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Stars Rating

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  • Stars Rating

    I am in Michigan and have an in-home family daycare licensed for 6. I recently received an email about completing my Stars rating. If I did so, I would receive $500. Ok, so that caught my attention. So I completed it and then found out that the $500 is to be used towards the daycare specifically. Which is fine, but I don't know if I need $500 worth of anything for my daycare. Anyhoo, you fill out the rating system and then they critique it and give you tips on how to increase it. I get a call today and it's a woman from the Great Start saying she wants to come over to go over the paperwork with me. Great. I typically have 6 kids, 5 days a week. I would prefer to do this over the phone when the kids are sleeping. I have nothing to hide, but hate to have her nosing around my house does that makes sense? Has anyone been through this process? Thanks!

  • #2
    :hug: Read from the tags, please.

    I. Just. Can't. Today.
    - Unless otherwise stated, all my posts are personal opinion and worth what you paid for them.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Cat Herder View Post
      :hug: Read from the tags, please.

      I. Just. Can't. Today.
      Sorry it's been a rough day but what?


      • #4
        Originally posted by lovemykidstoo View Post
        I am in Michigan and have an in-home family daycare licensed for 6. I recently received an email about completing my Stars rating. If I did so, I would receive $500. Ok, so that caught my attention. So I completed it and then found out that the $500 is to be used towards the daycare specifically. Which is fine, but I don't know if I need $500 worth of anything for my daycare. Anyhoo, you fill out the rating system and then they critique it and give you tips on how to increase it. I get a call today and it's a woman from the Great Start saying she wants to come over to go over the paperwork with me. Great. I typically have 6 kids, 5 days a week. I would prefer to do this over the phone when the kids are sleeping. I have nothing to hide, but hate to have her nosing around my house does that makes sense? Has anyone been through this process? Thanks!
        Same way I started out (with the star rating here).

        The lady that came over is now my "coach". She is AWESOME and a fabulous resource for me. She even found trainings for me that would have costs $100's but because I went through the stars process, I got the trainings for pennies. I see her twice a year now.

        She is a support system not an assessor.

        I used my $500 for an i-pad. I didn't need or want any toys or equipment so I just bought a i-pad. I can't say I use it strictly for daycare and I probably would never have bought one on my own but I use mine every day.

        We could apply for grants ($500-1000) for each star level we wanted to complete. I felt funny "pretending" to be at a lower level just to get the grant money each step of the way so in the end I ultimately just applied "As is" and took the star rating they felt I deserved or that applied.

        I got 4. State max. So thats great but it also eliminated me from being eligible for any additional grants....but that's okay....I'll just play Candy Crush on my i-pad and be grateful for what I did get.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
          Same way I started out (with the star rating here).

          The lady that came over is now my "coach". She is AWESOME and a fabulous resource for me. She even found trainings for me that would have costs $100's but because I went through the stars process, I got the trainings for pennies. I see her twice a year now.

          She is a support system not an assessor.

          I used my $500 for an i-pad. I didn't need or want any toys or equipment so I just bought a i-pad. I can't say I use it strictly for daycare and I probably would never have bought one on my own but I use mine every day.

          We could apply for grants ($500-1000) for each star level we wanted to complete. I felt funny "pretending" to be at a lower level just to get the grant money each step of the way so in the end I ultimately just applied "As is" and took the star rating they felt I deserved or that applied.

          I got 4. State max. So thats great but it also eliminated me from being eligible for any additional grants....but that's okay....I'll just play Candy Crush on my i-pad and be grateful for what I did get.
          This is great information thank you. So what did she do when she came over? I didn't think that you could get an i-pad that is great! What other things can you buy? I definitely have enough toys and equipment. I answered all of my questions quite honestly and wasn't aware of if you increased your star you could receive grants. I am interested to see how I can improve though. I don't know what my rating is now, she left the message and said that she had the rating. I was changing diapers and getting kids down for nap when she called so I didn't answer.


          • #6
            Originally posted by lovemykidstoo View Post
            This is great information thank you. So what did she do when she came over? I didn't think that you could get an i-pad that is great! What other things can you buy? I definitely have enough toys and equipment. I answered all of my questions quite honestly and wasn't aware of if you increased your star you could receive grants. I am interested to see how I can improve though. I don't know what my rating is now, she left the message and said that she had the rating. I was changing diapers and getting kids down for nap when she called so I didn't answer.
            She just talked about ways I meet best practice and ways/areas in which I can improve. She helps with pretty much anything I need help with. Business policies, behavior and guidance, art or activity ideas, parent management... Pretty much anything child care related.

            The list of approved purchases for us to spend the grant money on was long and vague. Basically if you can justify a connection to ANY area of child care (business and/or hands on part) it was an approved purchase.

            Except wine. :dislike:

            That is not considered business related. No matter how much or often you use/need it as a stress reliever.

