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I Need To Tell Someone Or I'm Going To Cry.. Or Laugh

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  • I Need To Tell Someone Or I'm Going To Cry.. Or Laugh

    My dd4 has special needs and is developmentally around a 2 year old. She can say words but communication is at times difficult. She has some health issues and we were in the hospital from Saturday - Wednesday for cellulitis...

    She's back to herself and was playing quietly with play doh. My DH saw her put play doh in her ears!! I used tweezers and it came out in one piece. She mixes it together so it's a grayish color of play doh. When I shined the flashlight in her ear, I saw a bright green color! I have one of those ear check things (otoscope, purchased over the counter) and I can't see anything but she was fidgety so not 100% sure.
    She got scared and won't even look at me when I ask if anything else is in there. Either her ear tube is coming out or there's something in there.

    Is it bad that I want to wait until the morning to check again?

    I'm in school, help teach at our church and have the daycare. I'm so tired I could cry!! But i just want to laugh. How can play doh in the ear even look like a good idea! She uses ear plugs when she swims so I think she was imitating that.

  • #2

    My daughter was the same at that age. She shoved a marble up her nose at age 2.5. I was horrified.

    If she's not in pain, I don't think I would run to the doctor. I would check again in the morning and call the advice nurse if you do see something.


    • #3
      I don't think it's bad at all to give it to morning. Though only if she's acting like she's doing fine. If she's acting like her ears are hurting or irritating her than look again and maybe take her in.

      My son will be 4 in May, but is delayed developmentally by around 2 years, so he is at a 2 year olds development level. He has had tubes and has put things in his ears also, not play dough, but anything else he can find that might fit. So kinda been there, ! Take a breath, keep an eye on her, and everything will be ok.


      • #4
        I agree, if she is acting fine, I wouldn't worry to much. Maybe call the nurse Monday and ask.


        • #5
          Yup, as long as she's acting fine, I wouldn't worry too much.

          A while back, the special needs boy in my class shoved play dough up his nose a while back and then proceeded to flip out because he didn't like the feeling of it in his nose. Ended up having to call the front office to come help us because my co-teacher couldn't figure it out and he barely tolerates me on a good day.


          • #6
            Its always something isn't it?! :hug:


            • #7
              How's she doing today?


              • #8
                Quick update - I d been checking every night when she goes to sleep and I don't see anything!
                Thanks for asking!


                • #9
                  Glad to hear she's ok. That green play doh must have fallen out of her ear all on it's own. No doctor appointment needed; that'll save you time and money!

