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Tired Kids!! This Just Drives Me NUTS!!!

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  • Tired Kids!! This Just Drives Me NUTS!!!

    For me there is NOTHING that drives me battier than when kids come in the morning and they are so tired that they can't function. I have 2 like this and it is EVERYDAY!

    I have a dcg who will be 4 in March. She comes in just miserably tired, very moody and other kids can't even look at her. She gets a bit better as soon as her mom leaves but while mom is here she is just nasty. Grunting and groaning and whining if anyone else so much as looks at her! She has this sound that she makes like an uuuuuuuuhhhh (whiny) while mom is trying to get her coat and boots off and takes her sweet time when she can clearly do this herself. I have started putting her in her bed to "find her happy mood" and she is not allowed to come out until she has found it. If she loses it again she has to go back and sleep. I tell her this now right in front of mom because this is ridiculous in the morning. We have free play in the morning for about a half hour and she basically just follows the others/mopes around lays on the floor and can't find anything to do unless it is with someone else and then is so bossy! My other one a dcb 2 years old comes in every morning hardly able to stand up on his own. Mom hands him off to me because all he wants to do is lay on her shoulder. When mom leaves I bring him to the play area and he lies on the floor. Mom always says oh he had a bottle! A bottle???? Can you say LAZY!!!!!!!!! The kid is 2 years and 4 months old. By the way I am the one who potty trained his brother who was 3 1/2! The kids run their parents! They let their kids up so late at night and then the next day they are zombies!!

    After our half hour of free play, all the children color or paint or play with play doh. These two have no interest, they just sit there and have an empty blank look, they are so tired! No matter what we do they are like this all morning!

    Both are totally different children after their naps in the afternoon but they both drive me nuts until then. The boy is not so bad he just sits or lays on the floor very quiet. Girl just has to be a pain in the butt to everyone.

    I would put them for a nap immediately when they come in as they need it but then I would not get a break at all during the day as the other 4 all sleep in the afternoon.

    I am not sure what to do unless I put them for a nap first thing in the am and then put them in a separate room in the afternoon while the others nap and they can watch tv until the others wake up. I do not allow TV. It is only on for a 1/2 hour in the am from 7 30-8 while my own ds is getting ready for school and then it is on during pickups from 4-430 pm. (These 2 LOVE TV. They will sit and watch it ALL day!)

    I guess I am just at my wits end today! Why is it that parents think its okay for their kids to not get enough rest?

  • #2
    two naps on both

    Put them back to bed immediately for at least an hour to an hour and a half AND give them an afternoon nap 2-3 hours.

    BTDT and it works GREAT


    • #3
      Originally posted by nannyde View Post
      two naps on both

      Put them back to bed immediately for at least an hour to an hour and a half AND give them an afternoon nap 2-3 hours.

      BTDT and it works GREAT
      Thanks nannyde

      I am just not sure if they will sleep again in the afternoon so they may keep my others awake. I am not at all upset with the children it is not their fault. It just drives me crazy that the parents are so irresponsible!

      I know that these two families allow their children to dictate when and if and how they do things at home and it really bothers me when I see this happen! My son is 7 and he is in bed at 7 730 EVERY night! This is not because I don't want to be around him. I love having my son with me and doing things with him but he needs it! He has always required a lot of sleep and when he stays up too late occasionally on special occasions he has a very rough day the next day and we all suffer for it. What good is it for him to go to school tired and get into trouble or not be able to focus? Another thing my son listens to me. When I tell him to move he moves!! He is well behaved and a great kid. These others are great kids too. When they are HERE! But change when mom shows up!

      This 4 year old dcg is going to school in September she needs to go to bed before 10 just like the 2 year old's brother who is 5 and in school now. The brother comes sometimes after school when mom picks up 2 year old dcb and he can barely keep his eyes open. Its just crazy! Poor kids!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Children First View Post
        For me there is NOTHING that drives me battier than when kids come in the morning and they are so tired that they can't function. I have 2 like this and it is EVERYDAY!

        I have a dcg who will be 4 in March. She comes in just miserably tired, very moody and other kids can't even look at her. She gets a bit better as soon as her mom leaves but while mom is here she is just nasty. Grunting and groaning and whining if anyone else so much as looks at her! She has this sound that she makes like an uuuuuuuuhhhh (whiny) while mom is trying to get her coat and boots off and takes her sweet time when she can clearly do this herself. I have started putting her in her bed to "find her happy mood" and she is not allowed to come out until she has found it. If she loses it again she has to go back and sleep. I tell her this now right in front of mom because this is ridiculous in the morning. We have free play in the morning for about a half hour and she basically just follows the others/mopes around lays on the floor and can't find anything to do unless it is with someone else and then is so bossy! My other one a dcb 2 years old comes in every morning hardly able to stand up on his own. Mom hands him off to me because all he wants to do is lay on her shoulder. When mom leaves I bring him to the play area and he lies on the floor. Mom always says oh he had a bottle! A bottle???? Can you say LAZY!!!!!!!!! The kid is 2 years and 4 months old. By the way I am the one who potty trained his brother who was 3 1/2! The kids run their parents! They let their kids up so late at night and then the next day they are zombies!!