            I know because I asked. . Not really.... My coach just told me because another provider did ask. ::


            • #7
              Originally posted by lovemykidstoo View Post
              I am in Michigan and have an in-home family daycare licensed for 6. I recently received an email about completing my Stars rating. If I did so, I would receive $500. Ok, so that caught my attention. So I completed it and then found out that the $500 is to be used towards the daycare specifically. Which is fine, but I don't know if I need $500 worth of anything for my daycare. Anyhoo, you fill out the rating system and then they critique it and give you tips on how to increase it. I get a call today and it's a woman from the Great Start saying she wants to come over to go over the paperwork with me. Great. I typically have 6 kids, 5 days a week. I would prefer to do this over the phone when the kids are sleeping. I have nothing to hide, but hate to have her nosing around my house does that makes sense? Has anyone been through this process? Thanks!
              I just completed mine and my $500 bonus should be here this week. They told me I could spend it however I wanted. I did have some one come over but it was all voluntary. She came at nap. Is your star rating already published?


              • #8
                Originally posted by morgan24 View Post
                I just completed mine and my $500 bonus should be here this week. They told me I could spend it however I wanted. I did have some one come over but it was all voluntary. She came at nap. Is your star rating already published?
                If she came at nap that would be fine, although I have a 4 month old that typically is awake when the others are sleeping but that wouldn't be that big of a deal. My star rating is not published yet. So what will you do with your bonus?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                  She just talked about ways I meet best practice and ways/areas in which I can improve. She helps with pretty much anything I need help with. Business policies, behavior and guidance, art or activity ideas, parent management... Pretty much anything child care related.

                  The list of approved purchases for us to spend the grant money on was long and vague. Basically if you can justify a connection to ANY area of child care (business and/or hands on part) it was an approved purchase.

                  Except wine. :dislike:

                  That is not considered business related. No matter how much or often you use/need it as a stress reliever.

                  I know because I asked. . Not really.... My coach just told me because another provider did ask. ::
                  Well, I think wine is TOTALLY business related! You shouldn't even have to use T/S for that. 100% business related! Like we'd use it if we didn't have a childcare business! ::


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                    Same way I started out (with the star rating here).

                    The lady that came over is now my "coach". She is AWESOME and a fabulous resource for me. She even found trainings for me that would have costs $100's but because I went through the stars process, I got the trainings for pennies. I see her twice a year now.

                    She is a support system not an assessor.

                    I used my $500 for an i-pad. I didn't need or want any toys or equipment so I just bought a i-pad. I can't say I use it strictly for daycare and I probably would never have bought one on my own but I use mine every day.

                    We could apply for grants ($500-1000) for each star level we wanted to complete. I felt funny "pretending" to be at a lower level just to get the grant money each step of the way so in the end I ultimately just applied "As is" and took the star rating they felt I deserved or that applied.

                    I got 4. State max. So thats great but it also eliminated me from being eligible for any additional grants....but that's okay....I'll just play Candy Crush on my i-pad and be grateful for what I did get.
                    Blackcat, I know your in a different state. I'm in MI. Do you know if the standards are the same for each state? I now have a consultant, who is contracted by Great Start. I don't have to use her but she is there if I need anything. I am going to get my CDA with her help. She told me I would only be able to get grants for my daycare if I had a CDA. I'm just curious if it varies that much from state to state.


                    • #11
                      Were you at my house last night at 5:30 and see me drinking wine? true story!

                      I was thinking of using the $500 to go away for the weekend and destress. That's most definitely business related. Can I do that?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by morgan24 View Post
                        Blackcat, I know your in a different state. I'm in MI. Do you know if the standards are the same for each state? I now have a consultant, who is contracted by Great Start. I don't have to use her but she is there if I need anything. I am going to get my CDA with her help. She told me I would only be able to get grants for my daycare if I had a CDA. I'm just curious if it varies that much from state to state.
                        I would "think" the standards were the same for each state but I am not sure. Our requirements are based on ECIPS and some other forms of state assessments.

                        Ours will help meet any professional business goal too.. including earning your CDA.

                        Here is our state standards.

                        We are given points in each of these areas and depending on how many points we have in each category that is the number of stars you/your program is eligible for.

                        Here is the indicators and scoring methods for each star level:


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Leigh View Post
                          Well, I think wine is TOTALLY business related! You shouldn't even have to use T/S for that. 100% business related! Like we'd use it if we didn't have a childcare business! ::
                          Originally posted by lovemykidstoo View Post
                          Were you at my house last night at 5:30 and see me drinking wine? true story!

                          I was thinking of using the $500 to go away for the weekend and destress. That's most definitely business related. Can I do that?
                          Right?!?! I tried to argue my points and my coach even agreed but someone somewhere higher up must belong to some 12 step program because she said no. In bold letters even. Didn't even include a smiley coach said. ::


                          • #14
                            Since all state's star rating systems are part of the federal QRIS program, all standards are "based" off the same requirements although like the food program, interpretation is open to interpretation.

                            Under the "Resource Libraries" tab you can click on "state resource library" option and it will give you that state's standards.


                            • #15
                              ECIPS. Did you mean the MINNESOTA Early Indicators of Progress, learning goals for toddlers and preschoolers?
                              Or the European Centre for Information Policy and Security, a mysterious EU organisation?

