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Got The Letter From The Lawyer Today

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  • Got The Letter From The Lawyer Today

    So, it's a 2 page letter that says that the dcm doesn't owe anything and if i pursue it she will countersue me for $400.

    I say bring it

  • #2
    I love how you put the 2 page letter into 16 words. Yeah, I counted them!

    She's just trying to scare you. You got this! GO GIRL


    • #3
      it's all a bunch of bs, he's quoting facebook messages and twisting them and taking stuff out of context. I wrote a reply, I haven't sent it yet though because I want to think long and hard about what I include, but right off the bat i told him that I didn't just fall off the turnip truck, if this were to see the inside of the court room our petty emails could neither hurt or help either side, they are emails, that can be copied and pasted, they can be altered, they could be faked, they aren't worth the paper they're printed on, so if all he's got are some emails, then he might want to rethink his approach.


      • #4
        I wouldn't even respond. Waste of time/effort.


        • #5
          I agree - as tempting as it is - don't even respond.


          • #6
            I agree, don't respond. you are giving them stuff to feed on. AND...remember how anxious you were awaiting the arrival of the email/letter? Just think how anxiously they are awaiting a response from you!


            • #7
              Originally posted by cillybean83 View Post
              it's all a bunch of bs, he's quoting facebook messages and twisting them and taking stuff out of context. I wrote a reply, I haven't sent it yet though because I want to think long and hard about what I include, but right off the bat i told him that I didn't just fall off the turnip truck, if this were to see the inside of the court room our petty emails could neither hurt or help either side, they are emails, that can be copied and pasted, they can be altered, they could be faked, they aren't worth the paper they're printed on, so if all he's got are some emails, then he might want to rethink his approach.
              As tempting as it would be to respond with some of the above, I'd either not reply at all or I'd keep it simple and professional and just let him know I had received his letter and plan to move forward.


              • #8
                Only the guilty get a lawyer before a lawsuit is brought against them.


                • #9
                  i wrote a response that was very lengthy, and I saved it. The response I am actually sending is:

                  Mr. ***xx

                  I received you letter on 1/14/2011. I have drafted a formal response to you opinions and accusations but rather than taking the time to mail the response, I would like to request a mediation between you, your client, and myself. Hopefully this meeting will work to bridge the gap between what your client wants, and what I'm prepared to offer. I am available to meet all week and I look forward to your response. If something can not be arranged this week, please note that I still plan to file my suit on the 24th as planned.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by cillybean83 View Post
                    So, it's a 2 page letter that says that the dcm doesn't owe anything and if i pursue it she will countersue me for $400.

                    I say bring it
                    On what grounds?

                    My response would have been "see you in court."

                    Yeesh - pretty soon you all will be having the parents sign a daily contract.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Pammie View Post
                      I agree - as tempting as it is - don't even respond.
                      Agree, what you give him now he can use in court. Give him nothing but a simple response that you will let a judge decide.


                      • #12
                        I thought the same, BUT maybe some of us have forgotten, or didn't know, that Cillybean was in school and was planning to become a lawyer. Or something of the sort, I'm probably messing that up, but she knows her law stuff and is dying to get in that court room!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by cillybean83 View Post
                          i wrote a response that was very lengthy, and I saved it. The response I am actually sending is:

                          Mr. ***xx

                          I received you letter on 1/14/2011. I have drafted a formal response to you opinions and accusations but rather than taking the time to mail the response, I would like to request a mediation between you, your client, and myself. Hopefully this meeting will work to bridge the gap between what your client wants, and what I'm prepared to offer. I am available to meet all week and I look forward to your response. If something can not be arranged this week, please note that I still plan to file my suit on the 24th as planned.
                          Actually this is the correct response. Looks like she knows what she is doing.


                          • #14
                            I would send something short & sweet - with emphasis on the sweet - saying "Thank you for your letter of X date. I plan to file on X date. Regards, Cillybean." Anything you say at this point can be twisted, so I wouldn't give him much to go on.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by cillybean83 View Post
                              i wrote a response that was very lengthy, and I saved it. The response I am actually sending is:

                              Mr. ***xx

                              I received you letter on 1/14/2011. I have drafted a formal response to you opinions and accusations but rather than taking the time to mail the response, I would like to request a mediation between you, your client, and myself. Hopefully this meeting will work to bridge the gap between what your client wants, and what I'm prepared to offer. I am available to meet all week and I look forward to your response. If something can not be arranged this week, please note that I still plan to file my suit on the 24th as planned.
                              i think this is perfect except i personally would leave out the part i bolded.

