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Pregnant/Breastfeeding-Somewhat Off DC Topic

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  • Pregnant/Breastfeeding-Somewhat Off DC Topic

    Logged out for Privacy (have not told dc parents I'm expecting)

    So, I am 3.5 months pregnant, we have been trying for 10.5 years! No fertility treatments, it just happened on its own. So, you could say it was "planned" but totally unexpected. We have two that we have raised together (his) for the past 12 years who are now 13 & 16, not gonna lie I was just starting to look forward to child free house that was coming about in the next years, ha!

    Soooooo very excited about this new chapter of my life, but so nervous at the same to time! All these years of raising everyone else's children and suddenly I feel like I don't know anything! Lol

    A few questions, when do I tell? I feel like I'm in the safe zone but I will find out gender in 2 weeks and would like to wait until then (16 weeks) I'm noticeably bigger already and the past 3 weeks have been the most dramatic, do you think I can make 2 more? I told parents I was closing at half day for training for the first 2 appointments (one being tomorrow) because I wanted to make sure everything was good before announcing. But now I feel guilty........ Next appointment will be in 4 weeks....

    Breast feeding- do I need a pump? I will be with baby all day so I don't feel that it's necessary, are there any reasons you could foresee that I would need this, and would a cheaper one be okay since I really don't see myself using it much....just seems like such a waste and then I will have to buy bottles and a sterilizer and one thing leads into the next...

    Is it hard (if you have) to breastfeed during daycare? What about answering the door in the middle of feeding? Did you cover when feeding in front of other people's kids? I have an almost 4 year old boy and I think I would be uncomfortable doing it in front of him, but he will be gone by the time baby gets here and so my next oldest is a 2.5 yo girl....

    Also, I plan on making my prenatal appointments to where I can stay open until 2pm on these days. My policies state that "I don't charge for days that I am unable to provide care" I normally close at 5:30, with pickups at 3:30,4:30,5, and 5:30 is it unreasonable to charge this as a regular day? Should I refund at an hourly rate by breaking down what each parent pays an hour (which is not much) or should I refund half the day.....whereas I would just close at noon

    Sorry, so many questions in one post, just my crazy brain going constantly, thanks in advance for any advice

  • #2
    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
    Logged out for Privacy (have not told dc parents I'm expecting)

    So, I am 3.5 months pregnant, we have been trying for 10.5 years! No fertility treatments, it just happened on its own. So, you could say it was "planned" but totally unexpected. We have two that we have raised together (his) for the past 12 years who are now 13 & 16, not gonna lie I was just starting to look forward to child free house that was coming about in the next years, ha!

    Soooooo very excited about this new chapter of my life, but so nervous at the same to time! All these years of raising everyone else's children and suddenly I feel like I don't know anything! Lol

    A few questions, when do I tell? I feel like I'm in the safe zone but I will find out gender in 2 weeks and would like to wait until then (16 weeks) I'm noticeably bigger already and the past 3 weeks have been the most dramatic, do you think I can make 2 more? I told parents I was closing at half day for training for the first 2 appointments (one being tomorrow) because I wanted to make sure everything was good before announcing. But now I feel guilty........ Next appointment will be in 4 weeks....
    I tell pretty early . I can't keep it a secret well. But tell when you're comfortable, it's 100% your call

    Breast feeding- do I need a pump? I will be with baby all day so I don't feel that it's necessary, are there any reasons you could foresee that I would need this, and would a cheaper one be okay since I really don't see myself using it much....just seems like such a waste and then I will have to buy bottles and a sterilizer and one thing leads into the next...

    I really didn't. For either baby, I was always with them and never used bottles for any of my kids. I do have a pump, insurance covered it and I used it a little to have a back up supply just in case and relieve engorgement. But I could have got by without it easily enough.

