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Quitting The Rating System

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  • Quitting The Rating System

    I started the training last year,then family issues came up and I stopped, while I was going to the classes,I just felt after doing this for 20 yrs, only taking 4 kids, I just wasn't feeling all the things they wanted us to do.If I was just starting,I would embrace it. Have anyone here opt out and what was the consequence, if any? just wondering

  • #2
    Originally posted by Melissa67 View Post
    I started the training last year,then family issues came up and I stopped, while I was going to the classes,I just felt after doing this for 20 yrs, only taking 4 kids, I just wasn't feeling all the things they wanted us to do.If I was just starting,I would embrace it. Have anyone here opt out and what was the consequence, if any? just wondering
    If your state allows you to opt out I would take advantage of that. Usually it only affects your program if you have subsidy paid clients. My state does not allow providers to opt out. If we are licensed we have to go through the QRIS rating system/report card. Good luck to you!


    • #3

      What state? I'm curious how they added it to the rules. Thanks.


      • #4
        I tried to opt out and was pressured heavily to participate.

        I had 3 inspections in under 30 days then almost every 6 weeks thereafter when I first declined.

        4 different outside agencies (think collections level phone call frequency) calling my home to "offer resources" , "discuss participation" and "solicit my opinion" about participating.

        I have had one visit since completing the program. I still won't accept subsidy or participate in the food program. Those phone calls are starting now....
        - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


        • #5
          they claim it will be mandatory by 2017,we will see, when that time come,they can have my license, with a red bow on it


          • #6
            Originally posted by Melissa67 View Post
            they claim it will be mandatory by 2017,we will see, when that time come,they can have my license, with a red bow on it
            :: That's exactly how I feel.


            • #7
              In WI we can opt out, but then we can't accept any families on assistance. I'm going through accreditation and would automatically receive a 5 star rating in our system once I'm accredited but haven't decided whether I'm going to participate or not. I don't know how hard it might be to stop participating once I start. The only way I'd participate is through accreditation.


              • #8
                Originally posted by grandmom View Post

                What state? I'm curious how they added it to the rules. Thanks.
                Tennessee and it is a law. It would take legislation to get it removed so it is NOT going away. Became law in 2001.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
                  I tried to opt out and was pressured heavily to participate.

                  I had 3 inspections in under 30 days then almost every 6 weeks thereafter when I first declined.

                  4 different outside agencies (think collections level phone call frequency) calling my home to "offer resources" , "discuss participation" and "solicit my opinion" about participating.

                  I have had one visit since completing the program. I still won't accept subsidy or participate in the food program. Those phone calls are starting now....
                  We got pulled in with grants, free college courses, etc. which was wonderful because some of us obtained degrees but now we are left hanging. We were told the program would be voluntary, but look where we are 15 years later....having report card with a mandated 4-6 hour assessment every year with countless visits from several agencies annually. :confused:


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Melissa67 View Post
                    they claim it will be mandatory by 2017,we will see, when that time come,they can have my license, with a red bow on it
                    Been there, said that and here I still am....I have invested over 20 years of my life to FCC and over 30 years to child care industry, in is who I am and what I want to be but I can't imagine opening a child care program from the ground up. FCC is slowly diminishing. Our state had over 3000 family child care homes in 2001, today we have 712. FCC is becoming extinct and that infuriates me.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by AmyKidsCo View Post
                      In WI we can opt out, but then we can't accept any families on assistance. I'm going through accreditation and would automatically receive a 5 star rating in our system once I'm accredited but haven't decided whether I'm going to participate or not. I don't know how hard it might be to stop participating once I start. The only way I'd participate is through accreditation.
                      In my state, all weight of the components is on the assessment score. We can be Nationally accredited, have an ECE degree, and all kinds of training, but if we do not score a certain point, all is for naught. THAT IS WRONG! And yes, it has been fought for years but it is in the law so it is NOT going away! :confused:

                      FWIW, I score well, but it becomes a game and you decide to play or not.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Annalee View Post
                        In my state, all weight of the components is on the assessment score. We can be Nationally accredited, have an ECE degree, and all kinds of training, but if we do not score a certain point, all is for naught. THAT IS WRONG! And yes, it has been fought for years but it is in the law so it is NOT going away! :confused:

                        FWIW, I score well, but it becomes a game and you decide to play or not.
                        Even if I move to a different home, I will stay legally licensed exempt in this state just because of QRIS... because I work with infants I would still be limited to 4 kids, so what is the difference? I get paid almost as much as the 2 licensed homes in my county - one is small group, the other large and I don't take subsidy although I have been cleared to accept it. TN does not pay enough in subsidy except to the Centers so jumping the hoops is worthless as far as I am concerned. (They haven't upped subsidy pay here in years).


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by LysesKids View Post
                          Even if I move to a different home, I will stay legally licensed exempt in this state just because of QRIS... because I work with infants I would still be limited to 4 kids, so what is the difference? I get paid almost as much as the 2 licensed homes in my county - one is small group, the other large and I don't take subsidy although I have been cleared to accept it. TN does not pay enough in subsidy except to the Centers so jumping the hoops is worthless as far as I am concerned. (They haven't upped subsidy pay here in years).
                          They are not upping subsidy pay this year either, but they are looking at ways to regulate/find unlicensed providers. You operate legally but a large percent simply dropped their license and still keep the same amount of kids AND are on the food program counting these kids as "related". That is NOT fair to those operating legally. There is a huge push to find these providers. Not sure how this is all going to work. Right now, those that are unlicensed but keep subsidy paid children will have to become licensed by 2017???? But I will not believe this until I actually see it take place. There are many things I am awaiting news about after the June 30 end to the fiscal year!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Annalee View Post
                            Been there, said that and here I still am....I have invested over 20 years of my life to FCC and over 30 years to child care industry, in is who I am and what I want to be but I can't imagine opening a child care program from the ground up. FCC is slowly diminishing. Our state had over 3000 family child care homes in 2001, today we have 712. FCC is becoming extinct and that infuriates me.
                            Do you feel the majority left because of assessment? I feel it's a huge factor.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by MissAnn View Post
                              Do you feel the majority left because of assessment? I feel it's a huge factor.
                              Yes. I think that is the number one reason. Assessment is the most stressful thing I do to have a family child care. It is unrealistic and causes undue hardship. I wait several weeks after scheduling, then when I complete it I wait weeks for my score so this is up to three months of agony. I score well but I feel it is an unfair process. My annual report card that will define me for a year is based on a four to six hour assessment by someone that knows nothing about me nor what I stand for. That is unfair. :confused:

