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FB Gets So Many in Trouble...

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  • FB Gets So Many in Trouble...

    Local provider posted on FB this morning that after finally enrolling a DCF several weeks after reopening her DC, they told her they would no longer be needing her services. This happened about a half hour after she posted on her FB page blatantly placing the blame for her illness on their kids, and how sick/miserable she is.

    All she says may be true, but I think many forget how very public their FB pages are. I'd bet that DCF sees her posts whether she knows it or not. I hope she figures that out.

  • #2
    Originally posted by KIDZRMYBIZ View Post
    Local provider posted on FB this morning that after finally enrolling a DCF several weeks after reopening her DC, they told her they would no longer be needing her services. This happened about a half hour after she posted on her FB page blatantly placing the blame for her illness on their kids, and how sick/miserable she is.

    All she says may be true, but I think many forget how very public their FB pages are. I'd bet that DCF sees her posts whether she knows it or not. I hope she figures that out.
    I don't like Facebook. I rarely post there. And never, ever anything about my work.


    • #3
      I post NOTHING about daycare on personal page for this reason. In fact, I don't post much at all anymore. Almost all my activity is on my private daycare Facebook page for the parents. You have to be so careful of what you say because you never know who is going to see it or hear about it.


      • #4
        I hate FB....when I was on FB, i think 90% of what I read was fabricated:: I found out things I did not want nor need to know


        • #5
          I don't have a personal facebook. When I did, I never vented or aired any dirty laundry there. Many employers even browse social media before hiring. I know I look up potential daycare parents!


          • #6
            I would never post anything anywhere that I wouldn't say out loud TO the person.

            If everyone conducted themselves that way, they could easily avoid social media drama.

            It's such a simple concept.
            Last edited by Blackcat31; 11-19-2015, 08:41 AM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
              I would never post anything anywhere that I wouldn't say out loud TO the person.

              If everyone conducted themselves that way, there could easily avoid social media drama.

              It's such a simple concept.
              I am the same way. I am even careful what I share that other people post.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Blackcat31 View Post
                I would never post anything anywhere that I wouldn't say out loud TO the person.

                If everyone conducted themselves that way, they could easily avoid social media drama.

                It's such a simple concept.

                I've been on Facebook for years though I rarely post. When I do I only post positive things - and sure I know some think that's being "fake" but I don't see any reason to air dirty laundry in public. Ever.
                If I have people on my friends list who are drama mamas I hide their posts and then eventually cull my friends list.


                • #9
                  I do have a personal Facebook page but I never post anything negative about my daycare or my clients, I actually very rarely even mention my daycare. I do mention it and sometimes I share posts from my business page onto my personal page when we do cute activities etc. but they are vague ... and again, never negative.

                  My business Facebook page is public and where I post photos of my space, articles, tidbits of information about my daycare, activities that we do etc. Again, always positive. I would never EVER think to post anything negative about my clients or my daycare. I'd be sabotaging myself in my own business.

                  I'm also in makeup direct sales and see how other people both in my company and in other companies post online in social media and I cringe at some of the things that they post. Social media can be a HUGE advertising asset but sometimes I feel like someone should offer an online advertising 101 class of do's and don't


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by MarinaVanessa View Post
                    I do have a personal Facebook page but I never post anything negative about my daycare or my clients, I actually very rarely even mention my daycare.
                    That's pretty much me also. My facebook stuff is pretty much family, knifemaking stuff, jokes and other general stuff. Considering my sense of humor and some of my more "unique" friends, it's probably better DCFs aren't friends with me.


                    • #11
                      I am not friends with any of my clients and only talk about daycare stuff on the private FB page or on here ::


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Annalee View Post
                        I hate FB....when I was on FB, i think 90% of what I read was fabricated:: I found out things I did not want nor need to know
                        I agree. It's ridiculous.


                        • #13
                          I only use Facebook to post our projects of the day. No kids pictures or anything. Just our art work or science project. It's good advertising. I have a waiting list because of it.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by TwinMama View Post
                            I only use Facebook to post our projects of the day. No kids pictures or anything. Just our art work or science project. It's good advertising. I have a waiting list because of it.
                            That's a good idea. I don't like to post pics of the kids either. Maybe they wouldn't like that when they themselves get older. Who am I to make that decision for them?

