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No Soliciting!

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  • No Soliciting!

    So, merely putting up a "no soliciting" sign doesn't always work. Some people pretend they didn't see it, or claim that they aren't soliciting (Religious door-to-door people come to mind).

    I'm just wondering how (if possible) I can really get the message across to people before they ever ring my doorbell or knock. I don't want to just cover up my doorbell, and I really hate ignoring the door. Does anyone use a really good sign that lets people know to move along to the next house? I'm a little weary of saying "I have several small children, please don't disturb us", or is that too paranoid of me?

    Just looking for ideas! Thanks

  • #2
    When you figure it out let me know. I had three of those darn door to door meat salesmen in two weeks. I was pretty nasty to the last one. He hit me at a bad time and I was sick of it. I asked him "can't you meat sales guys even read?". I told him he was the third one in two weeks that hadn't read the sign. He said "oh that must be why people hate us". You think???


    • #3
      How about a more specific sign like the one here:

      Seriously...the only thing we found that worked to keep solicitors away was putting our large German Shepherd dog on a long run near the driveway. No one bothered us when she was out in the yard.


      • #4
        Install an intercom

        We have one and I LOVE it. It allows me to answer the door without answering the door. Pick up times are contracted so if I hear a knock or the bell when I'm not expecting a parent, then I speak through the intercom.

        Me: Hi, may I help you?
        Salesperson: I'm selling magazines, would you like to buy some?
        Me: No thank you. *click*

        Unfortunately there have been reports of people knocking or ringing bells to see if someone is home. If no one answers then they attempt to break in the house. For that reason, I don't like to leave bells or knocks unanswered either.


        • #5
          Our doorbell is broken and I am not in a rush for it to be fixed. I answer the door for dcps and the mailman who has packages. That is it. I wave and/or ignore the others.

          I have in the past put a sign on the door that between the hours of x and y is rest time. Please do not knock or ring the bell. Surprisingly it worked!


          • #6
            I actually had to unplug my doorbell months ago because a dcb kept ringing the doorbell over and over in the morning at drop off. Like 15 times. The parents did nothing about it of course! It kept waking my baby up so I wasn't too thrilled. I haven't plugged it back in and I love it !!!


            • #7
              I dont have a door bell but I do have a driveway sensor that alarms (beeps) when some one enters the yard or driveway.

              I intercept them at the door so they dont even get a chance to knock. I just let them know I am not interested in whatever they are selling.


              • #8
                I'm going to remember the alarm or intercom idea for when we move next year.

                For now I might consider just covering up the bell with a sign. I wish companies would just realize that if I want a product, I'll research it online and buy it from the best company! I'll never give a stranger on my doorstep money for a product I haven't researched. Sheesh. Leave me alone!

                Thanks all!


                • #9
                  I tell them through the door I'm not interested. Most go away because of my sign though. I have my door bell covered but I've thought about disconnecting it


                  • #10
                    I also have the driveway alarm and cameras but the "dangerous dog" sign works the best.

                    No, I don't have a dangerous dog. Two large dogs, yes. Dangerous, no. Yes, my clients love it. I tell them it is my "stranger danger" prevention sign.
                    Attached Files
                    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


                    • #11

                      I was looking into getting a better sign than just "No Solicitation". These are my top pics


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by SnowGirl View Post
                        I wish companies would just realize that if I want a product, I'll research it online and buy it from the best company! I'll never give a stranger on my doorstep money for a product I haven't researched. Sheesh. Leave me alone!
                        I feel the same way about telemarketers!


                        • #13

                          I might take slack for this, but I am just as annoyed when they are selling cookies or popcorn or school fundraisers. if I want your overpriced crap I'll buy it when I am hit up by you at the front of the grocery


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by VWMom View Post
                            I might take slack for this, but I am just as annoyed when they are selling cookies or popcorn or school fundraisers. if I want your overpriced crap I'll buy it when I am hit up by you at the front of the grocery
                            No slack from me. I got to where I wouldn't even let my kids sell the fundraiser stuff. To much being sold, to expensive and why for the love of God in this day and age are we still sending kids door to door to unknown people's homes? There are such better things they can do. Such as dinner theaters at the school.


                            • #15
                              I'm soooo bad at saying "no" to children, and those fundraisers drive me crazy for that reason. We're poor!! I'm a daycare provider - not a lawyer

                              I get the importance of getting out there and pitching a product, but these products are all well known...I think there are better ways for schools to do that lesson, and yeah - better ways to fund raise.

