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Help! Need Advice on New DCG, Possible Term?

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  • Help! Need Advice on New DCG, Possible Term?

    Hi Everyone! I'm new to the forum, but have been here many times to read other posts and have gotten some great advice from them! I am a Group Family Daycare Owner from Long Island.

    We just got a new family 2 weeks ago. At the time of registering DCG's Mom said that she would possibly go full time to keep her spot, but may need to start with part time. She is now part time and it was okay with us at the time, but now we have no more infant spots and we have turned away over 5 potentially full time families already. She is also reducing her already part time hours by picking her up 2 hours early today and not bringing her one day next week. We charge by the hour for part time care. Do we ask her to go full time or to find another provider? I feel guilty, as I have never termed a family or asked them to go full time before.

    Also, DCG has a cold sore on her face that DCG's Mom says is not contagious, but upon online research I am seeing that it can be contagious. Does anyone know anything about cold sores? DCG is constantly putting all toys in her mouth and I am concerned about the other children. She is 14 months. Should I ask her Mom to keep her out of daycare until it heals? The cold sore seems to be getting worse by the day!

    Any help with this family would be great! I don't know what to do! Thanks!

  • #2
    In regards to the cold sore, they are absolutely contagious. To shorten up the definition, I've copied word for word the definition pertaining to them from WebMD:
    "Herpes simplex viruses -- more commonly known as herpes -- are categorized into two types: herpes type 1 (HSV-1, or oral herpes) and herpes type 2 (HSV-2, or genital herpes). Most commonly, herpes type 1 causes sores around the mouth and lips (sometimes called fever blisters or cold sores)."

    So yes, it can be shared or transferred by any mere physical contact such as kissing or in this case, toys in the mouth. It is my understanding from research that some people are simply more susceptible to it and can catch it easily, others are not and may not. Disinfect everything to be safe.

    To address your other subject, I would simply have a conversation and explain that when DCG was originally signed up, it was with the understanding that she would eventually go FT. Enough time has passed, and FT takes priority over PT. Explain that you have had to turn down other potential families for the spot, but that you can no longer continue to do so. If she declines, I would have to then ask if this should be considered their 2-weeks (or whatever your term notice may be). It's business, not personal. They would not hesitate to do something that they may feel would be better for their family with no regards to you. You are perfectly entitled to follow through with the agreement you originally entered into. You're not trapped because of their circumstances.


    • #3
      As far as the cold sore, should she be coming to daycare while she has it and just be kept away from the other children? Or should she be kept home?

      I know your right about talking with her mom about her hours, it's just hard having never to have done this before.


      • #4
        Sadly, I am one of those people who was born with the virus that causes cold sores, and they can last for weeks. In general, however, once the sore erupts with fluid and then bursts is when it is most contagious. After it dries up and scabs over, the virus then returns to being dormant until the next outbreak. So really, it is up to you -- if you think you could and would be willing to be on high alert for 2-3 days of constant monitoring, toy removal from mouth, disinfecting and cleaning, etc, that's your call. but you would be well within your rights to request the child stay home during those days when the virus would be most active. I believe in my contract, I specifically site "contagious skin lesions" as a stay at home symptom. That covers chicken pox and cold sores, although I never really connected that before until your situation!!

        It is tough to term any family, but I wouldn't approach it with that mindset. Simply bring it up as a discussion of business, and site the ways in which this change could really benefit this family and their child. If they further decline, then would be the time to address the next part as sympathetically but firmly as possible. It's always hard, but it's easier than living resentful of the situation. I won't allow a family's needs to override that of mine or my family's needs (or sanity)!


        • #5
          Thank you so much! You don't know how much you helped make me feel better about the whole situation! :hug:


          • #6
            Originally posted by VacationLand Daycare View Post
            Thank you so much! You don't know how much you helped make me feel better about the whole situation! :hug:
            You're very welcome, I'm so glad that I could be of assistance!! Good luck and please let us know how everything goes!! :hug:


            • #7
              So an update on the family: We told DCG's Mom this morning that she has all of next week to decide if she wants to go to full time or to find another provider. She wasn't happy about it, but she left DCG with us. That was at 7:30am. At 9:30am, she comes back to take DCG home, several hours before scheduled pick up, and says she will be finding another provider.

              I know we had to do whats best for our business and it wouldn't have worked out with this family, but I still feel bad about it.


              • #8
                Originally posted by VacationLand Daycare View Post
                So an update on the family: We told DCG's Mom this morning that she has all of next week to decide if she wants to go to full time or to find another provider. She wasn't happy about it, but she left DCG with us. That was at 7:30am. At 9:30am, she comes back to take DCG home, several hours before scheduled pick up, and says she will be finding another provider.

                I know we had to do whats best for our business and it wouldn't have worked out with this family, but I still feel bad about it.
                It's never easy, but that sounds like a relatively mild reaction in comparison to what it could have been. I'm certain that you'll have your FT spot filled according to what you want in no time!! And honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if this parent came back to you in a week or two, begging for the full time spot. Sometimes, parents realize the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

                Most often though, they enter into a contract with us, thinking that if they nod and go along with whatever you're saying, they can switch it up on you later and get away with whatever it is they wanted in the first place. So many people have zero respect for our position and consider themselves our boss. Not so, and unfortunately it's a hard lesson that must be learned and that we end up teaching time and time again

                You did the right thing, so try not to concern yourself too much with their reaction! You can focus on moving forward with a family who is more respectful of you and your business! :hug:


                • #9
                  Thanks so much for all your help! I know that we are better off in the long run without that particular family, I just have to get used to being more firm about our policies.

                  You are so right about the parents thinking that they are our boss and the lack of respect we get though! We just have to be thankful for the good families in our lives that appreciate what we do. I got that today when another DCG's Dad came to pick her up and gave a $15 tip over the tuition for the week!

