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DCB Turning 1 In 2 Wks...No More Bottles?!?

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  • DCB Turning 1 In 2 Wks...No More Bottles?!?

    DCM comes in this morning @ 6:30 announces 11 1/2 mo old doesnt need a bottle anymore! He is here from 6:30 til 3 pm, she hands me a sippy cup and says he can have juice. She hasnt switched him from formula to milk yet, so I cant give him milk. Is she serious? I have 2 other 1 1/2 yrs olds the babygirl still has her bottle the babyboy has a cup that looks more like a bottle, its like a sippy with a soft nuk mouth. So Im suppose to just give them theirs and ya know the 11 1/2 month old is going to be like what the heck wheres mine?
    ok what do I do, say something to first time mom? or just give DCB a bottle anyways, or just listen to fuss all day with a cup?

  • #2
    I switched my dcb at one to a sippy cup before his mom did. He was having a sippy cup at meals with his milk and a couple of bottles during the day. One day, instead of the bottle, I handed him the sippy with his milk. He drank it right down. Never used the bottle again. Told Mom how he did and she was excited. She told me when she tried at home he really fussed. I told her, just to hid the bottles and only offer the cup.

    After one week, I sent the bottle home with Mom.

    She tried it the next week, hid the bottles, and he took his cup.

    BTW, I have a 9 mo and 5 mo old, so he sees bottles all day long., never fusses.


    • #3
      I do not give the bottle after 1. They do not need it. The point of the bottle is to make sure that infants are getting the appropriate nutrition. By one, they should be eating solids well and do not need a bottle.


      • #4
        So do you just offer the sippy cup at snack and lunch time? I have a just turned 1 yr old dcb and we are starting to wean the bottle, so we're going to take out the middle bottle so he'll just have his am bottle and hope to get the rest from his cup at meals but I don't know if he'll drink enough milk. He doesn't particularly like the cup, he'll drink from it but not a lot, oh and he wouldn't use a sippy cup we had to use a straw.


        • #5
          I have parents do all major transitions at home first. I di not stop bottles until 12 months. I feed all babies under 12 months formula or breastmilk BC that is proper nutrition. I don't switch over to milk until mom and dad have and I don't wean kids from bottles. That is a parenting responsibility.


          • #6
            I wouldn't normally "wean" someone elses child, but this little guy was picking up dcg's cup and starting to drink out of it. I leave the cups on the kids table in the kitchen, so they can drink when they need it. So I thought, why not, and just started giving him is own cup on the table too (not just at meals), he took right to it! Btw, this little guy is like having a grandchild, so Mom was excited. She didn't feel I was taking her job.


            • #7
              You don't help assist the parent if they say they are cutting back bottles? My dcm said they are starting to wean him and asked my suggestion of which bottle first, I told her I thought the middle day bottle so she said ok, I do what the parents are doing and help them.


              • #8
                Originally posted by tenderhearts View Post
                You don't help assist the parent if they say they are cutting back bottles?
                This DCM isn't cutting back or weaning, she is asking the OP to stop all bottles and formula. Cutting back I will help with, but having an 11 month old drink only juice while in my care and taking ALL bottles away out of the blue? No. I think it is wrong for this DCM to ask her provider to stop bottles cold turkey. Plus this child is off formula and has not started milk. Babies need the fats from formula and breastmilk for brain development. Juice is not an acceptable alternative to formula or breastmilk.

                I have all babies on sippy cups by 8 months here. Usually the transition to sippy cups is easy in my program.

                1. It is not proper nutrition for an 11.5 month old to go 8.5 waking hours with only juice to drink. A BABY under the age of 12 months is supposed to be drinking breastmilk or formula, not juice. Proper nutrition dictates that I give a child that age whole fruits and veggies, not juice.

                2. I am not dealing with the tantrums that this child would have by watching other babies drink from bottles bc his mother decided she is done with bottles. If she wants him off bottles at 11.5 months, she needs to do the hard part at home and wean him off. I don't do the cold turkey thing for bottles. I am not the parent, it is not my job.


                • #9
                  I decide when the switch over. When they are willing and able (without any adult involvement) to drink four ounces of milk from our cups then they switch.


                  • #10
                    I start them on a sippy when they start a spoon. By about 10-11 mo they want less bottles. Transition is easy then.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Crystal View Post
                      I do not give the bottle after 1. They do not need it. The point of the bottle is to make sure that infants are getting the appropriate nutrition. By one, they should be eating solids well and do not need a bottle.


                      • #12
                        If you are on the food program that is their guideline. Pretty much what happens here.
                        I see little people.


                        • #13

                          I start them early here to and they seem to not really care if the have it or not and I just get rid of it. Normally at a year you can put formula in a cup to. But I would let her know the food program does not allow for the juice. You have to have them on milk by 1 also. I have a child that has not had a bottle since she was 13 months and she is almost 2 and still has one at night. Another one that still has one at night and she is 21/2 yrs old. crazy


                          • #14
                            I had a dcm years ago who fed her boys breastmilk until they were 5 years old. She put it in a cup when they were ready for a sippy and just brought me frozen breastmilk as needed. (They stopped actual nursing while infants) I had a little boy ask me once why Teddy always got special milk and could he have some too..."ummm, nope sorry." After the two boys turned 5 mom switched to almond milk. Never allowed to have any dairy each his own....


                            • #15
                              my son was doing sooooo good on his sippy cup, well he got really sick and reverted back to wanting a bottle to sleep with....he'll be 13 months on the 19th :\

                              after he's over whatever the heck it is that he has, we're starting from scratch and taking the bottle all over again

