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Bumbo Seats?

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  • Bumbo Seats?

    In in Ca. Are they allowed? All of the stuff I have about what is allowed and what isn't has no mention of a bumbo seat. Sure would make things easier if I could use one! Haven't got a call back from my analyst so thought I would ask here! Thanks!

  • #2
    I LOVE LOVE LOVE bumbo seats!!! Just wanted to say that. It is one of my go to baby shower gifts. The reasons I like them as a parent --- I could pop it on top of the dining room table, on the couch, etc. but I am sure the way I used it as a parent would scare licensing.

    Bumbo seats were not on the list of things I recall being forbidden in California licensing. That said I would not use them in a daycare setting..... Picturing four bumbo in a row with a daycare provider reading a book I can see the space for those to be misused. California to my understanding does not want contraptions that restrain infants freedom of movement or to encourage a sedentary setting for long periods of time. So even if it is not listed that could change shortly.


    • #3
      Yes, Bumbo seats are allowed in CA. Just make sure to always set in on the ground, though.


      • #4
        Originally posted by sharlan View Post
        Yes, Bumbo seats are allowed in CA. Just make sure to always set in on the ground, though.
        I agree - keep them on the ground.


        I knew a family with like 8 kids who used to put the baby in the bumbo, on a lazy susan in the middle of the dining room table during dinner :: The would turn him so he could keep an eye on all his people. That's my story


        • #5
          Thanks all! Will definitely keep it on the ground!

          Originally posted by Controlled Chaos View Post
          I knew a family with like 8 kids who used to put the baby in the bumbo, on a lazy susan in the middle of the dining room table during dinner :: The would turn him so he could keep an eye on all his people. That's my story
          This is fantastic !!!::


          • #6
            Originally posted by Controlled Chaos View Post
            I agree - keep them on the ground.


            I knew a family with like 8 kids who used to put the baby in the bumbo, on a lazy susan in the middle of the dining room table during dinner :: The would turn him so he could keep an eye on all his people. That's my story
            Cute idea, but not with somebody else's child. We would set my granddaughter's far back on the counter while we cooked, but I'd never do it with another child.


            • #7
              Originally posted by sharlan View Post
              Cute idea, but not with somebody else's child. We would set my granddaughter's far back on the counter while we cooked, but I'd never do it with another child.
              Obviously I would NEVER do this with someone else's child.

              Still think it is a super cute idea for a family


              • #8
                They didn't exist when my kids were little. But I could see me using one if they had. Not sure I would feel comfortable using one in daycare. To many distractions for me to keep a constant eye on one in something they could fall out of. Heck I think some days I could distract myself .


                • #9
                  Bumbos are allowed but pretty frowned upon. It's because the child is basically in a restraint. It's considered better to hold children when eating (if they can't sit up) and then when they can sit, to let them sit in a regular small chair at a small table (or a high chair if no small chair and table is possible). That way they have control of their own body and they can get in and out of positions without adult intervention.

                  Are you wanting to use a bumbo for something other than eating? If so, what is it you are wanting it for? If it's a safe place, you could put a gate around them and they can be laid down on the floor. If it's to teach sitting up, that's really unnecessary- they develop that skill better if they evolve to it naturally without propping or supports...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                    Are you wanting to use a bumbo for something other than eating? If so, what is it you are wanting it for? If it's a safe place, you could put a gate around them and they can be laid down on the floor. If it's to teach sitting up, that's really unnecessary- they develop that skill better if they evolve to it naturally without propping or supports...
                    Definitely not eating. Kiddo is only 5 months. He HATES laying down unless it is time to sleep. I can't exactly hold him the ENTIRE time he is here. So it is either I get something like this for when I am preparing meals for the older kiddos and changing diapers, or I let him scream frantically until I am finished.

                    I would much rather sit him somewhere than let him scream.....


                    • #11
                      Have you looked into RIE practices at all? Resources for infant education was put together by pediatrician Emmi Pickler and child development specialist Magda Gerber. Its based ob the idea of giving children free movement to explore and develop naturally and to respect the littles ones as people- just smaller. It can really help with getting everyone used to sharing your time and they get used to being on their own to explore and not rely on an adult to hold and entertain them..


