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Unlicensed Question

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  • Unlicensed Question

    I was a licensed child care provider but really have no desire to go back to that. I am a former teacher with a Masters in curriculum and instruction. I have a long waiting list of people who want me to watch their kids and they don't care if I have that piece of paper or not. I would love to be an unlicensed provider, but I want to do that legally. I am in New York, and as far as I can tell, I can only watch 2 children that are not my own. I am currently watching two children from the same family. The parents are expecting a third in a few months. My question is...would I really need to go through all that licensing again just to watch her 3 kids? Also, my husband works from home and could change his schedule to help out. In that case, would we be able to watch 2 each as a team? Please help!

  • #2
    I am pretty sure some people from NY will chime in soon. But usually unlicensed you can't watch more just because you have an extra person. In many states you can't even if you have a regular home license. So I am legally unlicensed here in Ohio and I can have six. But if DD wanted to be my helper I could still only have six.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Thriftylady View Post
      I am pretty sure some people from NY will chime in soon. But usually unlicensed you can't watch more just because you have an extra person. In many states you can't even if you have a regular home license. So I am legally unlicensed here in Ohio and I can have six. But if DD wanted to be my helper I could still only have six.
      Same here... I can only have 4 legally licensed exempt; even with a helper my home would have to be fully licensed AND because I do infants only, it wouldn't allow me more than the same 4 babies even with the helper; I would literally have to switch what ages I took if I got licensed in order to take the 7 allowed, helper or not


      • #4

        Informal Child Care (Non-Regulated)

        Usually located in a home
        For children of all ages
        Less than three (3) children allowed, in addition to provider's own children
        Providers are not required to be regulated
        Since other licensed options give limits based on number of providers, this obviously means that is a hard limit.
        Children are little angels, even when they are little devils.
        They are also our future.


        • #5
          It looks like it doesn't matter how many providers there are, the limit is the limit.

          It's the same here in WI. I can only ever have 8 children in care at one time. If I have 2 providers I can have more under-twos than I can have by myself, but I can't ever have more than 8 children at one time.


          • #6
            Originally posted by AmyKidsCo View Post
            It looks like it doesn't matter how many providers there are, the limit is the limit.

            It's the same here in WI. I can only ever have 8 children in care at one time. If I have 2 providers I can have more under-twos than I can have by myself, but I can't ever have more than 8 children at one time.
            I'm in WI and doing unlicensed inhome care. When doing research my husband and I came to the conclusion that I couldn't watch more than 4 unrelated children for compensation. I currently watch three plus my own two children. Don't think I could handle more than that.


            • #7
              Originally posted by adnilwis View Post
              I'm in WI and doing unlicensed inhome care. When doing research my husband and I came to the conclusion that I couldn't watch more than 4 unrelated children for compensation. I currently watch three plus my own two children. Don't think I could handle more than that.
              WI is limited to 3 for legally license exempt/registered. Once you take a 4th, you have to be licensed

