview if you were going to take pictures of my child. It wouldn't turn me off from contacting you, but I'd ask for clarification. I tell all my parents that "I only photograph from above or behind, and I will get your permission before using a photo of your child."


                • #9
                  I take TONS of pictures. I probably send 6-8 to each parent daily. I have permission from each of the parents to use any pictures I want, but I always run each picture by them before posting it anyway. I will definitely go update the webpage explaining this to potential parents. Great idea! Thanks

