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Out of Ratio, Unlicensed Provider

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  • Out of Ratio, Unlicensed Provider

    I have a dcf with two kids. One is under a year, one is 5.

    SA is with me, I don't take infants, so they found a provider until that child is old enough. They are 'pretty much ok' with the care given. Until January. The provider sent home a note that no tax statements will be given.

    Last week, Mom popped in to pick up early and forgot to tell the provider. Her son was upstairs (no no in regulations) in a pack and play without a monitor on (provider said OOPS, I forgot!).

    Today she dropped off and there were already 7 kids there. 7 under THREE. Our state licensing allows 6 under 5 and only 2 under 2. She was 'very certain' there were 4 under 2. She wasnt sure that was allowed, and she asked me. Out of curiosity I asked her providers name. I never heard of her, and it's a smallish area. I looked it up- she isn't licensed. I let mom know that- she lied about being licensed and even has a fake license posted!

    Mom is going to pull immediately today, she asked me to take kiddo, but even if I had an opening, he is 8 months old and I don't want to take him for another year.

  • #2
    Is mom calling OCFS?


    • #3
      It's a family friend, so no. I'm torn on doing so myself. Some of what Mom is saying (via text through out the day today) are a little concerning.

      Eg. She has two infants under a year. The provider has one pack and play (that my dcm provided), Mom wasn't aware of this until today when she dropped off a sleeping baby and there was one pack and play and an infant asleep in a car seat in the upstairs bedroom (monitor on this time) Mom is a safe sleep advocate, so she can't even get over it, she's leaving work and picking up/terming now. The pack and play was right next to a very cluttered dresser (as an afterthought, Mom is worried about choking, jewelry and such were out).

      Mom is always 'out' of diapers, but her son ALWAYS has a rash. She started marking diapers, just a tiny number on the rear. Yesterday she changed him twice, in 10 hours. BUT when Mom dropped off she said she was out of diapers. :confused:

      She is going through formula like crazy, and Mom asked today about the table foods she was bringing (diced fruit, veggies, cheerios) and the provider says he doesn't like to eat much he's a 'baba' baby. I've seen him eat sandwiches, the kid LOVES food.


      • #4
        Originally posted by daycarediva View Post
        It's a family friend, so no. I'm torn on doing so myself. Some of what Mom is saying (via text through out the day today) are a little concerning.

        Eg. She has two infants under a year. The provider has one pack and play (that my dcm provided), Mom wasn't aware of this until today when she dropped off a sleeping baby and there was one pack and play and an infant asleep in a car seat in the upstairs bedroom (monitor on this time) Mom is a safe sleep advocate, so she can't even get over it, she's leaving work and picking up/terming now. The pack and play was right next to a very cluttered dresser (as an afterthought, Mom is worried about choking, jewelry and such were out).

        Mom is always 'out' of diapers, but her son ALWAYS has a rash. She started marking diapers, just a tiny number on the rear. Yesterday she changed him twice, in 10 hours. BUT when Mom dropped off she said she was out of diapers. :confused:

        She is going through formula like crazy, and Mom asked today about the table foods she was bringing (diced fruit, veggies, cheerios) and the provider says he doesn't like to eat much he's a 'baba' baby. I've seen him eat sandwiches, the kid LOVES food.
        I'd call myself. Too many risks to not be concerned.

        If the provider is legal and doing things correctly she needs only be concerned about the inconvenience of the state stopping in. If she is doing any or everything wrong, then she NEEDS a wake up call.

        I wouldn't hesitate to call.

        ....and I wouldn't feel one bit guilty about it either.


        • #5
          Family friend or not, she needs to report the provider. To be unlicensed and out of ratio is enough for me. I am unlicensed, but it is legal here, and I am never over ratio. I don't care to take infants either. The liability scares me.


          • #6
            Said with love, care and compassion even if it's not reading that way:::::

            How will mom live with herself if she DOESNT report and a baby dies because of unsafe practices?

            Friendship never trumps a child's safety.


            • #7
              I would call, anything could happen, today even. I have no words. That's why all these SAHM postings bother me, they are charging the same rates as I am and they're probably running horror shows like these.


              • #8
                It always amazes me that parents don't at least check on the license. Even if she had one doesn't mean its in good standing.

                Well since you don't have a spot, that can be your out. It sucks for the mom cause she has to find another provider again, but this time I bet she checks on the license.


                • #9
                  Mom is always 'out' of diapers, but her son ALWAYS has a rash. She started marking diapers, just a tiny number on the rear. Yesterday she changed him twice, in 10 hours. BUT when Mom dropped off she said she was out of diapers.

                  If she was out of diapers how does she know he was only changed twice (all numbered diapers are gone so...)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by VWMom View Post
                    Mom is always 'out' of diapers, but her son ALWAYS has a rash. She started marking diapers, just a tiny number on the rear. Yesterday she changed him twice, in 10 hours. BUT when Mom dropped off she said she was out of diapers.

                    If she was out of diapers how does she know he was only changed twice (all numbered diapers are gone so...)
                    I'm assuming the diapers were numbered and mom checked the diaper he came home in and it was only #3 or something. This would make sense assuming the provider used them up in order.


                    • #11
                      You're a mandatory reporter. You don't have to have proof to report, just reasonable suspicion. How are you gonna feel if something happens to a child there and you didn't report? If nothing else, make the report in order to save yourself any guilt later.


                      • #12
                        I need advice on how to get Professional liability insurance, Accidental/medical insu

                        Hi everyone in WA state,

                        I need advice on how to get Professional liability insurance, Accidental/medical insurance, Supplemental auto insurance with? Maybe there is an agency that does all three? Just wondering who might be the best deal also...



                        • #13
                          Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
                          I'm assuming the diapers were numbered and mom checked the diaper he came home in and it was only #3 or something. This would make sense assuming the provider used them up in order.
                          The first thing that came to mind for me is that just because she numbers them doesn't necessarily mean the provider uses the diapers in order? I personally will reach for a diaper and will just grab one. Especially if I'm rushing to change a few bottoms, I will reach in a bag or pack and just grab, even if it isn't on top. Of course, I'm not in the situation, but I would find it incredibly odd if diapers were always needing refilled, yet it didn't appear my child were being changed as often as needed. Regardless, the situation sounds fishy, I'd have to do something.


                          • #14
                            Ask yourself this question - Can you live with yourself if something happens to a child in the person's care?


                            • #15
                              If mom doesn't want to call, I would in a heartbeat. I have done it in the past and wouldn't hesitate in the future. I couldn't live with myself if I knew someone was operating illegally and something happened.

