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OMG toddler kicked by schoolager while swinging

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  • OMG toddler kicked by schoolager while swinging

    Poor little man! He's down for nap now, and it's not as bad as it could be, but of course I'm sitting right next to him just to make sure he's ok, mom declined to pick up. He'll probably have some bruising and has a little scratch, but I feel soooooooo bad! This is the first time any of the kids have been injured in my care, and of course it would have to be the baby! We go out everyday, usually multiple time a day, and I've had some near misses but so far nothing like this has happened. I'm always right on top of him, but today I dropped the ball. I turned around to help my 2.5 yo with the little tikes car and as soon as I did, dcb ran full speed toward his 11 yo sister who was sitting on the other swing, not moving, just as my 6 yo was swinging up, and they connected. Dcb was crying, 6 yo was crying saying "it was an accident! I didn't mean to!" I'm crying. Uhg. I feel so low right now.

  • #2
    Unfortunately, accidents like this happen when kids play together. If he has an 11 year old sister, his parents most likely understand how this kind of thing can happen even when you are carefully supervising the kids. I know how upsetting it can be, though, to you as well as the kids involved. Take a deep breath and try to relax a little. :hug:


    • #3
      That happened when I was a fcc aid once. The big kid was a very huge 4 year old and the little kid was a very tiny 2. We actually had to call 911, she was convulsing. It was so scary. We called the parents and they met us at the park right away. The child was fine. Later, the unbelievable provider asked me why I told the parents!? I don't know what she thought I was going to say- lie? Idk! But I decided that I could not trust an fcc provider after that even though I wanted to have that job myself! I quit working for her after awhile. She was also defrauding the state apparently. In conclusion, sounds like your experience didn't go as bad! So that's good.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Unregistered View Post
        That happened when I was a fcc aid once. The big kid was a very huge 4 year old and the little kid was a very tiny 2. We actually had to call 911, she was convulsing. It was so scary. We called the parents and they met us at the park right away. The child was fine. Later, the unbelievable provider asked me why I told the parents!? I don't know what she thought I was going to say- lie? Idk! But I decided that I could not trust an fcc provider after that even though I wanted to have that job myself! I quit working for her after awhile. She was also defrauding the state apparently. In conclusion, sounds like your experience didn't go as bad! So that's good.
        Wow! No, it certainly wasn't that bad. Dcb woke up happy and ready to go, like nothing ever happened, though he does have slight bruising and a good sized goose egg. I called his mom as soon as I got everyone inside and looked him over good. If my kid had that happen I would sure like to know immediately. Also, you never know about head injuries. If it was my toddler (16 mos old-serious stuff) I'd take him to the ER just in case. I do know that I'll never allow kids on the swings as long as littles are outside, ever again. Thank God he was ok and mom was understanding. I'm so lucky it was mild as far as these things go.


        • #5
          Kids and accidents go together. It happens and because they're not our own children I think we worry 10x as much. I mean of course we worry when things happen to ours too but it's a whole different ballgame when it's someone else's child.
          I had a 2 yo run into a tire swing which someone was swinging on at the time. Knocked her right down. And when you're watching something like that happen it feels like those slow motion scenes you see.
          Accidents happen anywhere and anytime, under our watch or someone else's. When my brother was in 1st grade he ran into slide on the playground and had to have stitches. My nephew took swimming lessons when he was little and knocked out his front teeth before they were ready to come out.
          Your dck is okay, be gentle with yourself.


          • #6
            Glad everyone is okay.

            I don't allow kids to swing if little ones are out anymore. Thankfully in my state SA kids can be outside with out me, so I send the big kids out first and tell them to swing until we come out. But it's butts only, straight up and down swinging or they lose that too. The littles just don't understand why they can't walk by the swings and the bigger ones don't always see them.

            I'd get rid of my swings but my own kids still use them on weekends.

