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Do You Answer/Return Calls During Daycare Hours?

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  • Do You Answer/Return Calls During Daycare Hours?

    Another question regarding phone calls...

    Do you answer and/or return daycare calls during daycare hours? And do you first let your answering machine take the calls so you can screen them before calling them back?

    I am considering not answering daycare calls (other than from my current parents) during daycare hours simply so it doesn't sound so crazy here when I first speak to them. We all know that the minute we get on the phone, all h** breaks lose with the kids. All of the sudden, a baby is starving to death and screaming at the top of their lungs or an older child starts yelling at another child.

    Recently, I've been so worried about getting more income that I run to answer the phone, but I have started wondering if it might be better to wait until everyone has gone home so I can call them back in the evening when I know the house will be quite so it doesn't sound like a zoo in here!

  • #2
    I don't. But I don't advertise my phone number, either. I have email as my first contact method.

    Dcps have my phone and cell number once they are enrolled but they all know that I won't answer. If they need me (emergency), I have told them to either text or repeat calling so that I know I need to get the phone.

    I am usually too busy or can't find the phone. ::


    • #3
      I do all business during business hours only.

      I teach my DC kids that when the phone rings or an adult comes over they are to behave as they would if I were sitting right there with them. If they do not, there is a consequence when I am done on the phone or done talking to the adult that were present.

      This is something we practice on a regular basis since my licensor does stop by as well as my QRIS coach, food program rep and other various adults involved in my program.

      I also conduct interviews for potential families during business hours as well.


      • #4
        If the phone rings, I answer it. For several reasons. With hubby being on the road all the time, if he calls I am going to answer. Daycare calls usually come with a number I don't recognize, but sometimes parents do also, so I answer those as well.


        • #5
          I let the answering machine take all calls and if I get a break during nap I will call back.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
            I do all business during business hours only.

            I teach my DC kids that when the phone rings or an adult comes over they are to behave as they would if I were sitting right there with them. If they do not, there is a consequence when I am done on the phone or done talking to the adult that were present.

            This is something we practice on a regular basis since my licensor does stop by as well as my QRIS coach, food program rep and other various adults involved in my program.

            I also conduct interviews for potential families during business hours as well.
            Same here, except I prefer to to interviews after hours so I can concentrate 100% on the interview.

            I do screen my calls and if it's not a good time to pick up I don't.


            • #7
              I let voicemail pick it up and return calls at nap time. Never after hours or weekends.

              I should mention though, that in my area, infant spots are really hard to find and I get calls daily for those (serious baby boom here!). Since I don't enroll "new family infants", there's no point in answering the phone anyway.


              • #8
                If my hands are free and its not too crazy I will answer most calls. I rarely get calls that get beyond "how much do you charge?" these days so I can be on and off the phone in 2 minutes. If it happens to be someone I may consider I will usually speak for a minute or two and then tell them I will call them back at nap time.


                • #9
                  I always let it go to voicemail first. Sometimes I will text back I am full and give them my email to contact in case they would like wait list info and prices. If I am going to call back I do it during nap or while the kids are playing outside.

                  I am usually full and not taking infants under 1 anymore, so most calls are going to get a text to that effect.


                  • #10
                    So I do just let it go to voicemail and wait for a moment when I can concentrate on the call. You might want to put something in your message to say when they should expect your return call and that your primary job during business hours is caring for the children, blah, blah, blah. LOL.

                    By the way, I use a Google Voice number so I can see that its either business or personal.


                    • #11
                      I let numbers I dont know go to voicemail, and use a few minutes after hours to call back and get my t/s% up

                      But really, it diverts my attention too much to get it detail with a prospective parent.


                      • #12
                        I let it go to voicemail and do interviews after hours. I sometimes call back during nap time.


                        • #13
                          Sometimes I answer, sometimes not! Just depends on how my day is going and what is happening at the moment...I do have an answering machine so persons can leave a message.


                          • #14
                            It's my husband and I so it depends on my mood. If I feel like talking to a potential client, I will pick up. If I'm not in the mood, then I will call them back after hours. I usually have two options for interviews: 10:00am or 6:00pm. Going forward all interviews will be 6pm which is after I close. With the small ones, it's too difficult to give someone all my attention.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                              I do all business during business hours only.

                              I teach my DC kids that when the phone rings or an adult comes over they are to behave as they would if I were sitting right there with them. If they do not, there is a consequence when I am done on the phone or done talking to the adult that were present.

                              This is something we practice on a regular basis since my licensor does stop by as well as my QRIS coach, food program rep and other various adults involved in my program.

                              I also conduct interviews for potential families during business hours as well.
                              Same for me
                              I do interviews during day care hours also, so parents and children can see me interact with the children and they see the children interact with each other
                              we work long LONG days so I try to keep day care related durning day care hours