    Is it hard (if you have) to breastfeed during daycare? What about answering the door in the middle of feeding? Did you cover when feeding in front of other people's kids? I have an almost 4 year old boy and I think I would be uncomfortable doing it in front of him, but he will be gone by the time baby gets here and so my next oldest is a 2.5 yo girl....
    I didn't find it too difficult, just became a part of my regular routine. I know when pick ups are so I don't cover during the day. I'm not walking around topless either but the kids know what I'm doing. They know that mommies have breasts that make milk for babies.

    Also, I plan on making my prenatal appointments to where I can stay open until 2pm on these days. My policies state that "I don't charge for days that I am unable to provide care" I normally close at 5:30, with pickups at 3:30,4:30,5, and 5:30 is it unreasonable to charge this as a regular day? Should I refund at an hourly rate by breaking down what each parent pays an hour (which is not much) or should I refund half the day.....whereas I would just close at noon
    I opened late for mine and didn't discount anything. No one had a problem with it. Definitely not unreasonable, but it can be nice to do if you can afford it.

    Sorry, so many questions in one post, just my crazy brain going constantly, thanks in advance for any advice
    I answered in bold. Congrats!!! Having a baby with daycare and breastfeeding is totally do able. Can be harder at times but I've done it twice now and always gotten into a good routine. The routine helps a ton!


    • #3
      Congratulations!!! How exciting!

      Regarding nursing, I nurse my son under a cover and the kids never notice. I will say that I was very nervous and stressed out about nursing during the daycare and I tried pumping and doing the bottle thing. That lasted two days ! It's just so much easier to just nurse and not worry about spending time pumping and then bottle feeding! I was nervous a parent would come when I was nursing, but when I nurse, I just sit on the couch by the window so I can see if anyone pulls up. Congrats again!


      • #4
        I told all clients/ prospective clients that if they had a problem w/ a partially exposed breast, it was not going to work. I won't cover, esp. in my own home. Most babies hate that anyway. Everyone was fine with it. All my dcks were breastfed, so seeing breasts was nothing new for the kiddos and their parents.


        • #5
          I have been breastfeeding some child () for the entire time since I began in jan2012. Oh, not the very end of the last pregnancy, but otherwise, yes.
          In the beginning, I let parents know that I would be breastfeeding throughout the day. Now, I don't usually mention it, but I do have Ohio's Revised Code about breastfeeding laws posted on my board, and I will breastfeed during the interview if my son needs it.
          I will cover up if they are in the room while Im pumping, but BFing? nah.
          Congrats on the surprise! I hope you have an uneventful pregnancy!


          • #6
            can't answer most of it, but I took my daughter to work with me when I was a nanny. the boy was 6 years old when she was born, and I started working when she was 2 months old, and yes, I did open up my nursing bra and fed her in front of him. at one point, he tried to help and lift my bra, and I had to explain that no lifting is needed, the bra had a layer that could be snapped off and pulled down... so, I guess, for him it was a normal process, like tying shoes: "oh, let me help you with that..."
            MotherNature is right, most babies hate the cover (would you like to eat under a blanket?), and even though I had one, I never used it and ended up throwing it away.

            congratulations! this is SO worth the wait...


            • #7
              Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
              Logged out for Privacy (have not told dc parents I'm expecting)

              So, I am 3.5 months pregnant, we have been trying for 10.5 years! No fertility treatments, it just happened on its own. So, you could say it was "planned" but totally unexpected. We have two that we have raised together (his) for the past 12 years who are now 13 & 16, not gonna lie I was just starting to look forward to child free house that was coming about in the next years, ha!

              Soooooo very excited about this new chapter of my life, but so nervous at the same to time! All these years of raising everyone else's children and suddenly I feel like I don't know anything! Lol

              A few questions, when do I tell? I feel like I'm in the safe zone but I will find out gender in 2 weeks and would like to wait until then (16 weeks) I'm noticeably bigger already and the past 3 weeks have been the most dramatic, do you think I can make 2 more? I told parents I was closing at half day for training for the first 2 appointments (one being tomorrow) because I wanted to make sure everything was good before announcing. But now I feel guilty........ Next appointment will be in 4 weeks....

