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Need Help With CL & Safety Issues

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  • Need Help With CL & Safety Issues

    I have advertised on CL for a while. I do get some hits & have even had an interview with a person from CL & it went fine they were normal, etc. However, I am a little suspicious about one person who just won't leave me alone. I am pretty sure the person is legit (works at a state prison 2 miles from my home) but despite the fact that I have told him 2x that I can't work the schedule he needs he continues to e-mail me & say he will call me to see about me providing care for his child (11 month old son). The weird part about it all is he intends to bring his child without even meeting me & by the way he talks he wouldn't be giving me much notice as to when he needed to bring him. My husband has insisted (which I agree with) that before I can provide care for them (which I won't be b/c he works 2nd shift & I don't want to work those hours) I must meet them to verify it is a good fit. I did tell him I could be a back-up but wouldn't be able to provide permanent care. SOmetimes he has to work overtime & in those cases he works 1st shift & I said I may be able to help him for those timeframes. I guess I am freaked out a little mostly b/c he knows the road I live one, my phone # even though I have never given him my address it would not be that difficult to figure out. Do I just ignore his e-mails??? SO far I have been polite & responsed in short sentences that I can't provide the care he needs but he keeps e-mailing me. I also don't know his name as his e-mail doesn't state the name & when I spoke with him on the phone he didn't offer his name. Advice please.

    I'm taking my kids (no school & I am closed today) somewhere to play so I won't be back on for a few hours but this is really bothering me that he keeps bugging me.

  • #2
    If you want to verify he is who he says he is, send him an info sheet stating your equire all clients to fillit out before an interview.

    Name, home address, place/address/phone number of work, etc. Then you can call the state prison and verify he is who he says he is.


    • #3
      Run as fast as you can, don't walk! As the expression goes! I have had those kind of responses when I put an ad of CL and I do not trust those kind of responses at all. Stay away from those kind of people. They are just trouble and I think they are just a sort of scam. If he was legit, he would have you met his son first. I don't do any interviews or take any kids without meeting them first. This is just my opinion, but I would not trust this guys.


      • #4
        Originally posted by janarae View Post
        I have advertised on CL for a while. I do get some hits & have even had an interview with a person from CL & it went fine they were normal, etc. However, I am a little suspicious about one person who just won't leave me alone. I am pretty sure the person is legit (works at a state prison 2 miles from my home) but despite the fact that I have told him 2x that I can't work the schedule he needs he continues to e-mail me & say he will call me to see about me providing care for his child (11 month old son). The weird part about it all is he intends to bring his child without even meeting me & by the way he talks he wouldn't be giving me much notice as to when he needed to bring him. My husband has insisted (which I agree with) that before I can provide care for them (which I won't be b/c he works 2nd shift & I don't want to work those hours) I must meet them to verify it is a good fit. I did tell him I could be a back-up but wouldn't be able to provide permanent care. SOmetimes he has to work overtime & in those cases he works 1st shift & I said I may be able to help him for those timeframes. I guess I am freaked out a little mostly b/c he knows the road I live one, my phone # even though I have never given him my address it would not be that difficult to figure out. Do I just ignore his e-mails??? SO far I have been polite & responsed in short sentences that I can't provide the care he needs but he keeps e-mailing me. I also don't know his name as his e-mail doesn't state the name & when I spoke with him on the phone he didn't offer his name. Advice please.

        I'm taking my kids (no school & I am closed today) somewhere to play so I won't be back on for a few hours but this is really bothering me that he keeps bugging me.
        Do you have his phone number? Maybe you could google it and see if anything comes up from that. I agree with you, this sounds odd, at best.


        • #5
          Are you sure he WORKS at the prison? Or could he be LIVING at the prison? That's scary!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by marniewon View Post
            Are you sure he WORKS at the prison? Or could he be LIVING at the prison? That's scary!!
            That was my first impression too!


            • #7
              I know some people have suggested it being a scam. What would the scam be? Just pranking/wasting time?

              I have changed my ads to not include my phone number because I am sick of people phoning me after the hours I have posted online. I am also sick of wasting time on phone calls. With emails I can respond when I feel like it/have time to.
              I also feel like with phone number they can find my address and then drive by my house and check everything out. Most of the time it wouldn't bother me, but sometimes I would prefer people not see things, like my hubby walking around with only boxers on at night time and blinds still open. . Or hubby video gaming, hubby jumping on the couch, or whatever. Seriously he does that!

              But that would make me nervous, and if he is being that persistent after you've told him no, it's probably worth blocking him so he can't email/phone any longer. But maybe you should file a police report. I know with prank calls you can file police reports whether they are threatening or not. Maybe he is in prison, and harrassing you would keep him in there longer! :S


              • #8
                Thanks all! The only reason why he had my # is b/c I gave it to him via e-mail; it is not on my CL ad. He has not e-mailed or called me since this morning so maybe he got the hint that I was not avaialble for 2nd shift. I guess I was just blown away by his pushiness. I'll keep you all posted if anything off occurs!

