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Food Texture Sensitivity - Unpredictable

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  • Food Texture Sensitivity - Unpredictable

    I have a 4y and 2y (brothers) here who are very strange eaters. The 2y just started with me this month but 4y has been with me for nearly a year. The older boy started out as a terrible eater. Wouldn't try a lot, emotional, melt downs and sometimes he would take a bite of an unfamiliar food and immediately gag and vomit. He has come a long way. He ate a whole plate of scrambled eggs, that would have made him barf six months ago. I encourage all kids to try 2 bites of everything, but no pressure, just praise for kids who tried something new. My question is - can texture sensitivity be unlearned in some cases? I know for some children its more serious and life long, but with these two kiddos...its so odd. One day touching a food to their tongue and they vomit, a week later, same food and eats the whole thing. I am not going to stop offering challenging foods, but I don't love cleaning up vomit... any experience or ideas?

    I know at home there is some catering to them food wise at least. 4yo refuses to drink milk at home (they wanted me to give him horcata here and I said he could choose water...) and after 1 month here he started drinking it fine.

    Its the hot or miss aspect that has me baffled...they also don't eat muffin tops...only the bottom...not the delicious top...strangest eaters

  • #2
    I don't cater to food preferences. I serve healthy. They will eat or be hungry. Or thirsty if the case is dime inking no plain milk or water.
    I think these boys have figured out a sure fire way to get what is sugary or satisfying.

    I once had a mom tell me her son was dying of thirst because I wouldn't serve juice barrels.
    I had no idea what she meant so she brought me some.
    Little hugs. The kook aid in the little plastic barrels.
    She was livid that I didn't believe they were real food.


    • #3
      haha yea I think it started at home as them refusing to eat certain foods (the older boy has a real personality ) and since they weren't encouraged to eat other things at home they developed a sensitivity. Strangest thing. They aren't coughing or throwing a fit to induce the vomit. Its like an automatic gag reflex :confused:


      • #4
        sensitive eaters

        Vomit means a pick up call.


        • #5
          Normally yes, throw up here is an immediate pick up and 24 hours out. But I had a conversation with DCF when they signed up about the texture issue and gagging. It happens maybe 2 times a month. And its always super obvious why it happened. I choose not to send home a non contagious child in that situation. I know I am choosing to deal with it, but I am going to have to clean it up regardless of whether I send home after or not.


          • #6
            Are there any underlying health issues, like reflux? My kiddo is pretty sensitive most of the time, but when she's having a reflux flare, she will be worse, even with foods she had tolerated before. I'm not suggesting catering to uthe child, but I would bring it up the the parents.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Are there any underlying health issues, like reflux? My kiddo is pretty sensitive most of the time, but when she's having a reflux flare, she will be worse, even with foods she had tolerated before. I'm not suggesting catering to uthe child, but I would bring it up the the parents.
              That's a good question - I will ask the parents if they have discussed the possibility of reflux with a dr.

              Both brothers tried to eat watermelon rind with no gagging today ... eggs, crescent rolls and broccoli = barf. Watermelon rind is no problem


              • #8
                Originally posted by Controlled Chaos View Post
                I have a 4y and 2y (brothers) here who are very strange eaters. The 2y just started with me this month but 4y has been with me for nearly a year. The older boy started out as a terrible eater. Wouldn't try a lot, emotional, melt downs and sometimes he would take a bite of an unfamiliar food and immediately gag and vomit. He has come a long way. He ate a whole plate of scrambled eggs, that would have made him barf six months ago. I encourage all kids to try 2 bites of everything, but no pressure, just praise for kids who tried something new. My question is - can texture sensitivity be unlearned in some cases? I know for some children its more serious and life long, but with these two kiddos...its so odd. One day touching a food to their tongue and they vomit, a week later, same food and eats the whole thing. I am not going to stop offering challenging foods, but I don't love cleaning up vomit... any experience or ideas?

                I know at home there is some catering to them food wise at least. 4yo refuses to drink milk at home (they wanted me to give him horcata here and I said he could choose water...) and after 1 month here he started drinking it fine.

                Its the hot or miss aspect that has me baffled...they also don't eat muffin tops...only the bottom...not the delicious top...strangest eaters

                Sounds like a sensory issue and I recommend they get an OT opinion. My son is exactly like this, he is 15m old and eats mainly breads and pasta. He now sees an OT for weekly sessions to help him develop tolerance for different foods. Mainly I sought out help when he started to lose weight. At 9 months he was at a healthy chubby 23lbs...then at 1yr he had dropped to 18lbs! Now at 15m he is back up to 21lbs but needs to gain more. He had the same symptoms...he would gag the moment food touched his mouth and gagged as if choking, wouldn't play with his food or try new things, required that I hold things for him to eat. Since going to the OT he has started to eat much more and a bigger variety but it slow about it. I think what your trying already....two bites but no real ideal. I would keep encouraging they try foods and to eat. But I HIGHLY recommend they get and OT to take a look at them. My son is doing so much better now that he is getting help, I was 'iffy' at first but he has gained weight and is eating a bigger variety so I'm sold on it now. He isn't autistic but has sensory issues with food texture so they use funny little brushes and tools to encourage him to chew on to help with it. It's done wonders.


                • #9
                  Yes, food texture sensitivity can be unlearned. It requires intensive therapy w/ a speech therapist/feeding therapy. We've gone through it for a couple yrs now, including in group peer feeding therapy. It's a tough road. y son's stems from sensory issues.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Nisaryn View Post
                    Sounds like a sensory issue and I recommend they get an OT opinion. My son is exactly like this, he is 15m old and eats mainly breads and pasta. He now sees an OT for weekly sessions to help him develop tolerance for different foods. Mainly I sought out help when he started to lose weight. At 9 months he was at a healthy chubby 23lbs...then at 1yr he had dropped to 18lbs! Now at 15m he is back up to 21lbs but needs to gain more. He had the same symptoms...he would gag the moment food touched his mouth and gagged as if choking, wouldn't play with his food or try new things, required that I hold things for him to eat. Since going to the OT he has started to eat much more and a bigger variety but it slow about it. I think what your trying already....two bites but no real ideal. I would keep encouraging they try foods and to eat. But I HIGHLY recommend they get and OT to take a look at them. My son is doing so much better now that he is getting help, I was 'iffy' at first but he has gained weight and is eating a bigger variety so I'm sold on it now. He isn't autistic but has sensory issues with food texture so they use funny little brushes and tools to encourage him to chew on to help with it. It's done wonders.
                    I have a client who is an occupational therapist and she says an electric toothbrush is great for food sensory issues.


                    • #11
                      On the vomit: I recently added a "body fluids fee" of $20 for vomit, significant blood noses or underwear accidents. I feel so much better now, but yeah, vomit would still be a pick up call. I dont' think I could mentally stand a kid who vomited all the time. Too stressful.

                      On the gagging...DD was a big time gagger coz she had an ng (nasal feeding tube) for a long time. Even when she was off the feeding tube, the smallest crumb would make her start gagging. Dissolvables (like Gerber puffs) helped her overcome it. The gag reflex can be desensitized.

                      If I was willing to keep this family, I think I would ask mom to work on the issues or see an OT or both. I love the idea of the electric toothbrush.


                      • #12
                        Ack he puked again today. The youngest one saw the yogurt covered raisins and thought they were candy - he popped them into his month and then barfed :confused:

                        I am going to talk to parents at pick up about OT and the toothbrushes. The other brother only threw up 2x in 8 months from a texture issue, so that manageable. Little brother is now 2x in 2 weeks...less awesome.