              Breast feeding- do I need a pump? I will be with baby all day so I don't feel that it's necessary, are there any reasons you could foresee that I would need this, and would a cheaper one be okay since I really don't see myself using it much....just seems like such a waste and then I will have to buy bottles and a sterilizer and one thing leads into the next...

              Is it hard (if you have) to breastfeed during daycare? What about answering the door in the middle of feeding? Did you cover when feeding in front of other people's kids? I have an almost 4 year old boy and I think I would be uncomfortable doing it in front of him, but he will be gone by the time baby gets here and so my next oldest is a 2.5 yo girl....

              Also, I plan on making my prenatal appointments to where I can stay open until 2pm on these days. My policies state that "I don't charge for days that I am unable to provide care" I normally close at 5:30, with pickups at 3:30,4:30,5, and 5:30 is it unreasonable to charge this as a regular day? Should I refund at an hourly rate by breaking down what each parent pays an hour (which is not much) or should I refund half the day.....whereas I would just close at noon

              Sorry, so many questions in one post, just my crazy brain going constantly, thanks in advance for any advice
              Congratulations!! I had a similar situation. We had one, then tried for 8 years, then suddenly without doing anything extra I was pregnant. Then bam, 18 months after that I am pregnant again ::
              As far as timing, I think you *could* wait another couple of weeks, I would just make sure to tell them before they find out on their own. They would appreciate being told sooner rather than later.
              Breastfeeding- You might need a pump, but that doesn't have anything to do with you working from home. You may run into situations where you need to leave milk for your baby, such as a training or a night out (a girl can dream). I suggest getting a hand-pump ( I liked the avent) and a couple of bottles just in case. I ended up needing my pump to help clear up mastitis. As far as a sterilizer, they have these awesome steam bags now that work great.
              I do breastfeed in front of the other children, I do not cover up. That being said, I also don't reveal myself a lot. I do the two shirt method, a tank and a regular shirt. I pull my breast out of the tank, and then lift my shirt enough for the baby to latch on. Typically very little if anything can be seen. The kids inquired about it at first but then didn't care. As far as interruptions, in the beginning that was hard. After a couple months it wasn't a problem, I just answered the door while nursing.
              As far as appointments go, I would probably close at two and give them a discount for those days. Mainly because it will be an inconvenience for them. Make sure they are aware that once you get further along appointments will be more frequent.

              How long do you plan to take off for maternity leave? So exciting!


              • #8
                First off congrats!

                I highly suggest a pump and having dad or someone else give a bottle at least once per day if at all possible. You may not plan on being away, but things happen. You could get sick and need medication where you can't breastfeed, or have a need to be in the hospital or otherwise away from home. I know we don't like to think of those things, but they do happen, and you want baby to be able to eat if something does happen.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Thriftylady View Post
                  First off congrats!

                  I highly suggest a pump and having dad or someone else give a bottle at least once per day if at all possible. You may not plan on being away, but things happen. You could get sick and need medication where you can't breastfeed, or have a need to be in the hospital or otherwise away from home. I know we don't like to think of those things, but they do happen, and you want baby to be able to eat if something does happen.
                  Good point, if the kiddo is never offered a bottle then they may not drink from it if needed


                  • #10
                    I nurse in front of the kids all the tome. No cover and they don't care at all. My youngest is 2 and still nurses so everyone is used to it

                    I didn't pump with any of my kids. But I'm a really hands on mom so I knew I would never be away from them. No need for bottles


                    • #11
                      I waited until 12 weeks (wanted to wait longer, though...) because I was looking obviously round in the middle. I didn't want it to become the elephant in the room.

                      I am extremely modest and did breastfeed with 10 other children around. I tried to BF immediately before drop-off time and immediately before the first pick up. Less than a handful of times was I BFing when a parent was here and even with a cover on I felt awkward.
                      However, it can totally be done and there really isn't any need to feel awkward.

                      I continued to BF upon waking, before nap, and before bedtime until she was almost 2. So less than a handful of times with 10 parents dropping off and picking up is pretty good!


