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DCB Smells Like Stale Cigarettes!

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  • DCB Smells Like Stale Cigarettes!

    I have a 20 month old DCB that shows up everyday reaking of stale cigarettes. His father has custody and is a smoker and I'm pretty sure he probably smokes both in the home and the in the vehicle with this little guy. I'm a little concerned because I have 1 infant starting next week and a newborn starting in 4-5 weeks and I'm worried about the exposure to the second hand smoke around not only these little ones but my own children as well. Not only that but this little boy has a constant snotty nose! I'm wiping it every 5 min. probably due to the second hand smoke exposure. I'm not sure how to handle or approach this but I am not unwilling to terminate care if I get complaints from the parents of either of these infants.

  • #2
    Unfortunately smoking around kids is not illegal.

    I have required a couple changes of clothing (to include a "spare" jacket that you use at your house only), from home, to be kept at your house. When he arrives give him a quick bath and change him into clean clothes and toss the others in the laundry. Keep the cycle going....

    Eventually, you will just have to decide if keeping him is financially worth all the effort. :confused:
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


    • #3
      Originally posted by robinsoninfl View Post
      I have a 20 month old DCB that shows up everyday reaking of stale cigarettes. His father has custody and is a smoker and I'm pretty sure he probably smokes both in the home and the in the vehicle with this little guy. I'm a little concerned because I have 1 infant starting next week and a newborn starting in 4-5 weeks and I'm worried about the exposure to the second hand smoke around not only these little ones but my own children as well. Not only that but this little boy has a constant snotty nose! I'm wiping it every 5 min. probably due to the second hand smoke exposure. I'm not sure how to handle or approach this but I am not unwilling to terminate care if I get complaints from the parents of either of these infants.
      I would go to the GoodWill (here they have excellent and cute kids clothes) and also buy about 4 outfits to keep at your home. Here all kids clothes size 0-24mts are only .99 each. I know it would cost you about $8.00, but if he is a sweet child and is a fit in your daycare, then it would be worth it for the little guy.
      Years ago I had this little girl come to my daycare and she always smelled so bad, that it made me gag, so I would give her a quick bath or wash up and put my clothes on her and then put her clothes back on her at the end of the day. I kept this precious little girl for 5 years. The mother was single and just did not get it!! But the mother was sweet.


      • #4
        in ontario you can't smoke with your children in the car. hmmm, I usually wash stuff but that becomes expensive, I would change the clothes.


        • #5
          Spray his clothing with Febreeze fabric freshener when he arrives. Cornstarch based I believe.
          I see little people.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Childminder View Post
            Spray his clothing with Febreeze fabric freshener when he arrives. Cornstarch based I believe.
            I would confront dad. Better to p him off and get it in the open than create more work because you don't want to offend him. His feelings are no more important than yours and everytime he comes in stinking it is offending your feelings. I'd rather make him mad than deal with not only the smell but the health of this kid. I'd mention this too.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Childminder View Post
              Spray his clothing with Febreeze fabric freshener when he arrives. Cornstarch based I believe.
              :: Do this in front of DCD just to see what he says . Okay no not really, I just had that thought but admit it ... you know you want to. ::.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Catherder View Post
                Unfortunately smoking around kids is not illegal.
                Not in your home, but here in Canada, it is in your car. Big fine if you're caught. Problem is, not easy to catch someone holding a stick in their hand. It's quite obvious though, you can tell if its fresh smoke. Especially when it's cold out. The clothes would smell like smoke if he's smoking in the home with him. But if he's smoking in the car, it will be VERY strong and even though it'll have a stale'ish smell to it, you'll know it's fresh.
                Tell the dad to leave a freshly washed outfit sealed in a plastic bag so it doesn't smell like smoke. When he arrives, require him to change the baby into the fresh clothes if he insists on smoking around the baby. Since he is the parent, you can hint around the fact that the smoking is bad for his child, but you can't make him stop. And he'll just resent you for naggin him about it. But you can make him change baby into fresh clothes, so he doesn't smell. He may find it easier to just hold off on that morning smoke instead.

