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Trying Not to Feel Guilty...

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  • Trying Not to Feel Guilty...

    That my new DCG is screaming her head off in the pack n' play on her first day. Part of it is my fault because I let her mom drop her off right before nap time, and guess who fell asleep in the car?!

    I know it's a hard adjustment and I never expected her just to drop off and sleep. But I can't help but feel this kid is going to hate me from now on because the first thing I did with her was put her in a pack n' play and let her scream

    PS. Yes I am checking on her. If I let her out I know my other kids won't sleep. Sigh.

  • #2
    I had a dcg just like this. Screamed louder than any baby I have ever heard. She started not sleeping long and would scream and scream and scream. She would sleep literally 10-15 minutes at a time!!! I finally had to term her because I was so stressed. Praying for you and your sanity !


    • #3
      I require drop offs to be at least an hour before nap time, because of this.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Thriftylady View Post
        I require drop offs to be at least an hour before nap time, because of this.
        I knew I was going to regret it when I said yes. She was supposed to start Monday though and we had to put it off due to her needing to catch up on vaccines. So I felt bad telling her mom that tomorrow would be better

        Stupid jellyfish spine.


        • #5
          Don't feel guilty at all the kid will adjust :hug: . Hope tomorrow is better happyface


          • #6
            Today isn't much better. Ugh. I've been going in every ten minutes, laying her down, and patting her back trying to get her to realize it's time for sleep. I've been doing this for an hour and no dice

            I know mom does bedshare with her to get her to sleep, but she was in daycare before this and they said she napped! I hope she catches on quicker than it's looking right now


            • #7
              Sorry I know that is tough!!!