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
                        Have you looked into RIE practices at all? Resources for infant education was put together by pediatrician Emmi Pickler and child development specialist Magda Gerber. Its based ob the idea of giving children free movement to explore and develop naturally and to respect the littles ones as people- just smaller. It can really help with getting everyone used to sharing your time and they get used to being on their own to explore and not rely on an adult to hold and entertain them..
                        I have never heard of it but did read over the link you provided. Honestly, this isn't really how I tend to do things nor do I think it necessarily SHOULD be done in that way. I don't think there is anything wrong with holding babies and teaching them things like sitting, crawling, walking, etc. Do babies need plenty of floor time to move and figure stuff out? You bet. But I think this method takes it a bit too far. Just my opinion though. I appreciate learning something new


                        • #13
                          If I remember correctly bumbo seats were recalled a few years ago in Canada. I don't know about California though. The drop-in centre where I used to work had a gumbo, but then we had to get rid of it because there were safety concerns.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Lovisa View Post
                            Definitely not eating. Kiddo is only 5 months. He HATES laying down unless it is time to sleep. I can't exactly hold him the ENTIRE time he is here. So it is either I get something like this for when I am preparing meals for the older kiddos and changing diapers, or I let him scream frantically until I am finished.

                            I would much rather sit him somewhere than let him scream.....
                            Sadly other than short feedings which is what I LOVE it for, it is sadly not good for their development... I have taken RIE classes with Janet Lansbury and RIE is such a gift. Do look into it!!!

                            Janet wrote an article about Bumbo & other similar seats, you can find the entire article which is worth the read here: but I am also cutting and pasting a specific part.

                            "4. Delaying, skipping motor milestones

                            When parents write to me concerned about their infants not reaching milestones like rolling or crawling, it usually turns out that they’ve been restricting movement in devices like infant seats, jumpers and saucers, or sitting the baby up. Babies can’t be expected to develop motor skills without the time and freedom to do so. If they are stuck sitting, infants sometimes even skip the other important milestones (rolling, scooting and crawling).

                            “I believe in giving your baby a safe space in which to play and letting her move freely and develop on her own without assisting her. Refrain from propping her up to sit or helping her roll over. She has an innate desire to move through these developmental sequences and has inborn knowledge of how to do it in a way that is “right” for her. She does this at her own pace and she gets pleasure from doing it.” –Magda Gerber"

                            I know it is painful to hear a baby cry when it seems there is an easy fix but you set him up in a nice safe engaging floor space and he will learn to sooth himself, entertain himself, etc. and will find comfort just in hearing your voice, playing with his toes belly gazing and you making occasional eye contact.

                            I started out as an AP mom and adjusted to being a RIE mom after only a few months but..... the transition from AP to RIE was stark and included tears from my dd which I never ever really had to hear following AP and was hard on me at first but then I saw the gift it gave her to cry and come to the other side of that cry and sometimes I had to sit on my hands to not rush in to rescue my dd (it still takes her 5 minutes to buckle her new saltwater sandals each summer, LOL) but I give her the gift of reaching that accomplishment on her own. This is very different than CIO or just zoning out it out ---- it is more like "spotting without rescuing" here is a great video example of it here with a cute mama polar bear "spotting but not rescuing":

                            I can go on and on about RIE and RIE tools but it seems like alot for this thread about a baby seat...... sorry about that. That said without explaining it more fully I could not just that the baby crying while annoying/disturbing, etc. now is actually helpful to him and you in the long run....


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Lovisa View Post
                              Definitely not eating. Kiddo is only 5 months. He HATES laying down unless it is time to sleep. I can't exactly hold him the ENTIRE time he is here. So it is either I get something like this for when I am preparing meals for the older kiddos and changing diapers, or I let him scream frantically until I am finished.

                              I would much rather sit him somewhere than let him scream.....
                              I got rid of the bumbo and got one of these seats by summer infant.

                              I did not like how the tray attached or how harness fit once we installed it. Then I had a chubby leg baby that could fit in it.
                              The summer infant tray comes off easier, the center part between the legs switches out for big thighs and it has a chair strap. The padding is removable too.

