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  • Advertising

    Happy New Year my fellow providers, Do you guys have any luck advertising on facebook, also anyone doing the rating system program,I was going to give it a try,but one I went to the classes and listen, it was just too crazy,after doing this for 20 yrs.I just don't see what's the point,I rather get my rating from my parents. thanks for the responses

  • #2
    No, none at all. I have actually learned to use Facebook more strategically and that's been far more helpful. One of my parents is a photographer and social media marketing specialist for our local library and she gave me some tips.

    Tips: (for business pages)
    *When you attend local events with the kids, check in
    *Take some amazing individual shots of the kids doing fun things. Parents will share these shots but most won't share group shots out of respect.
    *Don't spam your followers
    *Share specific information about special events, what you're learning in class, etc.
    * make sure you have photo releases


    • #3
      I had a lot of success advertising on facebook. I was newer as a licensed provider when I used it, I paid for an ad for 2 months ad got lots of calls and emails. I also use my daily facebook posts as advertising, like the PP mentioned. I have releases for everyone. I do a variety of posts, I get a mixture of likes and shares. Parents like and share pics of their kids, and other providers and teachers share pics of activities like my candy cane science day, or painting with cars today. On posts that seem more curriculum and activity focused than just a cute kid I often don't show the children, so other's don't feel weird sharing it.

      I also have gotten tons of hits from

