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Where Do You Nap?

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  • Where Do You Nap?

    I'm sure this has been discussed before. I do not have a lot of experience with daycares so I am always curious about almost everything. Where do your dc kids nap? Right now I have the 3 yr olds in the living room, (sometimes my son will go to his room bc he is a bad napper and will keep the other one up). The 19 m.o. in a separate room in a pack n play. My 10 m.o. will either sleep on the living room floor or her crib, but usually she refuses to nap too. I am starting a newborn soon and trying to figure out the best place for her to nap since she will *hopefully* sleep more than the others. Also, do you use your playroom (if you have ob5e)as a nap area as well?

  • #2
    I am legally unlicensed so not bound by licensing rules. My main nap area is the playroom on the lower level. This is reserved for my established nappers. Those that don't nap well are separated from the group (in pack n plays in bedrooms on main level). I always start a newbie in a separate area, guage how well they nap, and then move them to the main group as quickly as possible.

    I have a tough group of nappers this go round but usually everyone naps well together in the same room.


    • #3
      I use my playroom. It's large--there's plenty of room to space kids apart and have barriers to prevent them from playing with each other during nap. Soon I will have an infant starting, and she will nap in an extra bedroom, since her schedule will be different from the older kids.


      • #4
        My playroom is my living room and nap room


        • #5
          My preschoolers nap in the main daycare room (living room). My toddlers nap in the infant/toddler room (one of the bedrooms) and my infant sleeps in a PNP right in the kitchen/dining room area. My state requires direct supervision for infants at ALL times as well as physically checking on them every 10-15 minutes.

          In response to the title of your thread "where do you nap?"..... I nap standing up. Usually in small increments of stolen time throughout the day. ::


          • #6
            I have a group of very light sleepers, so they are spread out everywhere! One in my room, one in my daughter's room, two in my other daughter's room, and the newborn in the office off of our living room/daycare area.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post

              In response to the title of your thread "where do you nap?"..... I nap standing up. Usually in small increments of stolen time throughout the day. ::
              I prefer in my bed. But sometimes the couch is empty so I grab a pillow.

              But I use the playroom and living room.


              • #8
                Playroom. Bad nappers are separated into bedrooms.


                • #9
                  Little ones in cribs in a spare bedroom. Older ones in the playroom. Infants in my dining room for first few months so I can have be close by as they sleep. If I have a troubled napper than they go in a bedroom. Some days I feel like I have kids sleeping everywhere but it works.l


                  • #10
                    Any child over one sleeps in the play room on a nap mat with their favorite blanket. I also use a spare room right beside the play room to nap anyone under one in PNP's. I have also used the "baby room" to separate toddler nappers if one is having a particularly hard time laying down. These rooms are on my 2nd level. If I have a fussy infant while I have others sleeping, I will take them down to my main level. It is lots of steps to run up and down to check on them every 15 minutes, but then I get my exercise in


                    • #11
                      All mine nap in the playroom no matter the age.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by a.lenz.girl View Post
                        Any child over one sleeps in the play room on a nap mat with their favorite blanket. I also use a spare room right beside the play room to nap anyone under one in PNP's. I have also used the "baby room" to separate toddler nappers if one is having a particularly hard time laying down. These rooms are on my 2nd level. If I have a fussy infant while I have others sleeping, I will take them down to my main level. It is lots of steps to run up and down to check on them every 15 minutes, but then I get my exercise in
                        Do you have a hard time keeping the 1-2 yr olds on a mat? I have a 18 mo that I want to transition from a pack n play to a mat. She is a great napper in the pack n play tho so i don't want to ruin a good thing I just want to open up a pack n play for the new baby rather than buy another and take up more space.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by momneedscoffee View Post
                          Do you have a hard time keeping the 1-2 yr olds on a mat? I have a 18 mo that I want to transition from a pack n play to a mat. She is a great napper in the pack n play tho so i don't want to ruin a good thing I just want to open up a pack n play for the new baby rather than buy another and take up more space.
                          Ad long as your transition child is on the same schedule as your older toddlers, it should be an easy transition. I usually start the transition by sitting next to the mat and rub their back until they fall asleep. Then, in about a week I can just sit by them without touching them. Then, in about another week I can be present in the room, but not right beside them and they know to be still. Mine usually transition quickly. As long as there is no toys or other distractions, they catch on quick.


                          • #14
                            I have all of mine nap in the play room, but I have a baby starting next week who I will be putting in our bedroom. The 2 & unders sleep in a pack n play and the 3 & up sleep on cots. I'd like to transition my current 2 yr old onto a cot though to save room in the play room since it's so small, but so far she's not even close to being ready


                            • #15
                              I have dedicated daycare room, all of the children sleep in there.

