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Anyone Else Keep Logs on Each Kid?

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  • Anyone Else Keep Logs on Each Kid?

    For this new year I decided that with all the issues that come with having other peoples kids in the house I would start keep a journal of each kid. I really wish I started from the go as Id have logs to go back and say see "this happened 3 times etc..." I dont know why I didnt think of this before seeing how I worked in Health care years ago and keeping written logs has saved my rear before. Im just afraid with new contract changes a parent may get on me for the why is this like this and so forth. If I have "proof" to back up my reasoning I might have a shot if I ever need to go to court.

    Has anyone done this (or is doing this) and have you had to use the logs/journals to prove your case? If so, have they been effective or have they been a downfall? I know its good to have records for my own behalf. So far this month, the books are pretty heavily filled out. And on just two kids.
    "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".

  • #2
    I am new to DC this year and watch all Teachers Kids. One specifically asked I keep a daily log because pick up time can be chaotic and not enough time to talk about entire day etc...
    My log is as follows on a long sided 1/2 sheet of paper pre copied
    It looks a little nicer but here it is in basic form.

    Diaper count Wet
    Potty attempts
    Breakfast Time
    What we ate
    Morning Activities
    Lunch Time
    What we ate
    Afternoon Activities
    Nap Time
    After Nap Activities
    Boo Boo's ?
    Supplies Needed
    Other Issues

    I find that if especially one parent drops off and the other parent picks up that they actually read these logs


    • #3
      Here in NY we have to keep a written log for each child. I keep a notebook in each childs' personal file bin. And yes, it is to save our butt just in case. I have been bad at logging info in them but I am making an effort remember because my 2 year old daycare boy hurts other if I log that in, I have all the incidences on record.

      It is a very good idea to keep this up because it can help you just incase a parent wants to accuse you of something.


      • #4
        Minute menu ha a cool daily report that automatically fills in the meals and then I just type in the books we read and things we do, they have a place where we can write notes for each child on their own report (but I haven't figured out how to do it yet).

        In Ca. we don't have to keep logs, but most parents like it.


        • #5
          Wow, Minute Menu has a lot to offer. Bites that I don't know anyone locally who uses it so I could tinker around with it. I already have heard so many great things about it that I'll do it. If I didn't have a program to type things into, I would only keep one basic journal that keeps track of how each of our days went. Menu's are preplanned so instead of rewriting each menu every day, I would just give the day's meal a short code like 1.A for week one Monday and 2.D for week two and Thursday. Get what I mean? I'd obviously have how the day went in general and write any new accomplishments for the kids. This would be for parents to view just keeping mind that I wouldn't state anything bad about the kids. If an accident happened that day, I would simply put "Biting occurred between two children" and then go to the accident report forms in another location to find the two sheets (one for the biting child and one for the child who was bitten).

          The main thing to remember is to make sure you have a written record of events that would draw a concern. You also should keep up to date and write them down when they happen and inform parents that day. No one wants to hear their child was bit yesterday! LOL, so make sure you are prepared to fill it out same day and let parents know. You also should have them sign it so it's proof they're aware of the incidents their child was involved in or did.


          • #6
            I do a daily sheet each day but as for a log no. The only logging I do is bad behavior, accident report or a parent problem.


            • #7
              Yeah I do the daily logs too but I mean a notebook. For your use just incase something happens and you need to go back and defend yourself or bring up issues.

              For instance Im keeping logs of when they are late coming in or dropping off payments or if I notice a odor or bruises. I had to keep detailed logs of conversations I had with Clients in health care and Im now doing so with parents and I copy all the texts I have with them too that says one thing but something else actually happens.

              Every day my dck go home with infant/toddler logs that the parents may or may not read. As you are all aware Im sure. LOL
              "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".


              • #8
                Originally posted by My4SunshineGirlsNY View Post
                Here in NY we have to keep a written log for each child. I keep a notebook in each childs' personal file bin. And yes, it is to save our butt just in case. I have been bad at logging info in them but I am making an effort remember because my 2 year old daycare boy hurts other if I log that in, I have all the incidences on record.

                It is a very good idea to keep this up because it can help you just incase a parent wants to accuse you of something.
                Yup I believe so too! I hope I never have to use it but with other people, no matter how good the relationship is, you just never know.
                "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".


                • #9
                  Originally posted by E Daycare View Post
                  I copy all the texts I have with them too that says one thing but something else actually happens.
                  How do you copy text messages? I lock mine if they're important so they don't get deleted until I'm ready to delete, but if my phone gets water damage, ie, then I'm screwed either way.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Abigail View Post
                    How do you copy text messages? I lock mine if they're important so they don't get deleted until I'm ready to delete, but if my phone gets water damage, ie, then I'm screwed either way.
                    I literally just write them down verbatim with the time the text was received and what was said in response or if a phone call came of it. I know if worse comes to worse my husband can borrow a piece of forensic equipment from work that will allow me to download and save all my text messages but I hope it doesnt ever have to come to this.
                    "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".


                    • #11
                      try minute menu kids...they have a great report builder to help track daily progress, accidents, just about anything you want to type up. It also allows you to build individual reports for each child. I use it, but mostly when reporting accidents, behavior, illness and etc.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by lvt77 View Post
                        try minute menu kids...they have a great report builder to help track daily progress, accidents, just about anything you want to type up. It also allows you to build individual reports for each child. I use it, but mostly when reporting accidents, behavior, illness and etc.
                        Cool, just signed up for the free trial. Thanks for the idea!
                        "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Abigail View Post
                          How do you copy text messages? I lock mine if they're important so they don't get deleted until I'm ready to delete, but if my phone gets water damage, ie, then I'm screwed either way.
                          I had a problem parent last year and started to record texts and voice mails. I took pictures of the texts on my phone and used my video camera to take a short video of my phone playing the voice mail on speaker phone. Then I saved both on my phone. I only start taking notes when things start going bad. This parent was threatening and harassing me...thankfully I haven't heard from him since Aug.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Danielle View Post
                            I took pictures of the texts on my phone.
                            I love that idea!
                            "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".


                            • #15
                              I added to my PHB a section on proper notification....
                              it basically says NO text messages will be accepted at any time, and that parent must speak directly to me to communicate through out the day.

                              Reason I did this was becuase I dont always have time to check my phone and parents were saying oh well I texted you telling you that I was going to be late or whatever reason......

