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FB Is Costing Me Clients

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  • FB Is Costing Me Clients

    I am a member of a couple of local FB pages for parents looking for daycare. It seems to be the "go to" for parents and providers but I am finding it increasingly difficult because of the "Message requests" and the "other folder" options. My messages seem to go into some sort of vortex and potential clients are not getting my messages for weeks!

    I have had two potential clients not receive my messages in time and they had already chosen another provider. Both of them sounded fairly disappointed by the fact that they didn't interview with me.

    I just don't understand how other providers are getting their messages through and I also don't understand why a parent who is using FB to find care wouldn't check all of their folders/messages....especially when I put "I sent a PM to your inbox" in their message thread on the page.

    So frustrated right now

    Anyone else having this issue?

  • #2
    Originally posted by Ariana View Post
    I am a member of a couple of local FB pages for parents looking for daycare. It seems to be the "go to" for parents and providers but I am finding it increasingly difficult because of the "Message requests" and the "other folder" options. My messages seem to go into some sort of vortex and potential clients are not getting my messages for weeks!

    I have had two potential clients not receive my messages in time and they had already chosen another provider. Both of them sounded fairly disappointed by the fact that they didn't interview with me.

    I just don't understand how other providers are getting their messages through and I also don't understand why a parent who is using FB to find care wouldn't check all of their folders/messages....especially when I put "I sent a PM to your inbox" in their message thread on the page.

    So frustrated right now

    Anyone else having this issue?
    Not me, but then I have the contact button activated on my FB business page so it sends parents directly to my phone info. I don't do messaging stuff - too many don't get read. Most my parents are directed to my website off my ads and then they send me contact info that way... I answer these emails with a phone call within 8 hrs if at all possible ( yep even weekends)


    • #3
      I think it has to do with settings on your account. Ive heard others say messages go to their "other" inbox more frequently if their privacy settings are strict.
      I would just post on their post/thread/page to whomever you are sending a message to that you are messaging them and that they should check their 'other' folder. That's how people on our local group site do it.


      • #4
        There is also a folder within the "other" folder. Click on filtered requests and there will be a bunch more messages. Maybe PM and then follow up with them on the thread?


        • #5
          I make it a regular habit to check my message folder every day , including the others and filtered messages . There are many things that will end up filtered by facebook without me ever knowing about it .

          Usually I can see when the other person has opened the message . Are they even opening your messages ?


          • #6
            Maybe list your website on your ad and they can contact you that way. My website has a contact form and it notifies me right away to my email


            • #7
              I think the biggest issue has been facebook having two different areas where messages get through. There is a new inbox called a filtered inbox. I have had quite a lot of messages in that inbox and I did not even know about it until last week . They need to quit making so many changes ::.

              In a case like this one, I think it depends on how technically savy the parent is. I also think it has to do with the privacy settings on their facebook account. For mine, I only have messages from my friends go through. I have never had pages send me a message. Often times my mom would ask me questions about her computer, and I had to set up my dad's phone today. I think email is usually best because there is less risk, and messages get through quickly.

              Good luck :hug: I hope this gets better for you happyface


              • #8
                I just found out about filtered messages today. 2 people requesting care in the past month...ugh!! Guess I'll be checking that more often. I prefer to use fb because it logs all convos and shows when someone has read a message but these "folders" are really annoying!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mandy View Post
                  I think the biggest issue has been facebook having two different areas where messages get through. There is a new inbox called a filtered inbox. I have had quite a lot of messages in that inbox and I did not even know about it until last week . They need to quit making so many changes ::.

                  In a case like this one, I think it depends on how technically savy the parent is. I also think it has to do with the privacy settings on their facebook account. For mine, I only have messages from my friends go through. I have never had pages send me a message. Often times my mom would ask me questions about her computer, and I had to set up my dad's phone today. I think email is usually best because there is less risk, and messages get through quickly.

                  Good luck :hug: I hope this gets better for you happyface
                  Oh my goodness, this happened to me too! I just discovered that my cousin found me on Facebook last year and it went to an "other" folder. Sometimes Facebook doesn't even notify you that messages are there.

                  I didn't see anything any my privacy settings that indicated I wanted messages filtered out. In fact, on mine, Facebook notifies me about some messages with a "message request" and not others.

                  I think the only way around FB's new crazy system (for OP) is to post in the comments with instructions for the parents.


                  • #10
                    Thanks everyone! I am going to have to come up with a new way to respond directly on the page. Maybe I will start attaching my website for them to see instead.

                    The parent hasn't even seen the response I sent her and it was 4 days ago . So frustrating. I will go back to the thread and let her know and attach my website. I am wondering if anyone has gotten through to her because there were 3 other providers who messaged her.


                    • #11
                      Do you have a business facebook page? I would put the link to that directly on their post and have them contact you. I am on a bunch of fb selling pages and people are slowly learning that they need to check their "others" folder - problem is it is harder to find on mobile devices and thats what most people are on.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Ariana View Post
                        Thanks everyone! I am going to have to come up with a new way to respond directly on the page. Maybe I will start attaching my website for them to see instead.

                        The parent hasn't even seen the response I sent her and it was 4 days ago . So frustrating. I will go back to the thread and let her know and attach my website. I am wondering if anyone has gotten through to her because there were 3 other providers who messaged her.
                        Attaching you're website is better anyways. It allows other parents to see you too. I post a link to my fb page or website and the parent that posted never contact me but other parents see it and contact me. Honestly if you watch some of those post, you will find the same parent needing care every so many months.


                        • #13
                          Facebook is weird. You HAVE to check your "Other" folder.
                          Knowing that I make sure to check it at least once a week.
                          I just recently figured out how to check it on the mobile app so at least now I don't have to wait until I can get to a computer so at least there is that.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
                            Facebook is weird. You HAVE to check your "Other" folder.
                            Knowing that I make sure to check it at least once a week.
                            I just recently figured out how to check it on the mobile app so at least now I don't have to wait until I can get to a computer so at least there is that.
                            How do you do that?


                            • #15
                              As a parent, I only call the ads that have a phone number. I don't want to message and possibly get a delayed respons. I will text or call. Occasionally, I may respond to a thread.

