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Would You Watch Your Friend's Kid?

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  • #16
    I watch the kiddo (and soon to be 2 kiddos) of a friend. No issues at all! In fact, she follows the contract to a T and has never given me ANY reason to question my watching her kiddos. Plus, she is super sweet and I adore her kids. I think if your friend understands that it is a business, it can work out perfect.


    • #17
      I actually have a policy of not accepting family & friends. It's kinda like mixing business and pleasure right.

      Anyway, once I did accept a child of a former friend on a temp basis. It worked out ok, but I don't know if I would do it again.

      I think as long as you tell her upfront that she will have to abide by your child care contract and that this is your occupation, she should understand. I might even bring up the fact that it is a little awkward but that you need to follow your usual business practices it should go ok.


      • #18
        I haven't taken friends' children but have taken family children. When both sides can make a distinction between business and family it works well. If both sides can't make that distinction it's awful. I'd definitely let her know that business and friendship are separate and that they'll be treated just like everyone else when it comes to business.


        • #19
          I would Run!!! for the hills.


          • #20
            I do it every week and charge normal fees. I watch my best friend's 2 daughters but I think it definitely depends on the friend. My friend is super down to earth and does not think her children are faultless. She even pushes to know if they did anything wrong during the day and is super open to feedback. She did try to negotiate a lower rate recently due to a changing financial situation for them but when I declined to be able to change the fee as I am already giving them a sibling discount she was fine with it and said she understood.I think you have to go with your gut. You know your friend, would they be a good client or not?


            • #21
              I think no. I would only watch an acquaintances child if I wouldn't mind cutting ties with that acquaintance. Otherwise I know it would be hard for me to stand my ground.


              • #22
                Thanks everyone! I decided to watch her son and so far it's going great! She pays me on time and her son fits in very well with my other daycare kids. It's still within the probationary period, so if something happens I can always just say it's not working, but I hope it works out!


                • #23
                  So....I may have spoken too soon. I have in my contract that I must get paid Friday at pick-up for the following week. I noticed that dcm didn't bring her wallet last night and when she was about to leave, I asked her about the payment. She said she had a busy day and would maybe run it by later that night or Saturday morning(today.) Well stupid me didn't enforce my late fee policy. She knows I get paid on Friday! I feel like I shouldn't have to remind her to pay me in the first place. She said it so nonchalantly too, like oh I will pay you when I get around to it. I shouldn't have to beg parents for my paycheck. Do any of you give parents an invoice like the day before payment just to remind them?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Boymom View Post
                    So....I may have spoken too soon. I have in my contract that I must get paid Friday at pick-up for the following week. I noticed that dcm didn't bring her wallet last night and when she was about to leave, I asked her about the payment. She said she had a busy day and would maybe run it by later that night or Saturday morning(today.) Well stupid me didn't enforce my late fee policy. She knows I get paid on Friday! I feel like I shouldn't have to remind her to pay me in the first place. She said it so nonchalantly too, like oh I will pay you when I get around to it. I shouldn't have to beg parents for my paycheck. Do any of you give parents an invoice like the day before payment just to remind them?
                    I have found, just as parents shouldn't expect "special" from us, we shouldn't expect "special" from them. Meaning, they require training and a backbone like everyone else.

                    She probably has no idea why it matters. She may think of it like a paying a sitter (and see no disrespect in that).

                    I would give her a call and say "Sally, I need you to bring me a check by ____ today. I need to deposit all tuition Friday night in order do shopping for the following week Saturday. It puts me in a bad position when parents don't pay on time. I can't buy groceries and supplies for the children when I don't get paid. That is why there is a late fee of ____ (whatever your policy is). I will waive it just this once, since maybe you didn't understand. In the future you absolutely must pay on time. Thanks! "


                    • #25
                      been there done that and won't do it again

                      Our friends little guy was a nightmare so it was hard to kick him out. Ended up saying one day that its very stressful and I'm not sure what to do. and they said we can see if he can go back to grandmas daycare and I took my out. We are all fine friends still we don't ever talk about it so i dunno for sure if it bothered them but I felt bad. I just couldn't handle him. :dislike:

