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Do You Ever...

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  • Do You Ever...

    google your dck parents? Like, before interviewing, do you see if they have FB or whatever?

    Just curious.

  • #2
    I facebook them. See if I see anything, or if their photos aren't blocked like to check out what they do. There was one parents emailing me so I fb the email address, photos showed them all sitting around getting high and drinking, kids were in the room in the picture (don't know if it was the potential dck's or not) but you dont' do that with children around period. Emailed them back and said spots taken.


    • #3

      I always check and see if they have a open fb account and to see what they talk/complain about and what seem to be like. I on the other hand have made sure my personal fb is on lock down but have a separate fb fan page for the daycare that the parents can "like" and check out anytime without seeing my personal updates on how "I need coffee SO FREAKIN BAD this morning!!!" ::
      "Being a parent is wanting to hug and strangle your kid at the same time".


      • #4
        yep, i check them out on facebook or google their email address.

        I found out one of the parents lied about their job (said they were in sales and really was a psychiatrist) - not sure about why they lied about their job..


        • #5
          Originally posted by sahm1225 View Post
          yep, i check them out on facebook or google their email address.

          I found out one of the parents lied about their job (said they were in sales and really was a psychiatrist) - not sure about why they lied about their job..
          are you sure maybe the FB wasn't wrong? Maybe so they could get better rate for daycare.


          • #6
            yes, I check them out on facebook.


            • #7
              I google them. Have never found out anything bad but I did find out two of my parents were Olympians and had all kinds of medals and awards. It is their business not to share such great accomplishments but I figure since it was in air rifle shooting they were probably hesitant thinking I may think badly about them knowing how to use a gun so....LOL! They are wonderful parents and I love them to death and have been told all this info now but I can see why they kept it to themselves at first.

              I found a web-site though that allows me to see/check their criminal backgrounds for free but it is only in Minnesota (I dunno where to find that info for other states) On this site, I can check their driving record, judgments and collections, civil, family and probate cases and criminal offenses. It is a public website so I know it is available to anyone who gets on it. I can also check court calendars so I can see if any of my parents are on the docket for any court cases. I suppose it may not be a really useful tool for daycare but it was interesting and it is public record so I am not hacking into anything; fyi for those who don't like this kind of thing.

              I did find out that one of my DCD's had a warrant out for his arrest by checking the site, and found out he didn't have a drivers license although he drove to pick up and drop off every day!?!? :confused: But it wasn't my place to say anything so I just kept the knowledge to myself. It was for no proof of insurance.


              • #8
                Truth is, we can't pull a credit bureau to see that they make their payments on time. But yet we are allowing them to come here, and just assume that they are going to make their payments. If you go to some banks to open a checking account, they check your bureau and make sure it's clean. Some banks don't but some do. If you take out a loan, they check your bureau.

                The best we can do as business owners to protect ourselves is go by our gut feeling about people. Some people are great at putting up a front, so are con artists!

                I'm not saying everyone who comes to inquire about our services is fake and trying to con us into giving them free child care.But some people are just wonky, some have private lives maybe some of us prefer to keep away from.
                It might not seem fair that we would google, FB, or search a criminal database, but it's all we've got to find out who we are opening our homes to.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Baybee0585 View Post
                  Truth is, we can't pull a credit bureau to see that they make their payments on time. But yet we are allowing them to come here, and just assume that they are going to make their payments. If you go to some banks to open a checking account, they check your bureau and make sure it's clean. Some banks don't but some do. If you take out a loan, they check your bureau.

                  The best we can do as business owners to protect ourselves is go by our gut feeling about people. Some people are great at putting up a front, so are con artists!

                  I'm not saying everyone who comes to inquire about our services is fake and trying to con us into giving them free child care.But some people are just wonky, some have private lives maybe some of us prefer to keep away from.
                  It might not seem fair that we would google, FB, or search a criminal database, but it's all we've got to find out who we are opening our homes to.
                  Why can't we do credit checks? I am pretty sure we can...I just never did it because there is a cost least here. I think we can do a credit check as long as we have their permission to do so. Maybe in Canada it is different but I am pretty sure we can do one here. I had a dcm once who had her credit report printed off and brought it to me for the interview...I appreciated it but it wasn't a requirement.
                  But since I am pre-pay now doing a credit check is sort of moot. If you don't pay, you don't get services.....I don't care how bad or good your credit report is I don't work on credit....$ up front.


                  • #10
                    yeah we couldn't pull someone elses credit here. And honestly, if I told someone they had to bring their credit report they would probably walk away, or actually RUN. haha.

                    I agree, I've always said no pay no stay. I know so many people who ended up losing money with people flaking and then cancelling cheques. For me, I don't want to deal with that. I've put in place a cash only unless agreed by both parties for cheques. After your first month, if you want to pay by cheque, as long as you haven't been late on a payment I will allow it. BUT cheque must be cleared before I will watch. I just don't want to have to start charging late fees and such. I know people would just laugh if I said they owed me late fees.


                    • #11
                      I didnt until I read this post!:: And now I wish I wouldnt have, I always knew there was something off about one family and now I know why I felt that way ::


                      • #12
                        Yes, I have googled them and looked at facebook and myspace pages. As far as daycare parents, I havent really found anything, but before I started doing daycare we ran an ad to have someone come in our home and watch our 3 children. I had one lady who showed up to pick up an application. She brought her 4 year old daughter and they just barged right in and the little girl started playing with my childrens toys with snot dripping out of her nose all over our toys. I am a germ freak, so that was not cool and keep in mind this was before I started doing daycare, so I wasnt used to my kids toys being germed up by someone else...YUCK. After she left, I googled her name and it brought up her myspace page which stated that she was bisexual and her religion was wicken (witchcraft). That is all fine and dandy, but she wont be taking care of my kids, . So, after a few weirdo applicants, I quit my nursing job and started my own daycare.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                          I google them. Have never found out anything bad but I did find out two of my parents were Olympians and had all kinds of medals and awards. It is their business not to share such great accomplishments but I figure since it was in air rifle shooting they were probably hesitant thinking I may think badly about them knowing how to use a gun so....LOL! They are wonderful parents and I love them to death and have been told all this info now but I can see why they kept it to themselves at first.

                          I found a web-site though that allows me to see/check their criminal backgrounds for free but it is only in Minnesota (I dunno where to find that info for other states) On this site, I can check their driving record, judgments and collections, civil, family and probate cases and criminal offenses. It is a public website so I know it is available to anyone who gets on it. I can also check court calendars so I can see if any of my parents are on the docket for any court cases. I suppose it may not be a really useful tool for daycare but it was interesting and it is public record so I am not hacking into anything; fyi for those who don't like this kind of thing.

                          I did find out that one of my DCD's had a warrant out for his arrest by checking the site, and found out he didn't have a drivers license although he drove to pick up and drop off every day!?!? :confused: But it wasn't my place to say anything so I just kept the knowledge to myself. It was for no proof of insurance.

                          Certainly do! I do as thorough a background check as I can without having to get their permission. I go to the state websites to check all of the public information out and court calendars too! Facebook, myspace, yourspace, ourspace, you name it:: Useful or not, I figure it's better to have too much information than not enough. I haven't found anything yet that has caused me to turn a parent away though.

                          As a provider, I expect my parents to google me too! That's why I make sure that all my social networking pages are locked down and I try to keep my nose clean so that I don't show up on the public state websites

