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Ugh Annoying Husband/Potential Clients

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  • Ugh Annoying Husband/Potential Clients

    12:45 and nap time had just begun. I had kids at 5:30 am and will until 7:30 pm. I was very much looking forward to nap, obviously. One of my 5:30 am kiddos is screamer boy who needs but fights nap and I'm also transitioning a new21 mo, who, thank god, is an angel. There's my back story. New family called on Monday needing care and was supposed to call yesterday for an interview. Never called. Guess who shows up ringing my doorbell at 12:45? They thought they'd "just stop by". Uh, no. So screamer is woke up, of course, and doing what he does best. They want a copy of my contract to look over. Whatever. I hand them the copy (they are still outside on my front stoop) and here comes my husband. Apparently he knows one of them and INVITES them in! Between the screaming baby and my loud talker husband(we nap in the living room right off my entryway) now my own 2 yo is up and wailing and my angel baby is starting to cry! Enough is enough. I interrupt their freakin high school reunion to ask them to please call in the future and asked my hubby if he'd mind stepping outside to finish his conversation. He tells me that I was being extremely rude? Wth! Never mind the screaming kids, let's just sit here and chat.Let alone the fact that I'm sure none of my other parents would be cool with complete strangers hanging out around their kids. Ugh. People just don't get it. I want to see THEM get 4-6 toddlers napping! Most can't even manage 1! Ok, rant over.

  • #2
    Originally posted by auntymimi View Post
    12:45 and nap time had just begun. I had kids at 5:30 am and will until 7:30 pm. I was very much looking forward to nap, obviously. One of my 5:30 am kiddos is screamer boy who needs but fights nap and I'm also transitioning a new21 mo, who, thank god, is an angel. There's my back story. New family called on Monday needing care and was supposed to call yesterday for an interview. Never called. Guess who shows up ringing my doorbell at 12:45? They thought they'd "just stop by". Uh, no. So screamer is woke up, of course, and doing what he does best. They want a copy of my contract to look over. Whatever. I hand them the copy (they are still outside on my front stoop) and here comes my husband. Apparently he knows one of them and INVITES them in! Between the screaming baby and my loud talker husband(we nap in the living room right off my entryway) now my own 2 yo is up and wailing and my angel baby is starting to cry! Enough is enough. I interrupt their freakin high school reunion to ask them to please call in the future and asked my hubby if he'd mind stepping outside to finish his conversation. He tells me that I was being extremely rude? Wth! Never mind the screaming kids, let's just sit here and chat.Let alone the fact that I'm sure none of my other parents would be cool with complete strangers hanging out around their kids. Ugh. People just don't get it. I want to see THEM get 4-6 toddlers napping! Most can't even manage 1! Ok, rant over.
    I'm sorry. :hug:

    Been there. All it takes is one tiny little thing to set the ball in motion for all sorts of other little things.....little things that add up and make big things.

    I'm sorry your DH didn't "get it" and I'm sorry that family was so inconsiderate. If it were me, it would be the deciding factor as to whether they enrolled or not. And for me, it would be a no.

    I hope your day gets better. :hug:


    • #3
      I agree w pp. no offer to enroll and a STERN REMINDER to DH about who runs the daycare.


      • #4
        Oh, heck no! You don't mess with naptime!


        • #5
          You guys are too awesome! I really didn't even expect any replies, just kid of "releasing to the universe" .


          • #6
            You are a saint!!



            • #7
              Originally posted by auntymimi View Post
              You guys are too awesome! I really didn't even expect any replies, just kid of "releasing to the universe" .
              Ha! I read to my husband. His response....
              He's an idiot. You don't mess w nap. Ever.

              :-) smart man I raised. Huh?


              • #8
                I wouldn't enroll them for just dropping in when they pleased. And DH would be caring for kids the rest of the day while I watched a movie in my room . Okay really he wouldn't because I would pay for it in other ways, like a destroyed house .


                • #9

                  Sometimes it takes a reminder of how important nap time is - like asking DH to watch the kids for you for a minute and come back in 20. I kid, I kid.


                  • #10
                    Yeah- the "just dropping by" would be enough for me to say no way to that family. And I tell my wife any child she wakes up from naptime is hers for the rest of the day AFTER they get a cup of mountain dew and a pack of ho hos.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Thriftylady View Post
                      I wouldn't enroll them for just dropping in when they pleased. And DH would be caring for kids the rest of the day while I watched a movie in my room . Okay really he wouldn't because I would pay for it in other ways, like a destroyed house .
                      Although I agree about not allowing them to drop in, if you look up questions to ask potential providers it almost always says to show up unexpected. That way they don't have time ti prepare and 'hide' any bad things.

                      I would calmly explain that did the safety of the children, I don't Allow drop in interviews. Then they would have to blow me away to even be considered for a spot!


                      • #12
                        Wow! Talk about being a hypocrite! They're the ones being RUDE!


                        • #13
                          Seriously I have threatened my family for years about this.My children were trained to not make noise between 1 and 3;30.I had a sign on the door and a no ring sign on bell. My husband was laid off for 11/2 years and I threw him out everyday with the dog.Unemployed daughter also spent nap time at the library. As far as new clients ,charge them more(kidding)and tell them when they can interview.Send your husband food shopping while they will be there. So annoying to have your day messed up.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by sahm1225 View Post
                            Although I agree about not allowing them to drop in, if you look up questions to ask potential providers it almost always says to show up unexpected. That way they don't have time ti prepare and 'hide' any bad things.

                            I would calmly explain that did the safety of the children, I don't Allow drop in interviews. Then they would have to blow me away to even be considered for a spot!
                            I cannot allow drop-ins due to the way I end up with some of my babies (Foster & Shelter kids - sometimes last minute); I have to protect them as well as others in my care - as such my address & phone# are never on my website or in ads because there have been times I have to go "on lockdown" because parents might be losing custody that day or a mom is running from an abusive spouse and is getting a court order ... A parent wants care they can send me a message thru my website and they can meet me after hrs. It's why I never do pics of the outside of my home too. Less chance of somebody driving by and recognizing my house


                            • #15
                              So they called this evening and they will not be enrolled. Dcd and gf have "the baby" for 2 weeks out of the month, the other 2 she spends with mom in the next state over. They want full time for the 2 weeks she's here but don't want to pay for the other 2 she won't be attending. :: Nope. They "need" upwards of 12 hours care. I cap at 9 for babies. They then tell me she's 4! I guess they refer to her as a baby? Okaaaayy. Still, my cap hours in that case would be 10. I charge 8 dollars an hour after 10 hours. Just because I have kids here doesn't mean I want yours moving in. Anyway, gf then says, "oh, well dcd is laid off, so maybe he could pick her up early. He just gets sick of babysitting. That's why we need a daycare". Uh, also no. Can they start tomorrow morning? Uh, no. Where oh where are the normal families! I really think it's my area. And it's not called babysitting, it's called visitation!

