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Provider Meet-Up

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  • Provider Meet-Up

    I'd like to try and set up a daycare provider "Meet-Up" in my area (Columbus, Ohio), with the hopes of starting a group to share networking, referrals and support since this job by it's nature, is quite isolating.

    Has anyone attempted something similar? Any success? Any tips or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

  • #2
    Be careful what you wish for ::::::

    Just teasing.... Sounds wonderful. Good luck!!
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


    • #3
      I've never tried it but have wanted to. I live about 20 min west of Columbus so if you ever try to do one please let me know, I'd love to take part in one!


      • #4
        We have a childcare association in our town, throughout our whole state there are different chapters actually. Participation is dismal. In our association, years ago, you could call and bounce ideas off each other and get advice. We also used to have trainings for our hours. Over the past couple of years, anytime we would plan something, we would get 2 or 3 providers at the most. I suppose alot of it just depends on your area. Here, participation in lots of things have gone down. I think if there is an interest, it would be a good thing, but if the majority of providers don't show an interest, it won't accomplish much. Most of the providers around here are very protective about their businesses and don't want to admit they have any issues or share how they handle things. It is a very weird dynamic.


        • #5
          I think it sounds like a great idea and probably lots of fun. The providers in my area only see each other if we are friends and are used to hanging around each other or we all get together for our yearly food program trainings.

 if you were to plan say, a 7 day cruise to the Bahamas for daycare forum members only then I would be totally up for that!! You know how they do cruises for scrapbookers or cruises for Elvis lover's etc...I say we have one for daycare forum members!! Ooooh...wouldn't that be a blast?!?!?


          • #6
            Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
            I think it sounds like a great idea and probably lots of fun. The providers in my area only see each other if we are friends and are used to hanging around each other or we all get together for our yearly food program trainings.

   if you were to plan say, a 7 day cruise to the Bahamas for daycare forum members only then I would be totally up for that!! You know how they do cruises for scrapbookers or cruises for Elvis lover's etc...I say we have one for daycare forum members!! Ooooh...wouldn't that be a blast?!?!?
            Think you could get Michael to pay for us all? ::


            • #7
              Originally posted by SandeeAR View Post
              Think you could get Michael to pay for us all? ::
              Maybe we should start a petition thread? LOL! You know how convincing (i.e. annoying) a large group of women can be when they really want something!!

              ....or maybe atleast we could get Tom to figure out a way for it to be tax deductible?!?!


              • #8
                Pammie I think that's a great idea. I know we live near each other.

                The all-inclusive cruise to the Bahamas is a good idea too!
                Hee hee! Look, I have a signature!


                • #9
                  I think we are all a bit loopy this week. LOVE IT!

                  I would take a cruise right about now.


                  • #10
                    Why should Michael have to pay for it? I say, tack on a 'I watch your child therefore you need to pay for my cruise" fee. Parents will understand.


                    • #11
                      oh, and the Twin Ciities girls, i'd be up to something.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by DCMomOf3 View Post
                        oh, and the Twin Ciities girls, i'd be up to something.
                        I'm not in the Twin Cities area (more of the Twin Ports area) but I do go to the cities alot since most my sibs live there so I would be up for something there too!!!


                        • #13
                          You guys are a hoot! ::

                          No wonder I love you my mother friends without faces!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by SandeeAR View Post
                            Think you could get Michael to pay for us all? ::
                            I'm ignoring you

                            I will take anyone from the forum in my area, or areas I travel to, for a round of drinks if you are in the area. I am in Nashville now, Santa Monica next week and Uruguay next month.

                            I like the idea of local meetups. We do the same thing in the domainer industry. It really helps to foster ideas and goodwill in the industry.


                            • #15
                              We also have a local daycare association in our city. It's $20/year to be a member and they hold meetings monthly and rotate each meeting in each provider's home. I attended one and noticed about 10 people came, so I think it's productive. A few young moms brought their children and one person was my grandma's a wide range of experience I'm sure is brought to ours. I would call your local childcare licensing agency because they'll have any information if you have a local chapter or daycare association. If you create one, they'll share your information with all other licensed providers in the area so it's free advertising as far as that goes.

