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Did I Do the Right Thing?

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  • Did I Do the Right Thing?

    Last week, my dcm never paid the $70 she still owed me for the week. I reminded her and she said "I'll just give it to you with the next 2 weeks payment." I assumed she meant she'd get it all to me the next day. She didn't. I am to be paid Fridays and she didn't pay. She showed up this morning $65 short for covering last week and this week, so I reminded her payment is due FRIDAY in ADVANCE of care, so she would have to take her daughter and get the rest of the money for the week. They've been gone 30-45 minutes, so I don't think they're coming back today.

    My policy states:
    I require payments to be made in advance of childcare services. All payments are due on Friday for the upcoming week of care."

    The dcg is a terror. She had me in tears on Thursday because she was so terrible. And dcm acts like I'm the enemy and won't communicate at all. This is their first time using daycare and my first clients, so it's been a steep learning curve.

    I guess long story short, I'm wondering if I did the right thing by sending them away for nonpayment?

  • #2
    Originally posted by BBurris1 View Post
    Last week, my dcm never paid the $70 she still owed me for the week. I reminded her and she said "I'll just give it to you with the next 2 weeks payment." I assumed she meant she'd get it all to me the next day. She didn't. I am to be paid Fridays and she didn't pay. She showed up this morning $65 short for covering last week and this week, so I reminded her payment is due FRIDAY in ADVANCE of care, so she would have to take her daughter and get the rest of the money for the week. They've been gone 30-45 minutes, so I don't think they're coming back today.

    My policy states:
    I require payments to be made in advance of childcare services. All payments are due on Friday for the upcoming week of care."

    The dcg is a terror. She had me in tears on Thursday because she was so terrible. And dcm acts like I'm the enemy and won't communicate at all. This is their first time using daycare and my first clients, so it's been a steep learning curve.

    I guess long story short, I'm wondering if I did the right thing by sending them away for nonpayment?
    Do you want to work for free?

    Then you did the right thing.

    I understand feeling bad....I do often times too but it doesn't change the fact that this is MY job and how I pay my bills. I am not my clients grandma, aunt, sister or friend....I am the child care provider they PAY to provide services to them therefore if I am not paid, I do NOT work.

    You did the right thing.


    • #3
      Yes you did the right thing but I hope you had at least the partial payment in hand?


      • #4
        Originally posted by nanglgrl View Post
        Yes you did the right thing but I hope you had at least the partial payment in hand?
        I did. I had all but $65.
        This family just grinds my gears!


        • #5
          Yes you did the right thing. I can tell you from experience if you let people slide on payment, they will keep doing it and eventually leave you owing a bunch of money that you will never see. Hang in there you will find the right group!


          • #6
            Yes, if you continue to provide services without payment, the parent may continue to accrue charges. The larger the bill gets, the harder it becomes for a parent to catch up. In my opinion, you don't do parents any favors by allowing them to get behind.

            And, your policies are only meaningful to parents if you enforce them. Today you did. It's hard to take a stand and enforce them but it's so important in this business.


            • #7
              Today is Monday, she's lucky you didn't also tack on late fees for not having it to you on Friday!

              As hard as it was you did the right thing! Sounds like this would become a real pattern with them. Please update if she does come back!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Crazy8 View Post
                Today is Monday, she's lucky you didn't also tack on late fees for not having it to you on Friday!

                As hard as it was you did the right thing! Sounds like this would become a real pattern with them. Please update if she does come back!
                She did come back after about an hour. She handed me the rest of the money for this week and next, gave an excuse about it being hard to get the cash and get here on time for pick up on Fridays, then left.


                • #9
                  You did the right thing. If you owned a clothing store, would you let a customer take a shirt off your rack and tell you that they'd be back to pay you next week? It's HARD to put your foot down-the nature of our business makes our client relationships more personal than many businesses, but it's how you pay your bills. Why should you risk paying your utility bill late so that someone else can pay theirs on time? What I'm saying is: You must take care of your business or you'll end up unable to pay your own bills.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by BBurris1 View Post
                    She did come back after about an hour. She handed me the rest of the money for this week and next, gave an excuse about it being hard to get the cash and get here on time for pick up on Fridays, then left.
                    That's not your problem. Maybe she needs to run to the bank on her lunch break.


                    • #11
                      Yes, you did the right thing.

                      And, I'd term today while you are ahead.

                      The *second* a child's behavior has me in tears is their LAST day.
                      Add to that blatant disrespect by mom?
                      PEACE OUT.


                      • #12
                        Does the gas company allow non payment? nope!

                        You absolutely did the right thing. Might be time to term them anyway. In business sometimes being "nice" doesn't work. The person you need to be nice to is yourself. You provide a service and you expect a payment. It's pretty straight forward and simple so why isn't she getting it?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Ariana View Post
                          Does the gas company allow non payment? nope!

                          You absolutely did the right thing. Might be time to term them anyway. In business sometimes being "nice" doesn't work. The person you need to be nice to is yourself. You provide a service and you expect a payment. It's pretty straight forward and simple so why isn't she getting it?
                          She is the only child in care right now (other than my DS), so I need her to pay the bills. As soon as I have enough other kids signed on to pay the bills, she will be termed. Until then, I have to make due :-/


                          • #14
                            Make do for now and put an ad out. As soon as you fill the spot, term. It will continue and her problems shouldn't become yours. Good job on sticking to your guns, it's hard to do! :hug:


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by BBurris1 View Post
                              She is the only child in care right now (other than my DS), so I need her to pay the bills. As soon as I have enough other kids signed on to pay the bills, she will be termed. Until then, I have to make due :-/
                              Then you will have to keep dealing with her BS. Pretty simple.

