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The Football Player...

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  • The Football Player...

    DCb 2 (turned 2 in Jan) is such a sweet little guy but the last few months I've been struggling with him using football type moves on the other kids.

    He will run towards them and pull them down to the floor by their waist. Run at them shoulder first bumping into them or knocking them to the ground. Running at them with his head down hitting them in the stomach. Leaning back against another child until they both fall (kind of like the do you trust me game older kids play)

    He never does any of it in a mean, upset or angry attitude. He's one of those kids who's always happy with a huge smile all day and if he's sad there is something really wrong.

    I've tried everything I can think of to stop the behavior. Mom & dad are working on it at home and talking with him too.

    I should clarify that when I say running it isn't always running. It can be walking or just standing next to someone else and he will do it.

  • #2
    I have a 2 year old dcb who does this exact same kind of thing. He will also sometimes just stand up and literally beat at his own chest like a gorilla. I have found that giving him a little more structure helps, I keep him focused on an activity by himself. He likes to draw and look through "busy boxes" I tend to shadow him a lot and use a lot of redirection. We work on fine motor skills while counting an sorting small objects with large tweezers or spoons.
    I know not everyone is going to agree with me on this, and that is OK. When we have days he just can't keep his body to himself, I give him a large bean bag (chair type) and encourage him to to let out his "aggression" He knows where it is and will now go over to it and punch it or lay on it, or whatever he is feeling like. If the child can not express how he is feeling through words, even if it is that they are excited or happy, they will use their body to communicate those feelings. By 2, they are in control of their movements and excitement, frustration, anger and happiness are easily expressed through movement. Sometimes I will "pause" the whole group and tell them to drop everything. We do a simon says sort of game where I encourage them to move their bodies and show me different faces-happy, sad, scared, angry etc.
    My other dck can get very fed up with his behavior, so I encourage them to put their hands out in front of them and say "No. Stop." I find this helps his recognize he is hurting or upsetting others. I hope you can find a way to ease some of his behavior, I know it can be frustrating!


    • #3
      That's a good idea, I will try the bean bag today. I currently have a newish DCb that is a biter, he bruised dcg wrist he got her so hard :-( So I'm currently shadowing him most of the day. But still trying to shadow the football player. ::

      Originally posted by organicdclady View Post
      I have a 2 year old dcb who does this exact same kind of thing. He will also sometimes just stand up and literally beat at his own chest like a gorilla. I have found that giving him a little more structure helps, I keep him focused on an activity by himself. He likes to draw and look through "busy boxes" I tend to shadow him a lot and use a lot of redirection. We work on fine motor skills while counting an sorting small objects with large tweezers or spoons.
      I know not everyone is going to agree with me on this, and that is OK. When we have days he just can't keep his body to himself, I give him a large bean bag (chair type) and encourage him to to let out his "aggression" He knows where it is and will now go over to it and punch it or lay on it, or whatever he is feeling like. If the child can not express how he is feeling through words, even if it is that they are excited or happy, they will use their body to communicate those feelings. By 2, they are in control of their movements and excitement, frustration, anger and happiness are easily expressed through movement. Sometimes I will "pause" the whole group and tell them to drop everything. We do a simon says sort of game where I encourage them to move their bodies and show me different faces-happy, sad, scared, angry etc.
      My other dck can get very fed up with his behavior, so I encourage them to put their hands out in front of them and say "No. Stop." I find this helps his recognize he is hurting or upsetting others. I hope you can find a way to ease some of his behavior, I know it can be frustrating!


      • #4
        Originally posted by organicdclady View Post
        I have a 2 year old dcb who does this exact same kind of thing. He will also sometimes just stand up and literally beat at his own chest like a gorilla. I have found that giving him a little more structure helps, I keep him focused on an activity by himself. He likes to draw and look through "busy boxes" I tend to shadow him a lot and use a lot of redirection. We work on fine motor skills while counting an sorting small objects with large tweezers or spoons.
        I know not everyone is going to agree with me on this, and that is OK. When we have days he just can't keep his body to himself, I give him a large bean bag (chair type) and encourage him to to let out his "aggression" He knows where it is and will now go over to it and punch it or lay on it, or whatever he is feeling like. If the child can not express how he is feeling through words, even if it is that they are excited or happy, they will use their body to communicate those feelings. By 2, they are in control of their movements and excitement, frustration, anger and happiness are easily expressed through movement. Sometimes I will "pause" the whole group and tell them to drop everything. We do a simon says sort of game where I encourage them to move their bodies and show me different faces-happy, sad, scared, angry etc.
        My other dck can get very fed up with his behavior, so I encourage them to put their hands out in front of them and say "No. Stop." I find this helps his recognize he is hurting or upsetting others. I hope you can find a way to ease some of his behavior, I know it can be frustrating!
        I love these ideas!

