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SUNSCREEN - When Parent/Teacher Should Apply?

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  • SUNSCREEN - When Parent/Teacher Should Apply?

    Hi, What is the general rule on sunscrean?
    Should parents apply in morning AND teacher again before going out? It is only one or the other? I am referrign to a day when NO water/sprinkler is involved.


  • #2
    I have gotten to the point where I provide and apply it. Last year, I tried to get parents to supply it and it was just a hassle. And as far as application, I have no proof the parent applied it, and if they get burned on my watch it is on me. So I figure if I apply myself, I KNOW it was done.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Thriftylady View Post
      I have gotten to the point where I provide and apply it. Last year, I tried to get parents to supply it and it was just a hassle. And as far as application, I have no proof the parent applied it, and if they get burned on my watch it is on me. So I figure if I apply myself, I KNOW it was done.
      What she said. Chap stick, bug spray, no tears soap, etc.

      FYI, A quick hose down/clean up with no tears baby wash in a ** new ** garden sprayer hose attachment works like a charm for removing bug spray before going inside. It foams some and the kids love it. happyface Happy Zika season.

      Keep your receipts and add it to your expenses for tax season.
      - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


      • #4
        I ask my families 2 or 3 times each summer (in the newsletter) and also supply. They provide about 1/2 and I do the rest. Same with bug spray, we go through a lot of both.

        I'm down in central Texas, on the front lines of all the nasty mosquito born virus' coming up from south America.


        • #5
          Last year I had parents bring a bottle - it got to be a huge PITA keeping track, the grease caused the names to rub off, washing my hands between kids...ugh

          This year I sent a letter home describing what kind I would provide, had them sign I could use it on their kids. I apply at 1st snack (20min before we go out) and during afternoon snack if we will go out again. I want to KNOW they have it on and some kids come so early it would need reapplied anyway.


          • #6
            My parents supply it for their child. They are also to arrive with the first layer on in case we are already outside.. I apply at snack, which is about 20-30 mins before we go out again.


            • #7
              I supply it, but parents are SUPPOSED to apply it before drop off as well since we are typically already outside.

              I am not above sniffing a kid to see if it's on and then applying as needed as soon as they arrive while reminding the parent about THEIR responsibility.


              • #8
                I had a question for those that apply sun screen. Here, parents are supposed to do the first coat and then once we get outside we apply sunscreen again. I don't apply sunscreen inside because it's so greasy and I don't want it everywhere!

                For those that apply inside, how do you keep the kids from
                Getting it everywhere? And those that don't apply, do you just avoid going out when the sun is high so they dont get Sunbirned?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by sahm1225 View Post
                  I had a question for those that apply sun screen. Here, parents are supposed to do the first coat and then once we get outside we apply sunscreen again. I don't apply sunscreen inside because it's so greasy and I don't want it everywhere!

                  For those that apply inside, how do you keep the kids from
                  Getting it everywhere? And those that don't apply, do you just avoid going out when the sun is high so they dont get Sunbirned?
                  For me it depends what we are applying. The spray on I apply outside, the cream inside.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by sahm1225 View Post
                    I had a question for those that apply sun screen. Here, parents are supposed to do the first coat and then once we get outside we apply sunscreen again. I don't apply sunscreen inside because it's so greasy and I don't want it everywhere!

                    For those that apply inside, how do you keep the kids from
                    Getting it everywhere? And those that don't apply, do you just avoid going out when the sun is high so they dont get Sunbirned?
                    I do it while they are sitting down at snack. It keeps them from running away . I use a really thick kind - Blue Lizard. Its not greasy like the spray ones. Part of why I started supplying it is I read so many things about the spray ones that I decided I just didn't want them around at all.


                    • #11
                      Parents supply sunscreen for their child and sign a waiver. I apply about 20 minutes before we go outside. I only allow lotion sunscreen, I don't like the spray kind.


                      • #12
                        I go through a ton of sunscreen every summer. We go on a lot of outside outings. I provide all sunscreen. I use spray on the bodies (kids hold a towel over their faces), lotion on the face and lips.

                        We put it on right after breakfast. I do the kids one at a time on the back patio. Then, I give them a quick repeat when we get wherever we're going. I do one last coat after lunch. We're generally heading home by 2, so they don't need more.

                        I used to shower the kids down, wash their hair, and lotion them after water outings (beach and Raging Waters), but quit that last year. I did it for 30 years but found the parents I had last year started to expect it instead of appreciate it. It also saves me a lot on soap, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, and laundry.


                        • #13
                          Parents provide; we apply. However, we tell them what kind to buy and then it simply becomes community sunscreen so there's no hassle with applying different sunscreens to each child. Only way they can get a different sunscreen is with a doctor note stating the child has an allergy to the kind we require.

                          As for applying, it's applied in the morning during circle time (15 minutes before going outside) and during afternoon snack (15-20 minutes before going outside). If a child arrives while we're outside, we apply.

                          And we always do it because too many parents are too unreliable.


                          • #14
                            My home daycare supplied sunscreen for all the kids. She would send a note stating what kind she used and I think most of us donated a bottle or two of the kind she liked best, but she did not require it.

                            My center daycare asks us to bring a bottle for each child enrolled and they apply it before going outside. My kid plays outside A LOT at his daycare center and has never been burned, so I think they do a good job!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by sharlan View Post
                              I used to shower the kids down, wash their hair, and lotion them after water outings (beach and Raging Waters), but quit that last year. I did it for 30 years but found the parents I had last year started to expect it instead of appreciate it. It also saves me a lot on soap, shampoo, conditioner, lotion, and laundry.
                              Here, too... except for the 30 years part. Not too far behind you, though.

                              That is why I went the garden sprayer route. Saves my play rugs/mats from the oily/stinky mess and cuts my labor 1/4.

                              They wear my rash guard/shoes & swim suit for playground. Apply/Hose down/Air dry all happens on the deck. Change into their street clothes for going home as they head back into the playroom. Works like a charm. happyface

                              Not sure it would work with multiple trips out, per day, though. I do one 2 hour trip out per day (infant heavy group).
                              - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.

