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DCM Got A Lawyer....Over $350

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  • #31
    yeah I remember that was the woman! .

    Is the 400 for breaking the contract legal though?

    I know I could never do that!


    • #32
      I can't see why it wouldn't be legal. I require 1 months written notice when parents want to leave daycare, or they can choose to pay for the final month of care and leave without attending, it's up to them. This nutjob decided to up and leave which meant that she chose to pay the 1 month in leiu of notice, I charge $100 per week so that would have been $400 she owed.


      • #33
        ooooh ok, I thought you were saying that ONTOP of all of those. LOL. It sounded more like a charge then the leiu of.


        • #34
          I wish I could throw in a couple thousand for her being stupid and annoying, but the judge might not go for that


          • #35
            HAHA, don't we all?

            I am hoping I never have to go to court.
            I sent that certified letter re: the deposit, I know they read it, they never responded. I know it's not good for business, but I'm not pursuing it. Not worth it to me. If I had ACTUALLY provided a service and they didn't pay that would be different. I was just annoyed that they knew I had interviews the next morning, and insisted on coming before those interviews. It was my mistake to allow it, LIVE AND LEARN.

