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Can A Man Open A Daycare Business Or Just Woman? What Do Yall Think, Please Help

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  • #16
    Do you have any tips I should worries about or any challenges I will face a male daycare ?? Any tips I should recommend taking it before starting in this business field so I will know or expect . Any tips or helpful will be greatly appreciated , thank you


    • #17
      Don't know your college/ education level, but if you don't have some ECE hours I would take them (online or local community college). Rather than start out on your own if possible I would look into working for someone else (home or center either one) so you have a fair idea of what the job entails before you get to sink or swim stage.

      Like I said- the 10-15% of people who will give you grief will be a PITA, but handling them is something you will pick up on pretty quick in your own style. Otherwise it's the same pressures any provider faces. It can be thankless, isolating, and long hours dealing with kids who at times will be like something out of the exorcist and parents who will leave you somewhere between cussing and shaking your head. But it also can be very rewarding, fun, and a good deal for your family.


      • #18
        Currently enrolled at a community college and majoring in business administration . but will take some ECE

