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Breakfast Club Rant

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  • Breakfast Club Rant

    I just had to come on and stamp my feet to those who would understand. A little adult tantrum....
    I do not supply breakfast. They must bring it themselves and have it ready to go in a lunchbox with everything they need and before 9am. Its my rules. Its always been my rules. Nothing has changed.

    Now, all of a sudden, during the busiest time of my day, my parents seem to think they can do whatever....
    I forgot breakfast
    I forgot the spoon
    I forgot milk
    I know its 9:36 but little Susie hasn't eaten cause we slept in.

    They bring yogurt for a toddler who must be hand fed. Or oatmeal that must be measured and cooked. I get breakfast in a ziplock baggie. Which means I have to find a dish, heat it, find a fork etc. And WHO gets to clean those dishes that I don't have time for??? Like SERIOUSLY!? We all forget stuff. But first it was one. Then another. At times I have 4-5 kids at my table eating while trying to get my own kids ready for school and meet buses. Something as simple as a missing fork is enough to tip my boat cause it all adds up. And today was the final straw. I had two forget a spoon, one forget milk and one who brought oatmeal in a packet uncooked. *sigh* I do not have time for this!!!!!!!! My morning was spent rushing around like a chicken without a head.

    I finally got everyone done. The buses kicked off. And then I sat down and did a reminder note to go home. WHY do they make me be the baddie is what gets me. I don't change the rules. They are the same as when they started. "Its only a fork". It isn't. Not when you have several kids all wrapped up at one time doing the same thing!!

    I do NOT have time to cook an egg, toast a bagel, peel and cut an apple, find a fork....spoon...plate.....cup.....napkin..... "I do not provide breakfast" is simple. And if it continues they can all start eating at home and breakfast here will be stopped. Its not my responsibility. Time to get up in the morning and do more than stuff a yogurt in a bag!

  • #2
    This is why I have a no outside food rule and I provide all meals and snacks. It is just to much hassle any other way. Breakfast is usually easy here. Yesterday my pre K boy and I made banana bread. So today was banana bread, yogurt and milk. Yesterday was cereal and banana. Always something easy.


    • #3
      I would go the breakfast at home route. That is a lot to manage, especially when you are expecting everything ready to go and you find yourself doing work for something you had planned not doing.

      I am a planner/scheduler, that would drive me nuts. Plus, you're right, these parents need to get it together! Do it today, breakfast eaten at home. They all are going to continue their bad habits, they don't know the chaos it's causing you and they never will.


      • #4
        I get it. You're giving them an option to help make their day easier (since they can't seem to get up early enough to eat at home) and it's unfortunately creating more work for you than it's worth.
        It leads to resentment. The resentment continues when it doesn't change and leads to loathing. Then you start loathing your job. Kind of a vicious cycle.

        I would take a look at what you really want to change. Do you really want to keep offering this option (and possibly address this again and again) or simply require them to be fed before arriving.

        One option for you if you decide to continue to let them bring breakfast: open their bag/box while mom or dad is still there at drop off and check it. If they're missing components, send them home to get it. They probably won't make that mistake again.


        • #5
          Breakfast at home is the route I took.After Parents were giving them snacks and such ruining breakfast anyway.Send the note today and Mon have kids sit at the table coloring so you can get your kids out to school.Then I served "breakfat snack at 9 :30 you can still count.Its time to make your life easier.The parents need to step it up.


          • #6
            Originally posted by rosieteddy View Post
            Breakfast at home is the route I took.After Parents were giving them snacks and such ruining breakfast anyway.Send the note today and Mon have kids sit at the table coloring so you can get your kids out to school.Then I served "breakfat snack at 9 :30 you can still count.Its time to make your life easier.The parents need to step it up.
            I think this is a good idea considering the circumstances. At first I didn't offer breakfast but I got kid's coming in with half eaten food in their hands or mom saying kids weren't hungry so she hands me a banana for when they do get hungry and on and on. I decided to offer breakfast BUT I didn't have my own to get off.

