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Transition Trouble With My Own Son

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  • Transition Trouble With My Own Son

    Currently i have my 4yr old enrolled in preschool 1/2 day 2 days a week, thinking that would be good for him to be around other adults before kindie next year. However when he gets dropped off home he is rude and constantly picking on one othet daycare kid onhave here. His behavior usually last 1 hr until nap. I have tried talking to him about it and why hes acting up. For a while i gave him some extra attention when he got home thinking he was acting up because he felt like he was missing out on things here. That didnt work so then i took the approach to not discuss morning activities at all. Since i dont usually pick up im not sure if there is something going on at his preschool thats bringing this out. We have conferences on wed so my husband will talk to teachers about things then. He gets consequences for his misbehavior but its to the there point were all he gets is negative attention as soon as he walks in the door. Im not sure what else to do... after nap time everyone is back to getting along; not sure why this this is happening, how come its only one of the daycare kids or what to do to smooth this transition out.

  • #2
    Sounds like he's just tired and still needs a nap or could benefit from an early bedtime.


    • #3
      He is likely tired and has been on his best behavior while at school. Once he's home it is safe to let off steam.

      My ds was every teachers dream and terror for me for the first hour or so after school. As a 6yo I asked him why this was and he said "Because you have to love me.".


      • #4
        I think he is just letting his frustration out when he gets home. He is on his best behavior at school and then lets it out once he feels the comfort of his own home. We all do it!!

        It may also just be really loud and chaotic at school and he gets tired more easily so he gets cranky before nap. When my sensitive child started half day kinder she was regularly falling asleep on the bus on the way home!!


        • #5
          I agree with everyone else. He loves you and can let loose:hug: If it wasn't better after nap, if you were getting notes home from the teachers, etc. then I'd be concerned.

          He sounds like a normal 4 yo boy