        After our half hour of free play, all the children color or paint or play with play doh. These two have no interest, they just sit there and have an empty blank look, they are so tired! No matter what we do they are like this all morning!

        Both are totally different children after their naps in the afternoon but they both drive me nuts until then. The boy is not so bad he just sits or lays on the floor very quiet. Girl just has to be a pain in the butt to everyone.

        I would put them for a nap immediately when they come in as they need it but then I would not get a break at all during the day as the other 4 all sleep in the afternoon.

        I am not sure what to do unless I put them for a nap first thing in the am and then put them in a separate room in the afternoon while the others nap and they can watch tv until the others wake up. I do not allow TV. It is only on for a 1/2 hour in the am from 7 30-8 while my own ds is getting ready for school and then it is on during pickups from 4-430 pm. (These 2 LOVE TV. They will sit and watch it ALL day!)

        I guess I am just at my wits end today! Why is it that parents think its okay for their kids to not get enough rest?
        I had a 4 yr. old girl that came in some mornings so tired and cranky!! I had her go lay down for an am nap, and it worked. All I have to tell her "would you like to lay down for another nap?" It helped so much!!


        • #5
          I have a 2 yo that frequently comes in way overtired! Luckily for me he's not whiny or cranky, it's just hard to keep him awake in the morning!! It's especially bad on the first few days of the week - don't the parents ever let him sleep? And today his little cheeks are bright red, but my thermometer won't register a fever, so I can't send him home.


          • #6
            I feel your pain. I teach a preschool program here at my DC. I have one DCB 3 that comes every morning begging to go to sleep as soon as he gets her at 8:45am. Falls asleep at the breakfast table, during dance time, outside free play, just about everywhere and anywhere you could think of. The bad part is that then the parents complain that he is not learning anything??????? I have asked what time does DCB go to bed, they tell me 10:30-11 pm and wakes about 7am????? I have asked if its possible for DCB to go to bed any earlier, but they day it does not suit their schedule?
            I still ask this child to lie at nap time and read if not tired. Fortunate for me, DCB is capable of doing this.


            • #7
              Originally posted by lvt77 View Post
              I feel your pain. I teach a preschool program here at my DC. I have one DCB 3 that comes every morning begging to go to sleep as soon as he gets her at 8:45am. Falls asleep at the breakfast table, during dance time, outside free play, just about everywhere and anywhere you could think of. The bad part is that then the parents complain that he is not learning anything??????? I have asked what time does DCB go to bed, they tell me 10:30-11 pm and wakes about 7am????? I have asked if its possible for DCB to go to bed any earlier, but they day it does not suit their schedule?
              I still ask this child to lie at nap time and read if not tired. Fortunate for me, DCB is capable of doing this.
              Isn't that crazy? 11 pm!!! What is wrong with these parents???? My dcg comes in while the TV is on in the morning as my son watches while getting ready for school. It is on from 7 30-8 only! Dcg comes in as he is leaving. As soon as he leaves it goes off! She just wants to get herself so comfy and lie there watching TV and really complains when I turn it off. I tell her no we don't watch TV we listen to music and play. Then the complaining starts! I ignore it and she pouts and I ignore that. I know she is just tired. That is when I often tell her that she is going to go to bed and find her happy mood if she doesn't stop. 1/2 the time she does end up having to go find her happy mood. I tell her when she finds it she can come out. She comes out but mopes around ALL morning. Tomorrow she is going for a nap within a half hour of her getting here! Every single day when I do put her down for a nap between 12 30 and 1 pm she does not even get her whole body into the bed before she passes out. And I mean passed out! Really gone! And she can sleep for 3 or more hours if I let her.


              • #8
                I just wish that parents understood how important it is that their child gets an adequate amount of rest each day. I am thinking about printing out this thing on how important sleep is to under 5’s that I found online…..But I bet you it will just end up a waste of my time and ink…
                UGH what can we do.....


                • #9
                  Originally posted by lvt77 View Post
                  I just wish that parents understood how important it is that their child gets an adequate amount of rest each day. I am thinking about printing out this thing on how important sleep is to under 5’s that I found online…..But I bet you it will just end up a waste of my time and ink…
                  UGH what can we do.....
                  Yes you would be wasting your time!

                  I have had parents also who are the complete opposite and want to put their kids to bed as early as possible therefore they tell me no nap! Yeah right! I don't think so!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Children First View Post
                    Yes you would be wasting your time!

                    I have had parents also who are the complete opposite and want to put their kids to bed as early as possible therefore they tell me no nap! Yeah right! I don't think so!
                    hahaha I just had that one a few weeks ago and everyone here was really nap no stay....


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by lvt77 View Post
                      hahaha I just had that one a few weeks ago and everyone here was really nap no stay....
                      Oh yeah! My words exactly!!