            I think your idea is good. Tell them to feed them at home and if someone doesn't eat it isn't too long to wait until 9:30 for a snack.


            • #7
              You gave them an option for breakfast and they took advantage and are treating you badly. Time to send a note and take away breakfast.


              • #8
                I agree with the others. I would stop doing breakfast and do a morning snack as suggested. I think it'd be easier for you.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Laurel View Post
                  I got kid's coming in with half eaten food in their hands or mom saying kids weren't hungry so she hands me a banana .
                  " I can throw it away for you. Or would you like to take it? Our snack is in a little while so I'm sure they will be fine "
                  And smile.

                  I don't allow any food from home. Most parents are great, but eive been caught surprised before.
                  "That milk should be ok. We forgot it in the car but it's cold so it's like being in the fridge (umm eww sippee cups should be fresh. )


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Thriftylady View Post
                    This is why I have a no outside food rule and I provide all meals and snacks. It is just to much hassle any other way. Breakfast is usually easy here. Yesterday my pre K boy and I made banana bread. So today was banana bread, yogurt and milk. Yesterday was cereal and banana. Always something easy.
                    Yeah I do cereal and a fruit for 1st breakfast for the kiddos who eat before school. (we have eggs and toast and whatever for am snack) It's easier than trying to fix 5 different breakfasts. Ain't nobody got time for that!


                    • #11
                      I just do milk, banana, cheerios, yogurt (honey vanilla greek- it's thick so it doesn't spill very easily at all) . Sometimes I'll sub a different fruit, or cereal. Occasionally I'll make waffles and sausage. The parents can send anything additional if they prefer, but this is what I offer.


                      • #12
                        Since my kids are here so early- I do breakfast if they arrive before 8:30. I have kids that arrive at 6am most days everyone is here by 7:45.
                        Breakfast is one of the following- Organic O's cereal, scone (hm with oats,raisans etc), pb on whole wheat, oatmeal, whole grain cream of wheat, whole wheat bagel, once a month I do pancakes - and generally a banana, unless I am out then I substitute another fruit and a glass of milk. Easy peasy. And of course the babies get fortified organic oat cereal and a fruit. They are almost one and to table food though (cheer)
                        But, you can easily do self serve "bar" for those and have kidlets serve themselves and sit. Use paper products if you feel the dishes are too much.
                        Be sure your kids that you need to get out the door are ready for that the night before- bags packed, clothes laid out etc. You may want to wake the 15 minutes early if you feel time is tight.


                        • #13
                          It's in my handbook that I serve meals exactly as they come. If they're inedible that way, your child gets crackers and water (yes, I've had parents bring in drinks that are difficult or require too much clean up). The second time, the family is terminated. I don't provide food, because it's caused too many issues in the past. If you want to bring your child's meals, have them ready. I also have a time for breakfast. If the child comes after that time, no breakfast on site. I just go up to the parents and say "Sorry, but it's a rule and it interferes with the schedule". Honestly, it does. It makes the other children want food.


                          • #14
                            I don't allow food brought in and they must arrive in time for breakfast or they do not get it. It is a licensing violation if a provider is not sitting with the child/ren at meal times per supervision guidelines. We are allowed to feed infants while others play but we can't just send a child to the table to eat alone. Major violation here!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Annalee View Post
                              I don't allow food brought in and they must arrive in time for breakfast or they do not get it. It is a licensing violation if a provider is not sitting with the child/ren at meal times per supervision guidelines. We are allowed to feed infants while others play but we can't just send a child to the table to eat alone. Major violation here!
                              I'm the same... no outside food & my policies state that we ALL sit together for each meal; I have only terminated one family for not understanding they couldn't send in open baby food jars etc etc then tried to demand that their child got to eat whenever he wanted (after kid turned a year old)... same parent tried to tell me little man couldn't go outside when he was a baby and wasn't to get dirty ( it was spring & summer)

