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So I Started Asking for Parent References

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  • So I Started Asking for Parent References

    Now I have my first parents interviewing who gave me them, and I'm not sure what to ask... Of course they would give me people who would say glowing things about them...

    Any ideas?

  • #2
    Originally posted by midaycare View Post
    Now I have my first parents interviewing who gave me them, and I'm not sure what to ask... Of course they would give me people who would say glowing things about them...

    Any ideas?
    I have none but I am curious as to why you decided to ask for references in the first place and what you wanted to or thought you would gain from it?

    I've asked parents about past daycare experiences and where/who they went to but I've never considered or thought to ever ask them for personal references before.

    I guess I just don't see how that would be useful.

    I always laugh a bit too though when I see providers say they give parents references and most the time the references are from families that currently attend and I always wonder what the point was as I couldn't imagine someone who willingly brings their kids to care would complain about that care/provider then...kwim?

    If anyone asks me for references, I give out names of families that are no longer attending. That way they can be honest without feeling like they would be risking their spot.

    But I've never thought or heard of provider's asking parents for references so this idea has me curious now...


    • #3
      Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
      I have none but I am curious as to why you decided to ask for references in the first place and what you wanted to or thought you would gain from it?

      I've asked parents about past daycare experiences and where/who they went to but I've never considered or thought to ever ask them for personal references before.

      I guess I just don't see how that would be useful.

      I always laugh a bit too though when I see providers say they give parents references and most the time the references are from families that currently attend and I always wonder what the point was as I couldn't imagine someone who willingly brings their kids to care would complain about that care/provider then...kwim?

      If anyone asks me for references, I give out names of families that are no longer attending. That way they can be honest without feeling like they would be risking their spot.

      But I've never thought or heard of provider's asking parents for references so this idea has me curious now...
      It's basically to let them know from the get-go that I am serious and professional, and run my business as a business.

      I don't have a problem with this, really. But I'm not sure if that's because I'm awesome (haha) or just luck. I just added this as an extra layer of protection, so to speak.


      • #4
        I don't ask for references because, like you said, they'd would be very biased.

        I do have 2 friends that I list for parents to call if they want. No one ever has. I generally tell parents that references really aren't reliable as friends would give glowing reports and those who wouldn't, I wouldn't provide their names anyways.


        • #5
          Originally posted by sharlan View Post
          I don't ask for references because, like you said, they'd would be very biased.

          I do have 2 friends that I list for parents to call if they want. No one ever has. I generally tell parents that references really aren't reliable as friends would give glowing reports and those who wouldn't, I wouldn't provide their names anyways.
          I've never asked for references for that same reason. It would be nice if you could find out certain things before enrollment though, but I also think meeting them, going with gut feelings, sensing red flags, etc., works a good part of the time.
          I have always asked if potential clients would like references or names of current dcfs(only with permission of course!). I remember one of my dcms calling the people I gave her. And it was a good thing because the dcps she called gave her a lot of info I wouldn't have thought of telling her. I remember when she came back to officially enroll; she told me I was selling myself short because there was so much I didn't mention to her of what we did.


          • #6
            Every parent I have had asked for references. About half have called. Always the ones with infants.

            If they are coming into my home, I want to know they aren't crazy. At least a few people will vouch for them, haha. I will not take references from family.


            • #7
              I'd do a credit check instead.

              How long they've held a job, a mortgage, a good financial history would be more valuable information than a coworker that thinks a potential daycare parent is a good person and is relatively sane. ::

              You are asking strangers to give you their opinions. What if they (the references) are a bit cray-cray too? ::


              • #8
                Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                I'd do a credit check instead.

                How long they've held a job, a mortgage, a good financial history would be more valuable information than a coworker that thinks a potential daycare parent is a good person and is relatively sane. ::

                You are asking strangers to give you their opinions. What if they (the references) are a bit cray-cray too? ::
                Absolutely. Asking for references was not - as I stated- to get an honest opinion on the people I'm interviewing. It was to make a statement that I really don't mess around. I'm a business. You are coming into my home, and I take that seriously. I don't let just "anyone" come into my home.

                I think asking for references does make a statement, even if others disagree. My dcf's have always commented I really have my stuff together and run things like a business. I added this step as another measure. Futile? Maybe. Does it send a message? I think so.

                Credit checks - now those would be worthless to me. The dcf I had to term and wrote a terrible online review about me was a professional, well to do couple. Worst family ever.


                • #9
                  I know providers that ask for the last provider/daycare as a reference.

                  If they want references from you, then this is completely appropriate.
                  After all it's a 2 way street. As for background, mortgage, etc. I easily do that on the internet.

                  If they have liens, orders or protection in a messy divorce, everyone is after all comes up.

                  If they refuse to give you their last provider then chances are they or their child are a problem.

                  Instead of friends, ask for the name of their last provider before the friend request.

